My 1st ever before & after pics...68 lbs lost, 36 lbs to go

Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
I have never posted before & afters. I really don't have any before pics, since I didn't allow myself to be photographed when I was so overweight. But I was able to dig one out...below is me, in July 2011, weighing 234 lbs. (This was taken right after I finished a run, btw.)

And the reason for posting a pic today is because I'm wearing size 10 pants to work today! I just had to snap a pic in the bathroom. Here I am, 68 lbs lost so far, weighing 166 lbs! Go me! I'm so excited!

I still have 36 lbs to go to reach my goal weight of 130 lbs, but I *will* get there!


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