
My name is Cyndi and I need to lose about 80lbs. I was in an accident on Saturday and while I was pinned underneath the car I decided that I needed to make a lot of changes in my life, I want my walk with Jesus my saviour to be a healthy walk as well as a spirutal walk, but I need help and lots of support. I heard about this site this morning and decided I would give it a shot, I hope to make some new friends here that are willing and able to help me acheive my goal.. God bless you all.:smile:


  • pootles
    pootles Posts: 6
    Lots and lots of luck in achieving your goal! xx
  • jackieandbill91
    My name is Jackie and I also heard about this site this morning. I would be happy to support you on this journey. We both have a long way to go but we'll get there!:smile: