Hate exercise, and on 1200 calorie diet...need some advice?

I need to lose weight because I've been diagnosed with prediabetes and I also have fibromyalgia. I really don't like to exercise, but I am trying to make myself walk at least 15 minutes in the morning on my break at work and at least 30 minutes after work. I only get to do this about 3 - 4 days a week. I'm also on a 1200 calorie diet and staying pretty doggone close to that so far. I've just started this yesterday and wonder if anyone can give me some idea of how long it might take to lose 45 lbs. at the rate I'm going?


  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    That is going to totally depend on how heavy you are now.

    If you click on My Home, then on Goals, it will tell you your daily calorie deficit and how fast you should be losing right now. You can expect it to slow down some as you get lighter.
  • ellaloveslove
    ellaloveslove Posts: 166 Member
    Also it may be hard to lose on just 1200 calories, especially if you are working out. If after a few weeks you stall out, try raising your calories. 1200 is too few for the majority of people.
  • clsxplor
    clsxplor Posts: 15 Member
    I was on 1200, and got frustrated and kept getting stuck. Upped my cals to 1300 and started losing at a steady (not really fast, but steady) rate - about 1.5 lbs per week.
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    I have fibromyalgia too. It stinks. I was given an exercise bike with a nice big comfy seat and arm rests. I have worked up to riding it for an hour. My thought is, if I lose weight, the pain will ease up. I have lost 25 pounds so far. You can do it. Just do little bits at a time. I started at only doing 5 minutes on the bike. I have moved up to weight lifting and squats.
  • Niki_lee82
    Niki_lee82 Posts: 11
    I really don't care for cardio either, but I'll tell you a secret. Once I started walking every night, it became a part of my routine. I actually began to enjoy it. I started out with the goal to run (it actually still is my goal)...but when it got frustrating I realized that I was trying to do too much too soon and that I was just going to end up quitting all together. So I just walked. I'm losing roughly 1.5lb weekly and I now look forward to my walks. It's a great stress reliever and it's building my self confidence.

    Don't focus so much on your time. Focus on consistency.
    Don't focus on how long it will take you to lose the weight. Focus on the good things your doing for your body when you walk and eat healthy.

    This can be fun too, not a burden. Just keep it simple and stick with the commitment! Good luck!! :)
  • Thanks for all the info!! I had not thought about upping the calories, but I have read sooo many people say exactly that. Also, I am trying to make myself walk at least 4 times a week. Have to be careful since it is already 98 degrees here today. I appreciate all the advice! You give me motivation that it does work if I just don't quit.
  • jillbeanschoop
    jillbeanschoop Posts: 61 Member
    It is also very important to know that any form of exercise (easy or hard) helps when it comes to diabetes/pre-diabetes. Your cells are rejecting insulin and any exercise helps your cells to accept the insulin. What I'm saying is that even if you don't lose weight, walking or other movement does make a difference. Of course, losing weight helps even more but don't give up on walking even if you don't see the scale move. Walking matters! In my case, I have found two walking partners. Once a week we walk 1.5 to 2 hours. We're not on a speed race. We just walk one way until we decide to turn around and walk back. On all the other days, I walk around a block or two which takes me about 15- 30 minutes depending on my route. This is very do-able, even if you don't take one long walk. Just remember, moving matters. Good luck!
  • laele75
    laele75 Posts: 283 Member
    I have fibromyalgia as well and need to lose a substantial amount of weight. I have a recumbant exercise bike. My doctor wanted me to walk an hour a day. I need a cane to walk, so I found my own way. Also, yoga. There's a ton of free videos online. Yoga is your friend. Yes, you can do it. I was doing yoga at 300lbs.

    About the 1200 calories. Unless your doctor mandated it or you are a supertiny person, do not eat just 1200 calories. Go into your fitness settings, put in lightly active (you work with fibromyalgia. That automatically makes you not sedentary. Just existing takes us more effort.) Set it to one pound a week. It'll give you a realistic number. EAT THAT. You need as much energy as you can get to keep up with your activities. Starving yourself is not going to help and will only make your flares worse.

    Listen to your body. I tried working out every day and it put me in the worst flare I've had in years. Do some experimenting, find your own groove. But do no overdo it trying to drop the weight fast. You will only crash and burn.
  • carladanielson1224
    carladanielson1224 Posts: 5 Member
    I hated to exercise too... i weighed in at 293 and now 252; just started counting calories etc. first tier of weight loss came from just changing my lifestyle and it came off pretty easy. but I need to keep going. I never hardly exercized sinkce they used to force us to run the mile what in 8th grade gym class and I even rebelled then...ugh...now I am loving it...i didnt at first but once you get past that hump someone will have to stop you from going you will crave it so much. I hate shoulder and back problems and aches etc. and I feel so much better just from getting the weight off and stretching etc. start off walking move to light cardio, you will be surprised what you body will do... i used to be only able to do the eliptical for 15min then had to stop. now I can go an hour straight watching tv or reading or talking with a friend and dont even realized the time passed. You will build endurance....keep positive and dont be hard on yourself if you hurt or cant do something pull back, it is NOT what you cant do it is what you can do...and once the weight start coming off it feels so good and you are so proud of your self. take care
  • ashly01
    ashly01 Posts: 2
    I just started 6/8/2013 I was diagnosed with Psedotumor Cebri. I' am at almost 1300 calories a day and I started walking at least 4 miles a day and watching what I eat and making sure I don't go over my calorie intake for the day and plenty of water so far I have lost 6 pounds in 6 days. I want to drop another 94 pounds so It's going to take awhile but instead of just my walking at night I think I'm going to up it to 2 miles when I wake up and 4 miles in the evening. :happy: