Motivation levels dropping...

So here's the deal, I started the weight loss thing to win a bet, not the best reason, but there you have it. Now that I've won that bet, :happy: I've found my motivation and determination seriously lacking. :frown: I've lost about half of the weight I wanted to... isn't that good enough? Technically, no. But I'm feeling pretty alone on the weight loss wagon right now. :brokenheart:
When I started this, my roommate, a few of my friends and my roommate's mother were all on, or starting, weight loss plans and that was a great support system. Since then, my roommate's mother has moved away and my roommate and my friends have all stopped their diets. Watching them chow down on some deliciously unhealthy food has left me with a bad case of junk food envy and no one to go to the gym with. Basically, I kind of needed to whine a bit and I was hoping you guys would be willing to share some advice on how to keep myself motivated in a sea of non-dieters. :smile:


  • ashley_h10
    ashley_h10 Posts: 110 Member
    Its always hard watching people around you indulge! My husband is very underweight and he needs to eat 3000 cals a day to gain...hard to buy groceries! LOL Its great that you won the bet, i can imagine how you would be discouraged now because you WON right? Now you have to bet YOURSELF that you can look great and feel great too! Congrats on getting half the weight off, that is a big deal! Go to and see if there are any fitness groups or dieters groups in your area to join, it may make you feel better to have some local support AND you get to meet new friends :)
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I agree with Ashley! I have another sinister idea though :devil: Think of it like, in another month or so U would be further down from your weight and your friends would have gained! :bigsmile: They might realize that and get back on track.

    That said, this is not something you can do for a few days and gorge on junk after reaching the goal. Its a lifestyle change, so one thing is you have to get used to it. Another thing is that allow yourself to have everything in moderation. That way you are never deprived of anything but still reach your goal. Good luck!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    I joined MFP a little while ago, and fell out of it shortly after. I seriously started the current weight-loss journey because we had a Biggest Loser Challege at work and my friends and I all signed up. Knowing that we'd be weighed in every 2 weeks was def. motivation for me to keep on track, and since our last weigh in last Friday I felt myself lose a bit of that motivation and haven't been eating the greatest the last week or so. I've also been feeling like I've hit the dreaded plateau which of course hasn't helped. The other day I was queen of packaged foods. :tongue: I'm trying to turn things around though, bought some great fruit today, and changed the workout. Hopefully things will be turning around for you and me! Just think positive thoughts, and think of how great it feels that you've come this far, and you haven't given up! I found that coming back onto this site and this time becoming active by posting and thus making friends has made me WANT to log in day after day. Keep up the great work! :flowerforyou:
  • Equilibrium
    Equilibrium Posts: 37 Member
    I can see that you've been doing this for 4 months now -- that's excellent! Although I only joined MFP in July, I started changing my eating and exercise habits in April as well.

    The main thing that keeps me going is knowing that NO foods are banned. I can eat anything I want. I just have to be sure that I can 'afford' the food (i.e., have enough calories allocated for it). This has made me be able to stay with healthy eating habits even when I have had a wedding to go to or a some other meal out. Or even when I've just really wanted to have fish & chips -- that day, I just ate very lightly for breakfast and lunch since I knew that my dinner would be much higher calorie than usual.

    One of the nice things about eating so carefully for several months now is that I just can't eat as much as I used to. I know that in the past I would have eaten, say, a whole piece of cake from my favourite coffee place. I went in a few weeks ago, feeling a bit down, and ordered a piece. I was so shocked that I couldn't finish it, and didn't even want to. I hope you'll find this, as well, so that you can have a bit of those tempting foods without having to eat a whole oversized portion.

    Sorry for rambling!