
Hello My name is Heidi. I am new to this site. I mainly would like to get stronger physically. I'm looking forward to enjoying my summer with fun active activities I will enjoy. I bought a bike recently and would like to start clocking the miles in instead of just guessing. I also enjoy swimming so biking to the swimming hole is going to be fun and challenging. I also dance native American so I am looking to be able to dance 10 hrs one day sat. and 7 hrs the next sun. per week end. Needing to build stamina and sustained strength so I don't have to hurt so bad after dancing. I am looking forward to attaining my goals, and feeling stronger in my everyday life. I'm from Northern Minnesota.


  • littlebee26
    littlebee26 Posts: 116
    Welcome to MFP Heidi (great name!!!). Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I clock my workouts using a stop watch and am very happy with that system of tracking calories burned. For example, 75 minutes of yoga, 30 minutes of walking, 60 minutes of bike riding, etc. (Not all in one day at my fitness level.) If you're training for racing you may want to find a way to measure MPH but for fitness purposes it probably doesn't matter. Good luck.:smile: