too many calories for my height and weight?

I'm 18 years old and I'm 5'5" and 113 lbs. MFP tells me that I should eat 1640 calories a day (I set my activity level to sedentary because I am a student so I'm mostly sitting in class). I run on the treadmill (5 miles) and burn around 400-500 calories everyday doing that.

So my question is, is it okay for me to eat approx. 2100 calories a day?? I'm trying to maintain my weight, but I'm worried this is too many calories for me to eat, I just feel like 1640 calories is WAY too low for me! thanks :)


  • IGJWolfCarnivore
    IGJWolfCarnivore Posts: 7 Member
    Well there's more to how many calories to eat then just the weight to height ratio a good way to truly find out is to get a accurate body fat % count then calculate how many pounds of lean body mass you have then that will give you a more accurate calorie range because you can properly find out how much protein, carbs, and fat to include in your diet but one thing I have learned is that don't pay to much attention to the scale I would suggest eating what mfp is saying and just pay attention to yourself you will notice if you start to drop weight or if you decide to eat at your 2100 mark then you should be able to tell if you're starting to feel less tight in areas lol my best way to put it from experience. Your goal should be to keep/maintain or slightly increase your muscle mass to help get your metabolism up so you don't have to run on the treadmill every single day to maintain the look you want. So if you are bored of running so much switch it up do HITT training twice a week with some resistance training in between so you are not so bored. :D Hope this helps a little.
  • samlsully
    samlsully Posts: 5 Member
    thank you that does help!
    I love running everyday though, so I do not want to stop doing that :), but I do need to strength train because my arms are just bones while I have muscular legs hahah.
  • IGJWolfCarnivore
    IGJWolfCarnivore Posts: 7 Member
    Your Welcome and I bet from all that running you do wish I loved to run I am dreading going running now lol but yes hit the weights just do it safely and keep the nutrition in check and let your body do the rest :D