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Periods and Binging

My apologies if this has been posted before, I can't exactly find what I'm looking for.
I've been noticing that now that I have my cycle regulated again, when I have my period (like right now), there will be a couple of days where I just binge. I want to say I can help it, and I should start controlling what I eat, and for the other 20 days I will eat fantastically, but its just these 2 or 3 days I don't do so well. I couldn't even tell you how much over my calorie intake with this last binge I was (normally I want to do TDEE 2000 since I rollerblade, jog, or hike 3 to 4 times a week).
My question is, following this, does anyone just get up and move forward, or cut back to make up for it? I also lose the energy to want to exercise with the cycle too, despite wanting all the freaking food in the world. I need to start getting rid of craving foods all together. I just want to make sure this doesn't put me down right away.


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I always eat tons more. I just get my exercise in (no change there) and try to make my choices as good as possible.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    I have mad wicked cravings with my cycle too. However, I've found that if I eat ABSOLUTELY clean: no salty foods, no fatty foods, no chocolate, no caffeine, no sodas, no artificial sweeteners, no preservatives, or artificial additives, and I drink loads of water, no coffee, no tea, no alcohol, and I work out every single day the week before and the four days of my period, it's like freaking magic. I have no cramps, no mood swings, my boobs aren't sore, no cravings, no Foraging Bear Syndrome where I walk around wanting to eat everything even if I just ate, no water retention and best of all, no migraines. It's hard to do, but for me it's totally worth it because my period can be really vicious otherwise.
  • Britterboo22
    Britterboo22 Posts: 300 Member
    Im like this the first three days of my cycle.
    Usually before it starts I sleep like a rock and have a hard time getting out of bed.
    Im a few days from my TOM so hopefully ill be able to eat as clean as possible and I may have a scoop of chocolate ice cream but it will be in my calorie intake,
  • CrazyAnimalLady
    CrazyAnimalLady Posts: 104 Member
    I become positively ravenous!! I will let myself indulge a little bit but generally try to keep it under control. I find if I have a taste of something I'll be satisfied enough to move on.
  • jadisfeigns
    jadisfeigns Posts: 57 Member
    I figured I wasn't the only one. Have I severely crippled myself with these couple of days, or am I going to be okay you ladies think? I really appreciate it!
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    I find I'm like this a few days before TOM starts. It is almost like my body is fueling up for it or something, lol. I ate so much yesterday but also drank a ton of water and then... bam...got TOM today. I'm tired about 4 - 5 days prior too and have no energy for working out but as soon as it comes, everything is back to normal, I have tons of energy, I feel good and usually lose a pound or 2. Weird...damn hormones!
  • jadisfeigns
    jadisfeigns Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you for that link Jof!
  • Jonesie86
    Jonesie86 Posts: 446 Member
    My last round of PMS had me dipping tortilla chips and saltine crackers in Nutella, consuming a peanut butter milkshake with hot fudge mixed in and having enough chocolate to go into a diabetic coma.....along with mass amounts of any carb I could get my grubby mits on.

    Yeah....I give it what it wants for a day or two haha.
  • fhargis0002
    fhargis0002 Posts: 113 Member
    I am a horrible binge eater around my period. For me it usually lasts a good 5-7 days. I will crave fried, fatty food, and sweets of almost any kind. Once I give in, and I always do, I literally can't stop. I am going to try really hard to not give in when my TOM rolls around this month, because I have put in a lot of work recently. (I am getting back on the weight loss wagon this month, after taking a few months off) But for an example, I ate an entire bucket of hershey kisses in April during that time, and in May an entire box of cookies. It doesn't even phase me! LMAO God give me strength this month!
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I eat more. I just really try to chose the best food possible. I also make sure i don't go over my maintenance number. It's one thing not to lose, it's another thing to gain...
  • What I try to do when ever my "Aunt Flow" comes for a very unwelcome monthly visit, I splurge at least 1-2 days a month. Depends how long my period lasts.

    Hope this helps! :)
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    At 54, and menopaused, I can tell you that what you are going though is natural and nothing to feel bad about. Yes, you can discipline yourself, no doubt. Just be gentle with your feeling and don't feel bad.

    Something to ponder, if you are the sort to do that, is to think about what is missing that sweets, etc., are replacing....

    In our native days, it is reported that women were with other women receiving love and bonding.....(food sources were scarce) and this was what pulled us through those times....

    Cheers to women :)
  • nettasue35
    nettasue35 Posts: 190 Member
    I crave chocolate so I just plan some skinny cow treat in to the days that TOM is here. TOM brings migraines that start 2 days before to 2-4 days after so I have a hard time getting exercise when my head feels like its going to explode so I try to eat healthier and cut back on the days that I cannot get any exercise.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    I agree with Action_Fig about the clean earring. We foo burn some more calories at that time (differet articles give differenr estmates) though, so that's part of the reason we seem to be hungrier; the key is to make smart choices about what you eat, and try not to let your hunger get to the ravenous stage, as that is when hinges tend to happen (low blood sugar in addition to TOM hormones fluctuations is a diaster, I get super cranky and irritable). The bottom line is eat if you are hungry (make sure its actually hunger not boredom or thirst) and have something healthy, like a price fruit of nuts. If your a chocholate lover (I don't hare chocholate, but its not something I crave) than you might like cocoa dusted almonds ... Blue Diamond mask some, as does Emerald (I've only Trix the Blue Diamond ... they're pretty natural, the weirdest ingredient is maltodextrin, which isn't that bad for a treat).
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    However, I've found that if I eat ABSOLUTELY clean: no salty foods, no fatty foods, no chocolate, no caffeine, no sodas, no artificial sweeteners, no preservatives, or artificial additives, and I drink loads of water, no coffee, no tea, no alcohol, and I work out every single day the week before and the four days of my period, it's like freaking magic.
    What do you eat??? I couldn't go with out tea or chocolate. (I dont' do sodas/artificial sweet stuff on a normal day).

    I think my biggest problem is that sometimes I let myself eat junk, because it's that time and I act like it doesn't count or it's a reward because cramps suck :) I do need at least a little chocolate, but mostly I just move on afterwards. I do think things are better when I'm eating better in general. And excercise always helps me.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    I will say that I am generally hungry for a day or two and NOT hungry for a day or two so maybe it balances out? I know I spontaneously skip meals a few days before I get the chocolate cravings.
  • jadisfeigns
    jadisfeigns Posts: 57 Member
    i'm typically the person that goes for granola bars and almond (like today I just couldn't keep my hand out of th ebag). i just wish I could crave baby carrots all the time. I will want pb and other things. I wouldnt' say it's the worst thing but they're definitely up there. I will have to learn from this so it stops happening!