Help! I seem to have NO metabolism...

RB411 Posts: 5 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I don't get it. I see all of these stories on TV, the internet, magazines, etc... where women eat a lot of junk food on a daily basis and they weight 250+ lbs. They will say that all they had to do was give up soda and they lost 25 lbs in just 4 weeks. It's SO frustrating. I weight 256 and I work out several times per week. I don't eat a lot of junk and I never drink sugared soft drinks. I know I have issues or I wouldn't be overweight. It's just very frustrating because I don't eat a ton of junk and I still weight 256. I have to give up a lot more than just junk to lose weigh, practically have to starve myself to lose.

I am basically fit but I carry most of my weight in the middle. I'm apple shaped and I keep hearing that is the hardest weight to lose. I've heard that a low glycemic diet can help with that. Does anyone have any knowledge of a low glycemis diet and losing belly fat?



  • do u mind making ur food diary public? im sure many many MFP could help u through this. we all have combined loads of knowledge so i know for sure we can help. but we need to know what u eat.. etc.
    for example, u could be eating too little believe it or not!
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    have you had your thyroid checked? i know someone who had a problem with their thyroid and could not lose weight to save their life. i think it would be called hypothyroidism. i think hyperthyroid is the one that makes you lose weight, but i could have got them mixed up. google it and if you think you may have the symptoms, give your doctor a call! other than that there's nothing else i personally know of that can keep you from losing weight. either way good luck with everything and i hope you find some answers!:flowerforyou:
  • Keep up your journal and be detailed about it. You'll be able to find what needs to be changed when you're looking at it in black and white. If your metabolism is really that slow, you either have to accept being fat forever or make a permanent change. Going on a diet isn't going to permanently solve anything. I'm so excited to have found this site. A free journal like this is just what the doctor ordered. I've only done it one day and I was amazed at how much better my choices were when I realized I had to write down what I put in my mouth. There has got to be something you can change.
  • Go to your doctor and have him do a blood test to check your thyroid levels. If your thyroid is underactive you won't be able to lose the weight no matter how little you eat.
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    If your metabolism is low from not eating enough calories it may take a couple of months before your body decides it's not starving and begin to let go of weight. Keep at it. Make sure you eat all your exercise calories. A lot of people think that if they exercise a lot and then only eat at their daily allotment of calories then they will lose a lot of weight and do it faster. When you tell MFP that your goal weight is less than what you weigh it automatically gives you 500 calories per day under what it takes to maintain your weight. (3,500 calories overeaten what your body needs to maintain is 1 lb). So 500 cals per day deficeit times 7 days is 1 lb a week (a safe rate to lose weight). When you exercise your body then needs more to maintain so always eat your exercise calories. You want to fly just under ther radar at about 500 less than what you need for all reasons. If you have been undereating your calories for awhile your body will have gotten real efficient at hoarding calories since it sees you as starving.
    Also eat enough calcium since it will think your starving if you don't. Your body has to maintain your blood in a narrow ph range and if you don't get enough calcium if will leach it out of your bones. Again it sees you as starving.
    Keep at it. Ask your doc to send you to a nutritionist. Not just being over weight makes you unhealthy. You may need to get healthier to lose weight.
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