fast food disaster

muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
ever get that occasional craving for that oh so tasty yet oh so disgusting psuedo-edible food-like stuff we dub "fast food"?

well mine hit today and its always the same (and only about 1x a year, thankfully) - mcds big mac meal.

i tried to resist.... i really did.... even waited til I was in my own neighborhood (25 miles of hwy driving!) hoping the craving would dissipate. yeah, no.

i'm here to warn you... DON'T DO IT!!! RESIST!!!!! lol...

wow. bad idea but it was totally what I wanted. BUT DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we all know its a bad idea, and sometimes, we really get close to caving. this time, I did..... oops? so that's it.


  • DanniJNoles
    TWO WORDS FOR YOU . . . IT HAPPENS. You just can't let it get to you. Burn those calories and move on. Keep up the good work!
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    The Big Mac Meal is my weakness, too. It goes against everything I stand for from a nutritional and personal standpoint, but sometimes you just can't deny yourself. Like you said, it only happens once or twice a year, so don't be hard on yourself over it--just because you gave in once doesn't mean you're ruined... and if you'd completely resisted, chances are you would have compensated by eating a lot of something else that you didn't really want, leaving you feeling unsatisfied (that's what happens to me). Of course, you can't give in to every craving, but something *once a year*, I figure you might as well go for it.
  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    I've always heard that giving in on cravings are a good thing too, as you may then attempt to "make up" for it by eating a lot of other stuff you don't need, even if you aren't hungry! Maybe next time when the craving hits you could just eat half a Big Mac.

    I have a coworker that bakes the most delicious cakes ever. Well with it sitting on the counter you're just bound to be tempted by it. I caved in, but had the teenist piece that the knife was cut. Got my fix of cake and I was set for the day!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    but 1100 cals??? ONE meal?

    criminy. Half of that is the bun - I just know it. LOL

    I'm AGAIN starting over. I'm having a harder time sticking with this than I did quitting 20 years of nicotine!!! This is AWFUL.

    Maybe if I'd actually lost some weight in the last 6 months, it wouldn't be so bad.