Think I lost my motivation

I've been so tired (I feel like a walking zombie) for the past week or two that I really have no motivation to do any exercising. Idk what happened cause I was doing fine, then I feel as if I fell off the wagon. I need some help. How do I get that motivation back? I still want to complete my goal that I had originally set for myself but idk how I'm going to do it. I don't stay up late at night, I don't have a problem sleeping either. So you'd think I'd be rested but I'm not. All I want to do is sleep all day long and the littlest things tired me out sometimes. Anyone have ideas on how to get back to where I was before? Or any suggestions on anything that may help with getting me not so tired maybe? Thanks in advance for everything.


  • runsandjumps
    runsandjumps Posts: 19 Member
    Maybe you are deficient in vitamin b or d? Or both? I feel sluggish when the weather is anything but sunny outside.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Step one is always to make sure your body isn't trying to tell you something. Have you been over-exercising or under-eating? Are you getting enough sleep? Enough protein? Plenty of vitamins?

    Other than that, fake it till you make it. Sometimes I don't feel like running or I don't feel like doing my weights. But I put on my exercise clothes and do it anyway. Even if it's just for 15 minutes, I get up and do it. Eventually the motivation will return, but sometimes you have to drag it out from under the covers kicking and screaming.
  • OliviaVandenberg
    Try talking a multivitamin. A deficiency in Vitamin B6, B12, Iron, vitamin C or Vitamin D could be contributing to this. Most woman have low iron so most woman multivitamins include it. Also try checking your maintenance calories (the number of calories your body requires to maintain your current weight). If you have been working out a lot this may have changed. If you are trying to loose weight you should never eat less than a 500 calorie deficit from your maintenance. If you eat any less than you will feel lethargic and your body will begin to burn your muscles for energy.
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    I wish I could help but I am having the same issue. This past weekend I've slept for about 9 hours and still able to fit in a nap. I take a multivitamin and actually working out less since we won't have a zumba instructor for 3 weeks. I hope you get the mojo back! bumping for more help!
  • hilarydurst
    hilarydurst Posts: 91 Member
    I wish I could help but I am having the same issue. This past weekend I've slept for about 9 hours and still able to fit in a nap. I take a multivitamin and actually working out less since we won't have a zumba instructor for 3 weeks. I hope you get the mojo back! bumping for more help!

    That's exactly me too. No matter how much I sleep at night I can always nap during the day for at least a few hours. I'm also taking a multivitamin and working out less.
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    Step one is always to make sure your body isn't trying to tell you something. Have you been over-exercising or under-eating? Are you getting enough sleep? Enough protein? Plenty of vitamins?

    Other than that, fake it till you make it. Sometimes I don't feel like running or I don't feel like doing my weights. But I put on my exercise clothes and do it anyway. Even if it's just for 15 minutes, I get up and do it. Eventually the motivation will return, but sometimes you have to drag it out from under the covers kicking and screaming.

    This is excellent advice! I do the same. I've been in a bit of a motivation rut myself, but at the beginning of June I just decided enough was enough and I needed to get my S%#@ together! No more taking 3 days off a week! I'm getting back to my 5-6 days a week and doing the fake it til you make it routine even when I'm tired. It's difficult, but you feel so much better afterwards. Just remind yourself of that feeling and keep chanting it over and over, and if you still can't get into workout mode after 20 minutes then you can allow yourself not to work out (this should be infrequent though, you can't do it every time!)