Does myfitnesspal really work? Please help :-)



  • jblackjr
    jblackjr Posts: 89 Member
    If used properly it will do exactly what it's meant to do, get weight off. However, you can't eat a bag of cheetos and then feel guilty about it and simply not log it, that just counter productive and will get you nowhere. Be honest about what you eat and LOG EVERYTHING. You do that and you will start to see the weight come off.
  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    I agree with the posts about knowing how many calories you are actually eating. The main reason it is working for me is that I have some great MFP friends who read my open food diary and exercise posts and comment and critique. I think twice before I eat something cause I know they'll catch it. Plus when I see their calorie burn from exercising it makes me get my exercise in too.

    I've been posting 66 days in a row (which may not sound like a lot - but is for me) and they've been a tremendous help.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    If you work at it, then yes MFP does work.
    I love it.
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    I would say yes it works. If you do it consistently. Its worked for me-took a year, logged every day and excercised. Its not MFP that works, its you doing the work that MFP lays out for you. Up to you to do it. But yes, I am proof. I've lost 51 pounds
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Hi Everyone

    I'm very new to this, never calorie counted in my life, I've always done weightwatchers which is pointed but just lately becoming quite bored of it and have read lot's of success stories on the net about people who calorie count.

    Does this really work?


    You will get out of it exactly what you put into have to really WANT IT.

    Once you have decided you want it, then you have to BRING it..every damned day and be prepared for the most awesome experience of your life.
  • srob98
    srob98 Posts: 41 Member
    I've only done this for a small amount of time, but it obviously works. =)

    When people say they are not losing (not everyone, mind you, but many), it is often because of "little cheats". Things like serving yourself a larger portion than you log - look at how much a serving of pasta is....actually measure it with a measuring will be surprised how small the portion really is! So, if you are going to double or triple that portion, it needs to be logged that way.

    The best advice I can give you is to get some graduated measuring cups...just cheap little plastic ones will do. Measure your portions for the first 3 weeks or so, until you adjust what a portion looks like in your mind. That has definitely been working for me!

    Plus, you really, really, really do have to log everything you eat, and you need to drink your water.

    I have not lost a ton yet, but I have only been on here a few weeks. However, my energy level is already up, I sleep better, and my mood has really improved!

    I have not done anything crazy...I don't eat "clean", I don't eat at a crazy low calorie total, I just tend to prepare food at home a lot more because it's easier to figure out the calories. Thus, I am eating more whole foods (always good) and saving lots of money! (Although it seems like I am always doing dishes!) =)

    Good luck!!!
  • tomich54
    tomich54 Posts: 99 Member
    MFP doesn't work. You do.

    But yes, MFP is an awesome tool to help you get where you want to be and STAY THERE.

    This! It makes you accountable to yourself! I have logged in religously for the last 12 months, and I'm thrilled by the results! It gives me the motivation to keep on! :happy: Also, most importantly - it's not a "diet", it's changing your lifestyle!
  • kazaroona
    kazaroona Posts: 60 Member
    I started on MFP to help keep track of my calories but since I have been used to it I now take more notice of my macros, like protein and fat etc and now find I eat more healthily as I like to keep these in the green too, and I find I stay fuller.

    My tip would be to record even if you know you are way over, and have had like a takeaway or something. I find this helps me to see where my limit is and also somethings are way more/less than you think they are. For example I found out by accident that my fave thing from the Indian restaurant is only 290calories which is great so when we do order I know that if I get that then I can work it into my allowance or damage limitation!
  • MFP doesn't work. You do.

    But yes, MFP is an awesome tool to help you get where you want to be and STAY THERE.

    This, so much. At the end of the day, MFP is just a tool that remembers and adds stuff up for you.

    Educating yourself sufficiently as to why certain things work and others do not is what makes the difference. That way you will be able to set goals (I don't mean goal weight goals, I mean what you are going to eat today/this week/this month goals) that are realistic and will be effective for you. Blindly following any system that has been set up to help may or may not work if you don't know how to adjust/improvise in practice. (I heard Weight Watchers has "free" foods? Maybe it works out for the most part, for losing weight but objectively nutritionally, it doesn't make sense because no real food except maybe water is actually "free" when it comes to calories and nutrition. Extra may not harm you in the long run, but you certainly shouldn't ever think of them as contributing nothing even if they contribute in a good way to your needs.)

    MFP is a very convenient-to-use tool to employ in order to meet the goals you have set for yourself. By laying bare information that I would never have paid attention to or remembered over time, MFP has motivated me to find out more, and as a result reconsider my life and make a long-term difference.

    ETA: So yes, it has "worked" to get me closer to my goals, but to be clear, I have manually reset just about every target number from the defaults the tool gave me to follow (total calories, macros, fibre, sodium).
  • marylorrainecox
    marylorrainecox Posts: 12 Member
    It is very similar to keeping a financial budget. It helps you identify where you are spending your calories, so you become more aware of your spending and can adjust as needed. It is also great in that it shows nutrient amounts and has the option to scan the barcode of food items that have a bar-code for more accurate nutrition information.

    I also use it to track my workouts. For example, today was an upper pushing day (weight lifting), so I went to my last upper pushing day and copied the exercises. I made a few changes in what I did, but the majority is similar. If I was able to do 15 reps of a specific exercise last time, I went up in weight this time. I personally choose not to subtract my calories burned, but I still like to see the charts and to track my progress. I also definitely see a difference in my progress related to my rest (days when I do not exercise).

    MFP won't do the work for you, but it is a tool to make the work and your progress a little easier to chart.

    Good luck!
  • C12254
    C12254 Posts: 198
    MFP doesn't work. You do.

    But yes, MFP is an awesome tool to help you get where you want to be and STAY THERE.
  • irjeffb
    irjeffb Posts: 275 Member
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    It works for me because I can be realistic about what I eat - in the past if I over ate I would just write off the day and then go to hell with it and eat as much as I could for the rest of the day.

    Or - I would eat "healthy things" but note realise just how many calories were in things - like granola and yoghurt for example - packs a serious calorific punch!
  • 1JenMilam
    1JenMilam Posts: 108 Member
    MFP doesn't work. You do.

    But yes, MFP is an awesome tool to help you get where you want to be and STAY THERE.

    Couldn't say it better myself!
  • WalkingMermaid_
    WalkingMermaid_ Posts: 205 Member
    YES!! It works and then some! Be sure to log your food/exercise everyday, eat enough calories, eat your exercise calories, weigh in regularly if you choose to and just stick with it. You will see results and educate yourself at the same time. MFP has been a life changer for me :)

    Feel free to add me, I'm online everyday supporting others and posting motivating quotes etc :)
  • rachelwarner32
    rachelwarner32 Posts: 96 Member
    Yes it works! I love having so many people supporting me. I know exactly how I put on this weight. There are some foods that I was eating thinking they weren't that bad. Once I looked at calories I now realize a cheese quesadilla from applebees is over 1300 calories and I only get 1440 for the day!!!! Not worth it! I now eat a salad almost every day for lunch because I get to eat more and still lose weight. It doesn't lose the weight for you but gives you the tools to help you be successful!
  • Timmmy40
    Timmmy40 Posts: 152 Member
    I don't know if mfp works. I have lost 130lbs so far. 110lbs was with fat secret and a friend introduced me to this site a few months later, and I have been hooked ever since. If you are dedicated to losing the fat, and you push yourself daily then it works. You are what makes this website work. The wonderful people on here are what makes it work. Make a stand today to do this for yourself and make it happen. If you would like to add me then send a request. Keep Punching! All Is Possible! It Is A Choice! No Excuses! Never Quit!!
  • kathyhamiltonn
    kathyhamiltonn Posts: 6 Member
    Hmmm, maybe it takes determination to stay disciplined:wink:
  • yes it does , as long as you do what is recommended by the app , I know it works because I lost more than 40 pounds in less than three months . I still have 30 to go but I'm sure that I will lose them
  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    I see you've been a member since 2009... were you just not logging all that time? is that why your "very new to this?"
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    It works if used as directed or even if you do something like go outside protein or carb recommendations as long as you don't go over on calories. You can do it the easy way, eating foods low in calories, but high in fiber, protein, and volume. Or, you can do it the hard way by eating what you were eating only a lot less of it. Either way if you create a deficit you will lose weight.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    MFP is an awesome tool. It only works if you work it. If you put in the time to log your food honestly and faithfully, and exercize and make good food choices...yes, it works. And it actually is easier than you might think.
  • chadraeder3
    chadraeder3 Posts: 279 Member
    MFP is a tool that is all it is, you are the one who makes weight loss happen.You can eat and not exercise like you do now and no amount of calorie counting will make you loose any weight. If you make a decision that you will loose weight, eat healthy, get fit, build muscle or whatever you want and work to make it happen.
  • cutiepie2628
    cutiepie2628 Posts: 415 Member
    MFP doesn't work. You do.

    But yes, MFP is an awesome tool to help you get where you want to be and STAY THERE.

    What she said! Heck yeah.. it works::smokin: :heart:
  • inthedistrict
    inthedistrict Posts: 83 Member
    I've been here since end of May and love this Site. People are so supportive. When I had a bad day and still logged it, MFP told me where I would be in 5 weeks if I ate like that everyday and it was about 15 lb heavier. Sure enough the next day I went up 5 lb and it took me another week to get back to where I started. That was a huge lesson for me. MFP also sends you motivational summaries when you have a good day and do well. If you are the type of person who needs that feedback, you'll do well, just have to see all the testimonials from others to realize that
  • kamishagirl
    kamishagirl Posts: 18 Member
    yes MFP absolutely does work, but you have to use it honestly and consistently. I have had great success counting calories and working out, but once I stop, I gain the weight back. Consistency is key.....and staying within your calorie limits. Good luck with your goals!
  • TheKeithEllis
    TheKeithEllis Posts: 155 Member
    As long as you accept that all MFP is is simply a logging tool and that YOU are completely accountable for sticking with your daily calories that MFP dictates (or you can dictate if you wish), then it will work... It's a scientific certainty! I did my first 4-5 months on here without any real exercise done and lost nearly 2 of the 3 stone I have lost (40lbs to date). I have never bought into the diet plans that are out there, it's a senseless waste of money to me - they all require dedication and basic calorie counting is no different. Good luck. :O)
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    Sure does heres proof <<----
  • govinda70
    govinda70 Posts: 26
    it does. I started about 70 days ago. and it s the first time I found it easy to track your Food and calories and through that lose weight
  • d9123
    d9123 Posts: 531 Member
    I'll let u know in about 2 months ;)
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