Do u suffer from b*tchy resting face?



  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I wish I did. I look like everyone's little sister, and people assume I'm sweet and that they should tell me random things about their life.
    Same here. My fiance says that my "mad face" is a huge smile and people can't help but to laugh.

    I'm in this boat with you ladies.
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    Yep, I wear a constant scowl. I can't help it, daylight burns my retinas..
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    In high school, my sisters' friends would always ask them, "Why is your brother so mad all the time?" There were a lot of "He's scary", "What's wrong?", "Don't be mad" etc., comments.

    I still get that from time to time...:angry:
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    BAHAHAHA I love this! I have b*tch face. I get asked a lot of the time what's wrong or if I'm angry - and of course I'm not. But once I get inside my head or do something mindless like watch TV apparently I just look unapproachable.

    Also - my friends and I have talked about making a Bface book. Travel around the country just taking pictures of people and their "stuck up" looking face.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I used to get told all the time by my ex that I looked mad all the time. I guess I do suffer from this. I know my mouth turns down at the corners naturally when I am just "resting." Didn't know others suffered from it so much!! haha
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    I don't think I do, but then again I can't see my face unless I'm looking in a mirror and obviously not B****y at myself :smile:
    However, my husband has the face, he always looks mad. I am constantly asking him, "what's wrong?" and I get angry when we take a picture together and he isn't smiling because he looks like he'd rather be anywhere else then with me. :brokenheart:
  • Mel2626
    Mel2626 Posts: 342 Member
    Too funny! I must have this too with the number of times I've had random strangers come up to me and tell me to smile. Why must I smile all the time?? Some times I'm just sitting here being content with my regular face! :grumble: :laugh:
  • gottogetinshape
    gottogetinshape Posts: 124 Member
    Sometimes if I'm daydreaming/spaced out I think I look really annoyed. Ha ha. I actually scared a teacher at my old college who thought I was giving him evil looks. It's a curse!
  • m0jk
    m0jk Posts: 133
    does miserable b*tchy resting face count?

    i often get 'whats up with you? smile ya miserable... '. its clled age luv my face if falling off! :)
    then if i smile its ' what you smiling for, what have you been upto? you look like the cat that got the cream! ' i cant win ha
  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    Yep. I get the "Are you okay?" or "Smile!" whenever I'm just chilled out thinking about something. And though I was not pissed before, a person randomly telling me to smile will make me put on my actualy bi*chy face :glasses:
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    today yes
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    People always ask me what's wrong. To add to it, I am also very quiet. I've been told that there are some people in the office who avoid me because they think I'm angry all the time.
  • fluffyfabulous
    Nope, just the opposite. People mistake my kindness (kind face) for stupidity!
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    That's good. Yes, I suffer from "*****y resting face." I also know a lot of azzhole faces.
  • DeeDiddyGee
    DeeDiddyGee Posts: 601 Member
    :indifferent: Yup. When I am not smiling or talking, my mouth does the downward thingy making me look sad/mad. I hate it! People ask me, "what's wrong," and I say, "nothing..." and so it goes. Arrgggh
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    People have told me I'm intimidating all of my life. Someone once asked me why I was so angry and that I should smile. Funny, I was in a fabulous mood at that moment in time. And just two weeks ago an artist that was giving me a tattoo told me I look like I could beat the s**t out of someone. Really? I wouldn't think a 5'2" female would be very intimidating. Guess it shows how much I know... :huh:
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I don't "suffer" from it.
  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    I don't suffer from it but apparently others do. :noway:
  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member
    Not my resting face, but apparently when I concentrate I look very angry.
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