Need: Easy Exercises to do on the night shift at work

So I am gonna be working in a liquor store this summer, and have been told to bring a book or magazine for the night shift, because it gets super slow. But with crates of beer around, and heavy boxes and bottles, I was thinking of maybe doing some light lifting during my shifts to supplement my current Cardio Bunny Lifestyle. ( Running 3 days a week)

Please help! I need something easy that I can remember, and can use the weight of different bottles of alcohol. I am thinking mostly arms, but hell, why not do some squats while I am killing some time!

Thanks in advance everyone!!


  • msurads06
    msurads06 Posts: 66 Member
    Don't forget about walking laps of the store!! I work in a small hospital and when things are slow I will walk up and down the halls or around the building. Squats and wall pushups or pushups on crates are ideas. Not knowing what may be on the floor, I personally wouldn't want to get on the ground for regular pushups.

    You could also do weighted squats using a small box to start then working your way up to larger/heavier boxes
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    Squats, hip hinges, deadlifts, wall sits. Pushups if the floor is clean enough and no one is there to see.

    There are tons of things you can do, the problem is getting yourself into the routine of it. You might set reminders on your phone to alert you.
  • asyluma
    asyluma Posts: 65 Member
    I used to work in a milk/convenient store and 4 gallons of milk would be in one crate. Sometimes when stocking, instead of using the dolly to move a whole stack where it would need to be, I would carry one at a time. I'd also take a gallon in each arm and try to use the curl motion when stocking so it'd be like bicep curls. When I would mop, I would change my leg stances and do lunges instead of using just the arms to move around. I was always paranoid that if they looked at the security tapes, they'd think me weird if I was doing obvious workouts so doing these kinds of things made it seem like I was getting away with a workout while looking like I'm working = P