I eat, but I'm still hungry



  • meribethd
    meribethd Posts: 92 Member
    Protein really does make you feel more full! I have recently cut out grains (not saying you or anyone else has to do this) and have upped my protein/fats and it's pretty amazing how much more full I am between meals. Try a couple eggs, or an egg and 1/2 cup egg whites with your breakfast. Do a scramble with some ham and a little cheese and some frozen peppers. I promise, you will be surprised how much more full you are after a couple of hours.
  • eevincheezburger
    eevincheezburger Posts: 163 Member
    I was one of those people who tried to fill up on carbs, and reducing portion sizes made me starve. If you add protein (or substitute protein for the carb, but I don't recommend that), you will feel full MUCH longer. A bowl of cereal leaves me hungry every time now that I'm used to whole wheat oatmeal, peanut butter, and protein powder (if I don't have time for eggs) in the morning.
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member

    P.S. Bacon is not protein. It's delicious though :love:

    This... All you are eating are foods loaded with high carbs, no wonder you are hungry and sick to your stomach, it's called out of control blood sugar spikes and lulls and it will cause insulin resistance over time.

    Protein should be .75- 1 gram per pound for most women. For most women that is at least 130 grams of protein per day. Then .35-.45 grams times your body weight for fat and supplement the rest with carbs. (protein is 4 calories per gram and fat is 9, add that up, subtract it from the calories MFP says to eat and then the rest of the calories you have left can be carb calories.


    160 lb women should eat roughly around 140-160 grams of protein per day and 50-70 grams of fat. The calories left over can be carbs. Your carb intake will be less than 80-125 grams on this method depending on your exercise. You should find relief from hunger and cravings this way.

    So, I'm 202 lbs....are my answers then correct?
    202 protein, 92 fat 474 carbs

    She probably meant to say .75-1.0 grams of protein per lbs of LEAN muscle mass. I doubt you are 202 lbs of solid muscle, or are you?? LOL!! Anyway, calculate your BF%, calculate your LMM, eat .75-1.0 grams of protein per lbs of LMM :smile:
  • Paleo_wolf
    Paleo_wolf Posts: 28
    Make sure your getting enough cals. When ppl start mfp they rush to lose weight and set their daily goal to 1200 when they should be eating way more. Make sure your not unintentionally starving yourself just to lose weight.
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    Get enough calories
    Get enough healthy fats

    Oh, and lots of water throughout the day helps too.
  • teelynn35
    teelynn35 Posts: 239 Member
    Protein & fiber are your friends :happy:

  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    More protein, less 100 calorie packs (they are empty calories that offer no benefit and just encourage the "snacking" mentality, IMO). For 100 calories you can have other things that will add to your nutrition, fiber, etc. Again, just my opinion. I should say though, if you see me post much on here I loathe hundred calorie pack foods. Don't get me wrong. Love the foods. Just hate the mentality that "gee it's only a hundred calories so it can't be bad". For me it comes down to this. You crave what you eat. Eating snacky foods begats cravings for snacky foods. So until I learned better eating habits, I tried to avoid those items. I don't believe in deprivation type eating, which can lead to binges. But I just learned what foods encouraged me to eat better than other foods.

    Also, I have reactive hypoglycemia (low blood sugar caused by how I eat). Pair your sugars with protein and it should help you get your blood sugar under control, if this is your issue. When I eat an apple, I have some deli meat, or cheese with it. My doc suggested it and I'm not totally clear medically why it works, but it does. And I have suggested it to others who have had similar results.
  • arsvirgo
    arsvirgo Posts: 3
    Those 100 calorie snacks suck for you! Unless you're at the movies and are trying to avoid the popcorn, stay away from those. So much unwanted sodium and carbs. I find cucumber (which has lots of amazing benifets to it like a natural fat burner and energy booster will help satisfy you) along with that have a low calorie cheese stick (it has protien and less carbs. Just choose a low fat one). How about nuts and strawberries. 1/4 cup almonds (stay away from peanuts and cashews) and 1 Cup strawberries will help those hunger cravings. Fiber helps too so whole grains with protein. Eat every few hours. 6mini meals a day. Try not to eat crabs after 5 pm because it will help not wanting those awful midnight cravings.Also just give it time. GOOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Ha ha-crabs after 5 pm!
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    LOL....I caught the crabs part...oops, that sounds bad, too! haha...anyway, I'll start by ditching those 100 cal packs because I knew they did nothing for me, I mean they're like 6 mini pretzels, what's that gonna' do for your hunger anyway, right? So, almonds, strawberries, cucumbers, peanut butter, oatmeal....any other food suggestions? Thanks everyone, very helpful!
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member

    So, I'm 202 lbs....are my answers then correct?
    202 protein, 92 fat 474 carbs

    She probably meant to say .75-1.0 grams of protein per lbs of LEAN muscle mass. I doubt you are 202 lbs of solid muscle, or are you?? LOL!! Anyway, calculate your BF%, calculate your LMM, eat .75-1.0 grams of protein per lbs of LMM :smile:

    Yes I definitely meant lean tissue and I apologize for not clarifying. I have been gone all day or else I would have answered sooner. I recently met with a trainer that said as long as you are adjusting your calories accordingly it can be "how much lean tissue you SHOULD have", that is why I max at 150 grams of protein. My goal weight is 140 lbs. So eating 200 grams of protein is really going over board. Even Lyle McDonald says this on his Re-composition website.

    Sorry if I confused you. I tried to clarify in my other post but I failed because I think my calculations are a bit off, but not much.

    Ok lets crunch some numbers:

    You said:
    My TDEE is 2359, age is 25 and height is 5' 2"
    I have been forgetting to lower my intake on my "rest" days...so on those days, how low much lower should my intake be? And yes, I do want to lose weight, approx. 60lbs. Thanks for your help

    Ok 20 % percent less per day would be 472 calories less than your TDEE. Which is about 1880, so I was not off by too much. I find that a range is good, I like to cycle calories and carbs to have more leverage in what I eat on certain days. I cycle between 1600-2000 calories. 1600 on my rest days and 2000 on my strength training days and 1800 on my cardio days. You don't have to be spot on. One thing I have learned is that cycling gives you a buffer, if you are lower one day then a few extra calories the next day is ok. Just be honest with yourself. I use the graph to help me keep track of my cycle. It really is easy way to visual see my progress.

    At your height and goal weight I definitely would not eat more than about 140-150 protein grams per day. That is 600 calories of protein. I would use a range of 70-90 grams of fat, and cycle that with carbs which should be about 100-125 grams max (around 600 calories). If you eat more carbs one day eat less fat and vise versa. Lean toward less carbs because that helps control blood sugar (hunger cues). Some people are going to tell you even less carbs is better, but if you are an active healthy person nothing wrong with consuming SOME carbs (yeah I just got into a row about this on another thread...but the truth is some is not 250+ a day, that is asking for insulin resistance)

    Looking at an 1800 calories daily goal (which is about right), you divide it into 600 protein cals (150 grams), 600 fat cals (around 70 grams) and 600 carb cals (under 150 grams). Start with that and see how it works for you. I had to add carbs on my cardio days and reduce them on my strength days. Consequently I add fat on my strength days.

    Email me if you have more questions. Exact percent is not as important as starting somewhere and tweeking it as you go along. You are your best test subject :flowerforyou: