Could use fitness pals for motivation :D

drezzal Posts: 20 Member
I originally created my account this time last month but have been extremely busy and haven't had the time to work on my fitness. Big mistake, now i weight 8lb more than i did last month!

I work in security so i basically sit around a lot in my job and because of this my weight has been going up, i'm now a shocking 196.8 lb!

Basically i signed up for the gym today and killed myself at it so i'm extremely motivated and determined to lose weight. My main goal is to lose the boobs and not be ashamed to remove my tshirt! haha

Does anyone have any good meal plans and recipes? :D I put myself under an 1800 calorie diet, is this ok for my goals?


  • darrensgurl
    darrensgurl Posts: 3 Member
    You can do this. I am disgusted at the weight I have reached and will lose forty pounds. I know you can too!
  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
    Here is a link to an MFP support and motivation group! They are awesome!

    The group is called "Lean On Me"! They have a facebook page, twitter, and an MFP group!
    Hope you like!
  • drezzal
    drezzal Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks :D

    Joined the group, looking through the discussions now ^_^
  • I set myself at 1200 or below, and managed to find a kid in my school with the exact same deal as me and we managed to half our eating habits on the spot at a picnic. Needless to say I'm trying to be as healthy as possible with my weight loss, but I've had a really bad history of binge/purging.

    I know you can do it, I believe in you. Message me if you ever need support.