Exercise Help?


I don't have any clue what exercising to do to lose weight? I have 6 stone ish to loose and I don't know if I should be doing anything to tone-up along the way? Or do I lose the weight then tone?

Any help/advice would be much appreciated :)

Thank you


  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    May sound pretty simplistic, but the best exercise to lose weight is one that you'll do. The biggest challenge for most people in staying with a healthy active life is boredom and when you are bored, the exercise will stop. I would highly recommend strength training with the aerobic in some way, shape or form. I personally hate weights so do a considerable amount of resistance training using my body weight as resistance. God luck in whatever you decide.
  • BeLikeBarbi
    itWorks body wraps are great for toning I found. I plan on splurging on a few sessions once I hit my desired weight to tighten things up a bit!
  • Matt82007
    Matt82007 Posts: 23 Member
    At the very least do calisthenics (pushups, crunches, body weight squats and pullups/chinups if you have a bar you can get to(I don't have one but I try pullups every time I'm at the park)). Aside from that, some kind of cardio which doesn't have to be all that intense. Depending on your normal level of activity, simply going for a walk every morning can work wonders for some people.

    If you're more ambitious, lift weights in ways that engage a large portion of your body. My preference for a foundational weightlifting routine is benchpress, barbell row, over head press, lat pull downs(or pullups though you probably won't be able to do them till you're close to your goal), squat, and deadlift. Do five out of six 2/3 days a week alternating your squats and deadlifts.

    A lot of women worry about getting bulky from lifting weights, but as someone who lifted regularly for two years before losing a job and the gym membership that came with it, I can assure you that getting bulky requires a directed effort and more muscle building hormones than you're likely to have.
  • jakesfitness
    jakesfitness Posts: 123 Member
    Some kind of HIIT cardio is going to be your best best probably to tone up while loosing some fat. also throw in some weight training, light weights at high reps give you lean muscle and definition, not bulk. mix in some good cardio several times a week and there ya go.
  • JenRun1
    JenRun1 Posts: 212
    Any exercise. If you are sedetary right now, I'd start with a walk/run, or eliptical or even just a good long walk at a moderate pace. I'd also throw in weights a few times a week, building muscle will help you lose and build your metabolism too.
  • estielouise
    estielouise Posts: 46 Member
    swimming tones and builds fitness all at the same time. or try cardio twice a week, with body pump (weights) class once a week to balance out. Mainly just find what works for you
  • fizzfizz
    fizzfizz Posts: 94 Member
    Walking works for me and I am not doing any great speeds / distances due to injury, but it gives me extra calories to add add onto snacks every day - which is nice! I wouldn't manage the MFP goals without it.

    You're doing really well on calorie counting so you could look at it as a bonus, it's easy too if like me you need to go places - I (collectively) walk an hour on a weekday anyway just between home and work with stages either side of my train commute. I have also discovered, because I live in a city centre, that shopping counts! That's obviously only if you are walking to and continually browsing around the shops rather than standing about - MFP has walking as an exercise at varying speeds so you can chose exactly what suits. It doesn't feel a lot like exercise either but maybe an easy start if you're not exercising a lot right now? I choose to walk to TKMaxx, buy a cheap and lovely clothing treat that looks good on me as I am right now, then carry on walking to the park for some leafy views then home. It all adds up if you time it.

    I do some weights too in the gym, using machines - you get an induction so the staff show you how. Not my favourite, it's for muscle rehab for me, and I am not sure it burns much off if that's your main aim. Swimming is great though and you feel better however much or little you've done - it just relaxes lots of tense muscles and slowly gives you tone too.
  • jlcl119
    jlcl119 Posts: 51
    The best exercise is the one that you'll do.
    If walking is the only thing you can/will do, then that is the absolute best thing for you to do.

    If you're up for anything, strength training is #1, absolutely. Cardio is important too, but the best thing for a healthy body is heavy weights.