Depression and stress related eating

My husband died recently and I find that I am constantly hungry. Any suggestions on how to 'fight' stress and depression related hunger? I have seen recommendations for 7-Keto DHEA ( 25-100 mg twice a day), 5 HTP (50-200 mg a day) and Rhodiola ( 200-400 mg each morning) have any of you tried these?


  • nyqueensguy
    nyqueensguy Posts: 100 Member
    Losing a spouse is such a very hard thing to go through. I am only guessing that you are even more depressed gaining weight. I also struggle with depression at times and I definitely am an emotional eater. I eat to relax and I just love food! What helps me is to just keep reminding myself that I WILL BE MUCH HAPPIER IF I LOOK GOOD. It will increase my self confidence and I will feel better about myself. I know it is possible as so many others have lost so much weight. Its not like I have an incurable disease! Ive been at it almost three weeks and Im not too happy with my results. I have a few good days and then i will blow it. There is always food around since I have a big family and also take care of my sick mom. Im learning that I have to be very disciplined about what I eat and count and measure everything. Hope that helps. So sorry about your loss.
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss. It helps me to exercise, sleep, listen to music, find a new hobby, and perhaps most importantly, I try to avoid stimulants: caffeine, alcohol, nicotine...any kind of drug.

    I deal with anxiety every day. I've always lived with A.D.D., then I was diagnosed with G.A.D. 5+ yrs ago. Also, a little bit of O.C.D. stems from those 2 issues. This may seem like a lot, or that I'm over-exaggerating, I wish I was, but I'm not.

    Anxiety disorders typically intertwine with one another...and depression is a sister disorder. I'm not saying you have any disorders, but just explaining that I do know how you're not alone!
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I have been where you are now. It is 7 years for me. My husband was in a fatal car crash. He was lousy with money which added to my anxiety. I don't know how long it is for you but don't try to make any major changes in your life the first full year. Let the dust settle a bit. Walking is wonderful to let you mind race. I don't recommend any fad diets. That will just lead to failure in the end which you don't need on top of everything else. Cut out one bad habit, binge food, whatever at a time and find an easy exercise you like. It is one step at a time; one day at a time even when you don't feel like it. Maybe there is a support group for singles in your area. I suffered from depression before the accident which of course got worse. Talk to your doctor. Maybe you need a med. temporarily to get your brain organized. One day down the road you will realize'"hey, today wasn't so bad." Hang in there. It does bcome more manageable.
  • SkinnyMozza
    SkinnyMozza Posts: 66 Member
    Im so sorry for your loss.

    I hope you are surrounded by suportive friends and family. If you havent already it can be extremely helpful to seek out some professional help. Sometimes we think we are dealing with these things ok on our own, but I can only imagine some of the pain you may be feeling. I have suffered from depression, and this is what helped me through... which in the end helped my emotional over eating as I was dealing with my emotions in therapy. Its not easy... but bottling it up and covering it with food will only make it worse.

    I hope moving forward, your life is filled with love from all your MFP friends... :flowerforyou:
  • PomegranatePear
    PomegranatePear Posts: 9 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear that. I think bereavement is unique and it's very different to other types of stress or depression. I lost a sibling recently and the months of dealing with them being ill followed by bereavement resulted in some strange emotional eating in me and weight gain. A lot of the advice on here is about gaining body confidence, but when eating is attached to grief it's a lot more complex than that. All I can say is be KIND to yourself. You've had a really hard time so don't beat yourself up for not being able to always be completely in control of your eating. When you are ready eating healthily will be a way to be kind to yourself too. I use 5HTP sometimes and think it is worth a try. Give yourself TIME and your eating will get easier as your grief does. I'm going through bereavement myself and sometimes it feels like it will never feel better, but I have to believe that it will eventually. Be brave, you aren't on your own.
  • roeann53
    roeann53 Posts: 124 Member
    Skylinepigeon, thanks for the kind words... I find I don't want to go home so am either working out in the gym or eating out... I guess I am working on the "excess in all things" emotional state right now... :ohwell:
  • roeann53
    roeann53 Posts: 124 Member
    I deal with anxiety every day. I've always lived with A.D.D., then I was diagnosed with G.A.D. 5+ yrs ago. Also, a little bit of O.C.D. stems from those 2 issues.
    Thanks for the suggestions .. may I ask what G.A.D. is?
  • roeann53
    roeann53 Posts: 124 Member
    Holly1283 thanks for the kind words and advice. My husband and I were married 35 years so 7 doesn't seem all that long. He died two months so I am pretty new to this emotional roller coaster. You comment on finances struck home, we split all the household tasks, even the bill paying.. I paid the mortgage, the electricity and so forth and he took care of the smaller, and the non-reoccurring bills. So now I have to figure out which bills need to be paid, which were paid and which weren't...
  • roeann53
    roeann53 Posts: 124 Member
    PomegranatePear, thanks for the response I will give 5htp a try... I was sorry to see you just lost your partner recently as well. I just stumbled on a site for widows/widowers if you are interested give me a shout.
  • roeann53
    roeann53 Posts: 124 Member
    SkinnyMozza - thanks for the kind words and suggestions.. you are right eating is just a way of distracting oneself from one's feelings sometimes.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Please accept my condolences. My wonderful husband died a few years ago from a medical error. I sat in shock on the couch for a year, eating and staring out the window at the sky. It's good that you have pets at home. My pets have helped me. So have my close friends. I too no longer wanted to be in the house and eventually went back to college to work on a different degree. Nature is a great healer. I found walking outside a great help the first year and still spend as much time as I can outside. Grief is natural but so difficult. Remember that your husband would not want you to become unhealthy and fall apart. Best wishes to you.
  • roeann53
    roeann53 Posts: 124 Member
    Well I dropped out.. gained weight.. but am back again.. it took about 2 years before I really felt 'better'.. they says time heals.. maybe or maybe it just numbs the wounds. But, its time to get back in shape and get on with life.
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    Welcome back <3 I'm terribly sorry for your devastating loss and may your healing continue.

    Glad you are feeling like it's time to move forward with your own life.....

    Wishing you all the best for achieving your goals.