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  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    hi i have been working on this for five weeks starting to get a little discouraged i am following my calories 1200 a day and i joined the gym going 3-5 days aweek. i dont want to give up i feel like i should have lost something by now

    If you're working out that often and only eating that amount, your body is hungry! Eat some more :-)
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    I am a 34 year old single mom. I need to lose 150 lbs. I just joined this week. So far I am doing pretty good but I would love to have some support from you guys. I am losing the weight for my health and for my son. I am a untreated diabetic, I have sleep apnea, my legs swell every day, I have problems with my kidneys, and have poor circulation in my legs. I have to do this for my son. I need to get in better shape to take care of him. I can't even believe I let myself go this far but I did and now it's time for a big change.

    Welcome. Please for your son's sake and for your sake go to a doctor. My father passed away due to sleep apnea. That on top of your other health problems isn't something to dismiss.
  • Georgop
    Georgop Posts: 2
    I just joined yesterday after getting heck from my doctor. I'm 45 years old and need to drop 60 lbs. This time around I WILL do it, not by dieting, but by using this tool towards a lifestyle change. I know that you can do it too! You're here for all of the right reasons.

    I've been using it to plan for what I'm going to consume on any given day. First evevning (last night) around 9:30, I sensed that I was getting a little hungry so instead of eating I went to my bedroom and picked up my guitar and watched television while playing it. The hunger pangs will go away in a few days.

    Just remeber. In the end, it's not about dieting on a temporary basis to achieve a goal, but about lifestyle change on a permanent basis to be able to achieve the goal and maintain it.

    Exercise is an important part. We should get some when we can. :-)
  • RayannaR
    RayannaR Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone! I thought that it would be good for me to introduce myself to the MFP community. I have been lurking in the shadows of MFP, reading forums an *thinking* about charting my diet...
    I am a teenager who has been plagued by rapid weight gain since I was a young child. I am 5 feet 2.5 inches and I currently weigh 152 lbs.. My goal is not so much weight loss, but fat loss.
    I have NO self control, this has been my biggest issue in past failed diet attempts... Well, thank you for listening to my weight-related ramble! I am friendly and talkative, so I am always up to making new friends!! Motivation is always welcome(:
  • dwightke
    dwightke Posts: 2
    hi i have been working on this for five weeks starting to get a little discouraged i am following my calories 1200 a day and i joined the gym going 3-5 days aweek. i dont want to give up i feel like i should have lost something by now

    I was the same way when I first started my diet routine. I was on a 1200 calorie diet and worked out 3-5 days. Dont give up and stick with it. After meeting with a personal trainer and doing periodic weigh ins, I was losing a lot of fat and gaining muscle. This was off setting the scale.

    This was like this for 3 months, until I really narrowed my diet to high protein low carb meals 6 times a day. I also started working out 6 days a week (sometimes 5). Soon you will be a lean mean fat burning machine.
  • RayannaR
    RayannaR Posts: 2 Member
    I wish I had your confidence!! Way to go, you CAN do it!! (:
  • meadowsmummy
    meadowsmummy Posts: 108
    Feel free to add me- i have 100+ to loose and am a single mom of a beautiful 4 year old princess :)
  • losinit48
    losinit48 Posts: 6 Member
    how do you add people?
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Hi, you can add me as a friend I am on here everyday, since I am in a different place than you, maybe you can get some ideas from what I do and eat, be happy to give you advice if you ask, goodluck:flowerforyou:
  • holliddd
    holliddd Posts: 28
    I decided to get healthy for my kids:) I wanted more energy and to be there when they needed me. You can do it. It takes a lot of work but you have the motivation to do it!! I just look at my kids everytime I want to skip a workout or give into bad eating!
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    hi i have been working on this for five weeks starting to get a little discouraged i am following my calories 1200 a day and i joined the gym going 3-5 days aweek. i dont want to give up i feel like i should have lost something by now

    You haven't lost anything in 5 weeks on that strict of a regimen? Hmmm. That's odd. Maybe you're just building muscle for the time being. Just don't get discouraged! That's the worst thing to do! Keep it up and you will eventually start seeing results!

    Eating at a deficit and building muscle? Doesn't happen. Very likely that you are not logging your food intake correctly. Please invest in a kitchen scale and weigh everything before you eat them.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    OP, I'm not a single mom, but I am a mom, 33, and have a lot of weight to lose. Total is probably close to your total of 150, but I've lost 42 at this point. I log in every single day, track all my food and water, and give as much support to my friends as I can. I'll send you a friend request, and anyone can feel free to add me as well.

    @Shandie25, click on someone's profile name to go to their page, there will be a friend request button.
  • ajominy
    ajominy Posts: 87 Member
    First off….CONGRATS on making this commitment and life change!!!! I’m not a single mom but I am 33 yo and will be 34 next month. I started MFP on July 2, 2012 and have lost 122 lbs since then. Ideally I would like to lose 166 lbs but I want to make sure that I get to a point that is sustainable. I am happy where I am at no and very proud of where I have come from. Another 20-25 lbs would be fantastic. I’ve struggled with weight all my life but was pretty good at keeping it in check as I was very active in sports and working out. That was until 7 yrs ago when I just got frustrated about having to constantly watch what I eat and gave up. As I gained weight, the thought of losing weight was hard b/c I knew I had so much to lose and felt that it was an insurmountable goal. I tried losing weight, did lose some but then would gain it back b/c where I wanted to be seemed so far.

    I believe I had sleep apnea (I self-diagnosed myself with it based on what I read), my legs swelled, my body ached all the time, I had no energy and some days just getting in and out of my car or bed seemed to be a chore.

    I finally had enough and decided that I needed to make the change. I wanted to be able to play and have fun with my 7 nieces and nephews (all 5 yrs old and younger), I wanted to feel better myself and look better. I realized that I had to do it for MYSELF and only myself.

    Here is what I have learned and what has helped me on my journey (this is just what has helped me and my opinion):

    Get the mindset that this is not a “diet” it’s a lifestyle change. I correct my friends and family all the time when they say I’m on a diet. I have had to work hard at changing my mindset and mentality. I know this is something I have to do for the rest of my life as I do not ever want to get back to where I was before.

    Life happens! There are going to be days that you don’t have the motivation to work out, or at an event that you want to eat some things that you typically don’t. Go ahead and not work out or have that 2nd piece of cake. Those things aren’t going to kill you. Work out a little more if you know you are going to be eating more. Just let those things be the exception and not the rule. Do everything in moderation. Allow yourself to participate in life and don’t feel guilty for it and don’t beat yourself up. I know it’s a lot easier said than done. I’m still working on it.

    Start slowly. Who cares if it takes you 1 yr to lose 100 lbs or 5 yrs to do so. It is not a race and our bodies respond differently. Also with food and exercise, start slowly. Eliminate some things in your diet at once and then gradually eliminate the rest of them. Same with exercise….I have a really bad knee from sports (have had 5 surgeries) and am limited on some things that I can do. Working out in the beginning was hard for me and painful. I discovered aqua aerobics was easier on my knees and provided a good workout. After a few months of that and losing weight, I was able to introduce other activities and my knees felt better. I have worked myself up to doing spinning 6 days a week along w/ a weight circuit. But this did not happen overnight.

    I plan out my meals and schedule my exercise in my calendar so that it serves as a constant reminder on what I have to do for the day. When I eat out I always try to look up the menu and see if there are any nutritional facts before I go. Then I know exactly what I want to get before I get there and how many calories are in it. Don’t be afraid to make modifications at the restaurant and ask for things on the side or eliminate things from the meal.

    Be honest when keeping your diary. I log everything even when I eat that 2nd piece of cake or have a 2nd helping of a meal. Try your best to not overestimate the calories you burn on exercise and underestimate what you are eating. The only person you are hurting is yourself. I have discovered that the calories for exercise in MFP are a lot higher than what you actually burn. I invested in a heart rate monitor to better track my burn and that has helped me quite a bit.

    Switch things up a bit every few months. I switch up what I eat and my exercise routine every few months so my body does not get used to the same thing and routine.

    Speaking from someone who never thought it was possible to lose the amount of weight I have lost, it is possible. Figure out what works for you and do it. You CAN do it and BELIEVE you can do it!! You can see some pictures from my transformation on my profile. Feel free to add me as well.

    Sorry for the super long post but as I wrote this things kept coming to mind. Again this is what has worked for me and may be different for each person on here but I wanted to provide people with things that have helped me as I did learn things from others on here as well.
  • Georgop
    Georgop Posts: 2
    I've been heavy most to all of my life. That's kept me from participating in many things over the years. I wish that I'd set my mind to fixing ME a long time ago. I'm determined now to set myself striaght , not with dieting, but lifestyle change. Eating what I need, not what I desire and exercising regularly.

    You are so young and have so much to look forward to in life. Do what's right for you and don't let others that may get in the way discourange you.

    Best of luck!