OMG i have gained back the 12 pounds i lost

so depressed Ive gained back all 12 pounds...I have been under a lot i eat and iHate me right now...however i originally lost 56 pounds, 5 years ago and still have kept off 30 ..but im on my way to it scares me..thnx for letting me vent now this must be day 1 on a healthy diet..I have to do this i feel like crap, my back aches all the time..I have a dissability so i cant walk far however i have 2 Rotties that keep me moving all the time...


  • shell1205
    shell1205 Posts: 138
    It's OK... look at it this way... you've lost and kept off 30 POUNDS!!! That's amazing!! Don't beat yourself up. We all have bad times, and we all fall off the wagon. The point is you realize it, and being scared that you'll gain more back is going to help you get re-motivated. You can do this!! Don't give up!! :flowerforyou:
  • TammyBee
    TammyBee Posts: 178
    Today is a NEW DAY! The past is behind you. You can do it!!!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it. You gain 12 pounds. You don't like it.

    So I think the only solution here is to lose it again! If you lost it once you can lose it again. Setbacks happen, but that's life. No one said this would be easy! Take it one day at a time. Don't beat yourself up over what happened yesterday. Today will be better and the next day even better.
  • Barbie55127
    Barbie55127 Posts: 13 Member
    At least you have come to the right place. We have all lost and gained, but you should be proud that you have kept most of it off!
    This is a great site with great people who all know what you are going through. Don't worry too much you'll lose it again!!!
  • Rebecca__Lynn
    Positive logged in, you made yourself accountable, you told your story !!! This is a "lifelong" change...a new lifestyle...and life is about ups and downs-and this is a part of it!! Feel good that you have the knowledge and know how to hop back on the wagon and do something about it. Rock on girl !!!
  • Thinwithin2010
    Thinwithin2010 Posts: 166 Member
    I myself am back from a leave of unaccountability! The good thing is we are back! Let's move on with the friends we have made on MFP and I know we CAN do it!! Goodluck to you and congrats on keeping off the 30... That is fantastic!:flowerforyou:
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    so depressed Ive gained back all 12 pounds...I have been under a lot i eat and iHate me right now...however i originally lost 56 pounds, 5 years ago and still have kept off 30 ..but im on my way to it scares me..thnx for letting me vent now this must be day 1 on a healthy diet..I have to do this i feel like crap, my back aches all the time..I have a dissability so i cant walk far however i have 2 Rotties that keep me moving all the time...

    It's okay, seriously, everything will be okay.

    Start again, once you get over the first day and you have stuck to your plan, you will feel a hell of a lot better. It is when we break our eating plans, the morning after, we think back to what we consumed and are ridden by guilt and then depression.

    It is temporary though, it passes as quickly as it arrived.

    Resolve to start anew, get through that first day, then see how much better you feel in the morning, then go for the second day, then the third, by the time the first week is finished and you have your weigh-in, you will be well on your way.

    Of course you can do this, you did it once before, you can do it again xxx :flowerforyou:
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Positive logged in, you made yourself accountable, you told your story !!! This is a "lifelong" change...a new lifestyle...and life is about ups and downs-and this is a part of it!! Feel good that you have the knowledge and know how to hop back on the wagon and do something about it. Rock on girl !!!

    Ditto! Let go of the past and look forward. You are being encouraged and supported here!
  • sabvit
    sabvit Posts: 11 Member
    If it's any consolation, I've been there as well and know how frustrated you feel.

    It sounds like you are getting yourself back on track, that's great! Try to remember (I have to remind myself as well), we are all going to have set backs. Vacations, parties, holidays are going to continue to be a part of our lives. The key to losing and keeping the weight off is to get right back on the program after we slip. We can try to learn from our slip ups and make better choices in the future but we are human and will at times make bad choices. Don't waste too much energy punishing yourself for what has happened in the past. Accept the set back and focus on the future.

    This is a great program, I love that I can track my food and exercise on-line and with my IPod so I am less likely to forget what I've eaten. I also love seeing my activity increase my allowable calories for the day. Remember short exercise sessions throughout the day add up. So if you can only exercise 10 minutes at a time, it's going to help you burn calories.

    I hope this helps.
  • Starrotts
    Starrotts Posts: 164
    thnx everybody i sure needed the support ..thats why i luv this site..we r all doin this..I have been here for 4 years and will always be here thnx again u have helped me bigitme ..u guys ROCK...