Hello all. 5'2" and 119 lbs, but I feel fat.

recspec Posts: 9 Member
As the title states, I am 5'2" and 119 lbs at 19 years old. My goal is my original weight before I started college (which was 102 lbs), and I also want to tone my stomach. I have what other people classify as a small body structure, but I classify myself as a medium . But I feel so fat it's not even funny.

I know the reasons I do feel this way stems from bullying for being called ugly and fat back in elementary school, and it affected me so much that every time I saw myself i looked like a monster. I've been trying to ignore this body image issue I have, but I am noticing that I do have a problem with belly and thigh fat. I deal with it by sucking it in all day every day but I have come to a decision that I don't want to do that anymore... ):

I want to be fit. Not a liar in a disguise. (if you understand what I mean).
I have noticed that all my fat goes right to my stomach and thighs. I don't mind my thighs (I actually like my fat thighs) bu my gut needs to go. I naively tried targeting just my stomach, but I realized I can't do that.

So hello everyone, hope I actually stick to what I want to do. I used to have so much motivation and now it's all pretty much gone. Could you guys help by telling me what you use as motivation?


  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    What motivates people is different for everyone. Find what motivates you. And please reassess your goals. It seems you want to lose weight to lose the feeling of feeling fat. If you want to look better that is a good goal I think as long as by better you don't mean skeletal. So, my advice would be to lift to gain muscle and perhaps some confidence and don't try to lose weight. You are at the low end of the scale already. See a counselor.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I would encourage you to throw out the scale and don't worry about achieving that perfect weight.

    Maybe try some new activities like rock climbing, running, or even a sport. Just be active and make it fun.

    Have you considered strength training? As a petite woman, not only has it changed my entire body composition, it has given me loads of confidence.

    That being said, I am 5'2 and 151 lbs. I love my body.

    Be healthy and love yourself. Get out there and live life. I believe in you!
  • recspec
    recspec Posts: 9 Member
    Sorry I was sitting here peeling a face mask off for 10 minutes lol.
    What motivates people is different for everyone. Find what motivates you. And please reassess your goals. It seems you want to lose weight to lose the feeling of feeling fat. If you want to look better that is a good goal I think as long as by better you don't mean skeletal. So, my advice would be to lift to gain muscle and perhaps some confidence and don't try to lose weight. You are at the low end of the scale already. See a counselor.

    Yeah I do want to look better. It's like I'm skinny up top and at the bottom and then BAM a gut. I just want to fix my eating habits and eat healthy and exercise more. At 102 I didn't look skeletal at all. And I fit my clothes. Maybe I should have clarified what I wanted to do.
    I plan to see a dietitian tomorrow to get some advice.
    I would encourage you to throw out the scale and don't worry about achieving that perfect weight.

    Maybe try some new activities like rock climbing, running, or even a sport. Just be active and make it fun.

    Have you considered strength training? As a petite woman, not only has it changed my entire body composition, it has given me loads of confidence.

    That being said, I am 5'2 and 151 lbs. I love my body.

    Be healthy and love yourself. Get out there and live life. I believe in you!

    I've tried dancing but I have to get over my self-consciousness. Or be drunk when I'm doing it, haha. I have asthma so I'm trying to pick something that won't send me to the hospital.
    I haven't thought of weight training, but i just want to be slimmer.

    Thank you both for your feedback, by the way.