Intolerance to Egg Whites?

So the last two days I've had an omelet with egg whites and then about two hours later I get some of the WORST stomach aches I've ever had. It's the only thing that I can think of that I've actually changed recently but I thought it was the strangest things. I mean, I've never had a problem with eggs before. Anyone have a similar problem or am I just being silly?


  • JudibugDesigns
    JudibugDesigns Posts: 38 Member
    I had the same thing happen to me a few years ago. I ate eggs all the time then all of a sudden I got wicked stomach pains afterwards. This happened only a couple of times, then it got worse...way exorcist style projectile vomitting worse... along with heart palpitations and cold sweats...
    Needless to say I don't eat eggs at all now :(
    sure hope this isn't what's happening to sucks :(
  • bzign
    bzign Posts: 41 Member
    Do you normally eat the whole egg? I am allergic to egg white but I am ok with egg yolks by themselves or eggs that have been mixed together in a scramble or omelet, baking etc
    As far as I know mixing them changes the protein shape on a cellular level so it becomes a different chemical make up.
    I also find that if I eat eggs too often I become less and less tolerant over all and will start reacting to yolks as well, so I limit egg meals to once or twice a week. Also means I would be a fantastic surgeon because I can get an egg yolk out of a fried egg without bursting it ;-)
  • recoveryjunky
    recoveryjunky Posts: 162 Member
    Do you normally eat the whole egg? I am allergic to egg white but I am ok with egg yolks by themselves or eggs that have been mixed together in a scramble or omelet, baking etc

    That's what's going on I think. I always eat the whole egg but just recently started using whites to reduce calories. If there is even a CHANCE that that's what it is, I'm never just using egg whites again. Holy crap it was the worst pain... Thanks :)