Lost 25lbs - dropped 2 dress sizes - no-one has noticed!

allywallis86 Posts: 20
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
When do people start to notice and say things like, hey you have lost weight or have you lost weight or you look great or you look fit or well or something. How much weight do you actually have to lose before your workmates, friends and family actually notice? Or is it the case that it was only me that noticed I was fat in the first place? Worst time was last week my friend that I had not seen for two years came to visit. On her last visit I was approximately 185lbs and now I am 158lbs but she said not a word about my weight loss so I told her. Have you, she replied, you cant notice! She is approximately 96lbs by the way! I mean is a 31 inch waist and 38 inch hips still considered to be really big? My target is 150lbs but I am now wondering just how much more weight I need to lose now? In this country size 0 is the size children wear and a 26 inch waist is a size 8, which is really small, 28 waist is a size ten and 30 waist a 12 and so on. I dont want to look like an adolescent child with no figure. Also I think that as we get older, we need a bit of flesh to keep us looking younger as there is a fine line between looking scrawny and slim. So if you were a size 10 in your 20's then you need to be a 12 or more now to keep you looking young and plump out some of those wrinkles!!!!!


  • I bet people have noticed a " change " but can't put thier finger on what.......Have you bought new clothes to show off the slimmer you? Keep up the great work, and I agree with what you wrote about as we age ...................
  • JustAmy
    JustAmy Posts: 291
    I know personally, I am usually afraid to say anything just in case the person hasn't lost weight!:blushing: :blushing: My boss lost 50 pounds before I dared to say anything, I just didn't want to hurt his feelings if he hadn't lost, you know?

    I will say CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!!!:bigsmile: Keep up the great work!!

  • I dont know how old you are but you look about 25 or so and wont need to worry for a while! Thanks for the encouragement.
  • Thanks JustAmy, I did put my foot in it with someone once and asked them when the baby was due and the lady said she had had the baby 6 months ago, oops! However, when I bumped into an old friend I had not seen for 20 years, she asked me if I was expecting. I was so ashamed of my weight gain, I said yes I was pregnant when I was not!
  • PammyB3130
    PammyB3130 Posts: 203
    I felt this way last week!! I notice how I'm changing, but my family didn't and it did bug me. Then I got to thinking that I'm not losing weight to impress other people. I'm doing this for myself, so I'll feel better and be healthier. If I'm only losing weight to please others, then I'm just setting myself up for one disappointment after another!!

    so my encouragement to you is to just keep up the good work. You are doing great!!
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    I felt this way last week!! I notice how I'm changing, but my family didn't and it did bug me. Then I got to thinking that I'm not losing weight to impress other people. I'm doing this for myself, so I'll feel better and be healthier. If I'm only losing weight to please others, then I'm just setting myself up for one disappointment after another!!

    so my encouragement to you is to just keep up the good work. You are doing great!!

    Yep, I agree. You are doing this for you. Don't worry about others. And if they do notice, its a bonus. But someone also mentioned up there, are you wearing new clothes that show the slimmer you? Also, depending on your build and where you have lost most of your weight, it may be hard for others to tell.
  • I've actually found that people have noticed a change and are a little frightened to mention it. Mostly the comment starts with the words "I'm not being rude......but have you lost weight?". Then suddenly once one person has broken the ice suddenly everyone else pipes up and says they've noticed it too. I think a lot of people maybe have noticed and don't want to say anything for fear of suggesting that you needed to lose weight.
  • Keep up the good work.........like you said we do it for ourselves............
  • Thanks for the advice Pammy and Panda .. I feel a shopping spree coming on and you are of course right. Already I do feel happier and healthier so it is for me and no-one else. Good luck to you all in your weight loss goals.
  • Thanks you are all so right and I wish you all success with your goals.
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