Anyone else have strange food aversions?

CinderellaMom Posts: 22
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
When I was a little girl I used to live on peanut butter sandwiches-and I do mean live on them. I would have them for breakfast- lunch- after school snack- and if allowed, dinner. Then when I turned 12 years old my little brother tried to 'make' peanut butter by smashing peanuts and adding butter. It was not a pretty sight. From that day on I haven't been able to be around anyone who has eaten peanut butter without getting physically sick. My family and close friends know this and have learned the hard way to stay away.

Also I can't - and I do mean can't and not won't- eat anything that is white and creamy (yes I know, I've heard all the jokes possible about this). But seriously, its a consistancy thing and a color thing- not a taste thing. Sour cream- nope. Mayo- no. Cream Cheese- never. Not even vanilla ice cream! Tonight , for the first time, I am going to eat cottage cheese (so I can try to up my protein from yesterday) . So while my famdam is eating pork chops, corn on the cob, and roasted potatoes I'll be struggling to get down 3oz of this white...creamy...... Oh god I don't know if I can do it!

Anyone else have any strange food aversions- or am I the only one?


  • papersparrow
    papersparrow Posts: 31 Member
    Stuffing. I love how it smells. I love how it tastes. I just can't handle the texture of it in my mouth. I have to spit it out. Never was a popular aversion during holiday meals, I'll tell ya that!
  • celery... the stuff has the most horrible smell (to me)... i can taste / small the smallest amt. even in soup... I can't even look at the stuff on a plate w/o feeling like I am going to get sick... :laugh: ugh... i feel sick thinking about it... i love almost all foods just not celery... :laugh:
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I used to have this issue with yogurt. I just started putting things in it like a bunch of fruit or chocolate chips or granola. I can eat it now plain but I definitely had to trick my mouth there for a while.
  • mrsf17
    mrsf17 Posts: 32
    Mayo.. which I guess is good cause it's not so good for you.

    But same thing I ate it on everything as a kid. Now the site or smell of it makes me ill...
  • lruff1987
    lruff1987 Posts: 263 Member
    Okay... this is gonna sound totally whacko and crazy... But anything that has little porous holes in it totally grosses me out. Crumpets, airy pancakes, etc. Anything that has those little porous holes I cannot get over! I totally know what you mean about those weird food issues that we grow up with. It's been like this since I was little... I don't know if something gave me this complex or if I just made it up on my own. But down to this day if I see anything that has those little holes in it I have to pass it over. :/
  • I'm so glad I am not the only one!
  • mram81
    mram81 Posts: 15
    I can eat corn on the cob, but not off the cob...even if I take a knife and shear it off. Just the consistency....don't know??
  • All three of my daughters are the same way- love corn on the cob- but they will only eat it if I cut it off the cob!
  • Cinderella Mom..............Add some salsa to it.......................sounds gross, but its really really good:) I used to eat it that way with scoops:)
  • tmej1973
    tmej1973 Posts: 14
    My hubby will not eat mushrooms because he swears they "squeek"???? lol
    I cannot do: watermelon (well any melon) or strawberries (taste) and peaches due to the texture and smell. Everyone finds that so weird. It does make eating fruit salad etc. a pain in the behind. :)
    Best of luck to you, I adore cottage cheese but I know how most people (that I know) seem to find it gross.
  • I am definitely going to try that! I just tried eating it by dunking carrots and sugar snap peas in it- I failed! Once it hits my mouth I start gagging!! Maybe with the salsa I can trick my brain into thinking its not white.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Tuna! I cannot smell or be near someone while they're are eating tuna fish. Mainly the stuff that comes in a can. It just makes me want to be sick. I eat seafood now (not when I was growing up) but I can't get over things that have an overwhelmingly fishy or tuna smell.

    Also if you want to try something other than cottage cheese, try greek yogurt with a scoop of preserves in it. I buy low sugar preserves so it only adds 25 calories, and it's really delicious. I've heard it tastes somewhat similar to cottage cheese, but I've never eaten it before. I do love my greek yogurt tho! Fage is the best brand, Chobani is good too.
  • Bobarb
    Bobarb Posts: 2
    No I can't thoese little mushrooms in chinese food, they remind me fo part of the male anatomy. Mad the mistake of saying out loud to my grown kids and they think the same.
  • Oh mushrooms are another big no no for me- texure thing again.....

    00trayn- I ate tuna yesterday for the first time since I was about 5 yrs old! It was horrible! I had to force it down an even then I only ate about 1/2 or the tiny 3oz can. And my cat was giving me the evil eye the whole time!
  • Beets! When I was 12 my mom was pregnant with my little brother and she had the thing for 9 months about pickled beets! She canned them herself and ate them everyday all day long. I would walk home from school and before I opened the front door I would smell that horrendous smell and just want to turn around and run away from home! Now I cant even stand the site of them at a salad bar. DISGUSTING!!
  • chyloet
    chyloet Posts: 196 Member
    Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! It's called trypophobia ... do you have aversions to all things w tiny porous or clustered holes? ... I do, it's bad..real bad.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Hot Fudge............makes my teeth ache just seeing it being poured.
    The smell burns my nose, too. If I don't remove myself, my stomach will turn....:sick:
  • Sumatra
    Sumatra Posts: 181
    I can't stand a big nasty raw tomato. I'm ok if they are very, very small like in salsa, though I do prefer my salsa blended all together without chunks. I also like tomatoes in soups or stews as long as they are not too big, but I just can't stand raw tomatoes. My husband is the same way thankfully.

    I also don't like coconut, it's the texture I think.

    I didn't like guacamole until I was pregnant with my oldest daughter, now I love it.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I WISH I had food aversions.
  • LOL RoadDog- there must be something you don't like......
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