Cardio vs. Strength

Hello MFP fellows (:

I need some advice (again!!)
So I have joined a ladies only gym that consists of a circuit with air presure machines, so strength work, it works every single muscle in your body and you have target exercises as well that give you some more strength. There are bikes where we can do some cardio, but not much. I like this gym - I spend about 45min there everytime I go there (6 days a week), and it shows results! I'm much stronger, and I've lost some weight.

HOWEVER - the flabiness - OH MY LORD, the flabiness!! I've been looking at myself and my belly is horribly fatty and I feel wobbly all around, I want to get firmer! I don't know if I should be changing my exercise? I.e., do more cardio for weight (fat) loss? Or should I keep going with what I do? Thing is I like this gym, it works me out but does not BURN me out, and I hate running because I can't breathe!! What are your opinions?

Just to let you know, I'm about 5'5'', currently weight 172lbs (started 187lbs).


  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    Strength is for fat loss, keep up what you're doing, you'll keep your muscles while you lose fat!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I give this thread an hour before it goes nuts.
  • karahunts
    karahunts Posts: 64 Member
    Ah please I want to know this too! I'm trying to get 'toned' not really lose anymore weight but people keep telling me strength training won't help this....
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    Strength is for fat loss, keep up what you're doing, you'll keep your muscles while you lose fat!


    Cardio is great for your heart and lungs but, building muscle does burn more fat...When you do cardio, you could also lose Lean Muscle as well as fat...Strength Training will help you keep that Lean Muscle and burn the fat. I have the same problem and have decided to do more strength myself!!

    GOOD LUCK and KEEP AT IT!!!! :-)
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 270 Member
    I would suggest ditch the circuit machines and, with help of course, lift actual weights...with cardio
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    LIFT more, but I gotta add it always sucks when you start running. But it gets easier every time you do it. Ever look into the C25K running program? Its progressive...
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Dare I say this without getting killed and eaten on mfp but...

    Do BOTH. Yes, do strength AND Cardio...
  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    Dare I say this without getting killed and eaten on mfp but...

    Do BOTH. Yes, do strength AND Cardio...

    Yep have to agree with this, but maybe up the strength to help tone and build muscle.
  • RoseDarrett
    RoseDarrett Posts: 355 Member
    I give this thread an hour before it goes nuts.

    I was just thinking that. I hope it doesn't though. OP is genuinely asking for advice.

    Good luck!!! Keep up the great work and you'll see your body changing and getting better :)
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    My start was a Curves weighing 185 at 5' 5.5" Lost to 155 took about two years, but I never felt like I was on a diet. Curves will work great in the beginning, but you will have to move on. I choose zumba for a year and a half, my weight is still the same, but my tummy looks so much better!
    After a lot of research I decided to lift weights and bought the book called THE NEW RULES OF LIFTING FOR WOMEN I felt that I was going to hurt myself doing the deadlifts and squats, so more research and I purchased to book called STARTING STRENGTH BASIC BARBELL TRAINING 3RD EDITION by MARK RIPPETOE.
    You can find Mark on youtube giving demos on proper form, this will save you $30 dollars.
    It is important to lift weights even body weigh like doing push ups, and planks, because the down ward motion of a boy push up is were you build strength and Curves or hydraulic only uses an upward motion. Upward motion is great for beginners, elderly and rehab.
    If you aren't strong enough of a regular push up, get down on the floor as if you were going to do a push up and bring your body down to the floor as slow as you can, this down ward move will make you strong enough to do real push ups! So go to the floor as slow as you can, drop your knees to the floor and reset for another slow to the ground move. Do it 5 times. Next time you try a push up try to go both direction down and up, do as many as you can, then do the slow move down that I described for five times.
    I'm sharing this info with you, because I wish I only spent a year at curves it becomes a waste of time at some point .
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,940 Member
    Hello MFP fellows (:

    I need some advice (again!!)
    So I have joined a ladies only gym that consists of a circuit with air presure machines, so strength work, it works every single muscle in your body and you have target exercises as well that give you some more strength. There are bikes where we can do some cardio, but not much. I like this gym - I spend about 45min there everytime I go there (6 days a week), and it shows results! I'm much stronger, and I've lost some weight.

    HOWEVER - the flabiness - OH MY LORD, the flabiness!! I've been looking at myself and my belly is horribly fatty and I feel wobbly all around, I want to get firmer! I don't know if I should be changing my exercise? I.e., do more cardio for weight (fat) loss? Or should I keep going with what I do? Thing is I like this gym, it works me out but does not BURN me out, and I hate running because I can't breathe!! What are your opinions?

    Just to let you know, I'm about 5'5'', currently weight 172lbs (started 187lbs).
    If it's Curves, then move harder and faster on the machines. It increases the resistance. As mentioned, as you get better, then it will be time to move on.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Dare I say this without getting killed and eaten on mfp but...

    Do BOTH. Yes, do strength AND Cardio...

    I concur. I do strength training with cardio 4 days a week, and just cardio 2- 3 days. I am definitely seeing non flabby results :flowerforyou: .
  • naterciarodrigues58
    naterciarodrigues58 Posts: 105 Member

    I concur. I do strength training with cardio 4 days a week, and just cardio 2- 3 days. I am definitely seeing non flabby results :flowerforyou: .

    I was thinking of doing this too, keep the gym with the resistance machines and add some running :D
  • naterciarodrigues58
    naterciarodrigues58 Posts: 105 Member
    No, never looked into any running program, but heard of a few. I try hard to go for a run, but 15min of run/fast walk is all I can manage until I feel like I'm dying :((
    My legs feel just fine, it's the breathing that kills me.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    No, never looked into any running program, but heard of a few. I try hard to go for a run, but 15min of run/fast walk is all I can manage until I feel like I'm dying :((
    My legs feel just fine, it's the breathing that kills me.

    Just out of curiosity why do you feel that you "need" to run? If you don't like it (or can't do it right now) then find something else that you are more likely to stick to. Walking at a fast pace burns about as many calories as running does and you can focus more on your breathing. Once you've got that down incorporate short jogs in between.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    No, never looked into any running program, but heard of a few. I try hard to go for a run, but 15min of run/fast walk is all I can manage until I feel like I'm dying :((
    My legs feel just fine, it's the breathing that kills me.

    Some people just don't like running... I do it because it's the quickest way to get my heart racing. I'm too lazy to spend an hour at the gym--unless I am lifting weights, that is.

    About choosing between weights and cardio: you don't have to choose. The most important thing about exercise is finding something you will enjoy and stick to.

    Now, people will argue about which is better for fat loss and which gives you the best looking body. And you can certainly get into the details. I like lifting because for me, it's an insurance policy against sarcopenia. I saw this frail old dude at the coffee shop the other day who took a full minute to get up from his chair, and he needed help. I don't want to be like that. I also have a macho streak and want to be able to kick my colleagues' *kitten* at arm wrestling. But I am in awe of people who run marathons, too. Choose what you enjoy and are likely to stick to, and you'll be fine.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Abs are made in the kitchen.
  • judilockwood
    judilockwood Posts: 134 Member
    Yes I agree with this too, this way you improve your cardiovascular health as well as gaining muscle tone
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    it doesn't have to be one or the other . . . . honestly I find free weights to be more effective for me than machines though
  • eevincheezburger
    eevincheezburger Posts: 163 Member
    I give this thread an hour before it goes nuts.

  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    I would suggest ditch the circuit machines and, with help of course, lift actual weights...with cardio

    I think you'll find that you "outgrow" those machines quickly. As stated above, it would be a good idea to begin transitioning to free weights. Don't drop the cardio though! For me, that is like a mental cleanser. Without running, I'd be in jail already, having choked either some parent's kid or some kid's parent!
    Just keep at it and you will find a balance that works for you.
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    Do both

    your body appears to be burning the fat closest to the muscle, so you will appear 'flabber' until your body resync's itself and reduces skin/capilaries etc
  • timbrom
    timbrom Posts: 303 Member
    Ah please I want to know this too! I'm trying to get 'toned' not really lose anymore weight but people keep telling me strength training won't help this....

    Then "people" are wrong. Pick up heavy things, put them back down. Repeat. Go to the results section, tons of women with exactly the results you are looking for from lifting heavy. Some of them even put on 5-10 lbs, but look and feel way better because they're so much more fit.

    If you don't know where to start, look up Stronglifts 5x5, Starting Strength or New Rules of Lifting for women, and there are women-focused groups on here for those programs.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    If you don't know where to start, look up Stronglifts 5x5, Starting Strength or New Rules of Lifting for women, and there are women-focused groups on here for those programs.

    Another good resource (free, too!) is Stumptuous (, which is aimed at women but has good advice for all genders.
  • elfnumber2
    elfnumber2 Posts: 455 Member
    Dare I say this without getting killed and eaten on mfp but...

    Do BOTH. Yes, do strength AND Cardio...

    As a PT i would deffinately say this as well as following the healthy balanced diet approach ha.... remeber dont excessive calorie deficit!!!!!! not good!!