I hate the feeling of discouragement

Hey everyone I really want to lose weight. Right now I am 220 and I gained 40lbs since last summer. It makes me want to cry. My main goal is to be around 160. I want to feel confident in my own skin. Its summer now I want to be at least 40 pounds down by the end of the summer (September). I hate that my butt and thighs look like cottage cheese. I just want to be healthier. I want to be able to wear a bikini and be confident in it. Does anyone want to be my weight loss buddy to help encourage me? That will make my day.


  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    start today...look at yourself and say "I DESERVE to take care of myself, I DESERVE to do this for myself"... you can do this..one day at a time only....time to make you a priority!!!!
  • Ampedette
    Ampedette Posts: 35 Member
    Hey everyone I really want to lose weight. Right now I am 220 and I gained 40lbs since last summer. It makes me want to cry. My main goal is to be around 160. I want to feel confident in my own skin. Its summer now I want to be at least 40 pounds down by the end of the summer (September). I hate that my butt and thighs look like cottage cheese. I just want to be healthier. I want to be able to wear a bikini and be confident in it. Does anyone want to be my weight loss buddy to help encourage me? That will make my day.

    Well stop being discouraged. This takes patience, no room for negative emotions. Whatever happens, get up, brush the dirt off your shoulders, sport a smile and keep going forward. Negative emotions cause people to fail at this, so don't let them get to you.

    You keep saying, "I want this, i want that.." Doesn't matter what you want, it matters what you do.

    This!! I couldn't have said it better myself!!
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Don't set specific times, you will CRASH & BURN! you have to take it 1 step at a time and go with how your body responds to your workouts and what you eat and so forth. I congratulate you on reaching out to the forums though, will get tons of help :)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It is probably inevitable that you will feel discouragement at some point in the process. I have felt it many times, and I'm about 1/3 of the way through. What matters is what you do with it. Do you let it make you quit? Or do you push through, keep making the right choices, forgive yourself and keep going when you slip up for the 3573473434th time?

    Don't count on feeling encouraged or motivated to keep you going. Keep making the right choces, no matter how you feel.
  • 123bree1997
    Thanks everyone for posting. I am in a better mindset today :)