Slightly negative comments



  • Fit_Kenzie
    Fit_Kenzie Posts: 124
    Set your food diary to private maybe?

    LOL, I don't think thats going to solve her problem.
  • AndriaLL
    AndriaLL Posts: 162
    I don't mention when I'm dieting anymore because people think it's an open door to all of their opinions, which are not right for me and my issues (I have a protein limit due to kidney disease and everyone tells me to eat more protein) anyway. It's almost as if I said I was preganant or something!!! LOL
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Apparently, I stopped giving a ****. I figured this out just last week when my dad came out to NC from Cali for my youngest son's graduation.

    I made chicken and green chili enchiladas. My dad made the comment that if I would cut my carbs I could probably lose the rest of my weight. Since mid-January ( just under five months) I've lost 31 lbs. that is about a 6.2 pound per month loss. I am 11 pounds from goal. I didn't mean to, but I rolled my eyes at him and told him I need my carbs to fuel my lifts and couldn't pick up 130+ pounds if I didn't eat them. He was not impressed and said I had no business picking up that much weight, and I told him he was right...I needed to be lifting my body weight. :bigsmile: that's when my step-mom told me to get a bike. While annoyed with their old-school views, it really didn't matter. I will eat what I know is right for me (and my body) and if Dad doesn't agree? That's his prerogative.

    I just don't care, anymore.
  • That sounds like bullying to me. Stand up for yourself and if they don't respect your wishes perhaps avoid contact with them all together.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    (when your at work) sounds like an excuse and if your diary is OPEN and your chosen "friends" comment-they are trying to help you.

    if you don't like it-make your diary private.

    sorry if that's negative to you-but I am not here to blow smoke up people's *kitten*!
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    im confused about something.....

    the food choices youre making. are they commenting because youre eating garbage, and really trying to help?
    or are they seeing that youre making good choices and are trying to one-up you by acting like they know more about health than you do.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Those comments started becoming horrible triggers for my binge eating. ): It got to the point of a traditional disorder because I could not eat in front of people for fear of their comments.

    Today at lunch a lady at work looked at my food and said "I wish I could eat that." Was she saying I was fat and could eat whatever I wanted or was she saying that i was eating fattening food? I'm almost afraid to buy food at the store now. I just know the cashier is judging me when they ring my my items. I use the self checkout station as much as possible and I eat my food in my room where my wife can't see half the time. At work I try to sneak it back into my cubicle where no one knows what I have.

    I was eating breakfast on the way to work but then I would be at a stoplight and the guy in the car beside me looked at me like he was judging my breakfast. He probably thought I was a fatty because I was eating in the car. That's what I was thinking.

    I just hate being judged. It's giving me a nervous breakdown.

    What makes you think anyone is judging you ( and even if they were, why would you care?) Maybe she meant " I wish I could eat like that and still look that good". The guy in the car couldn't care less about your breakfast, he was likely thinking more along the lines of " Are you going to get that car moving or not?" You have no reason to feel so guilty. The disapproval of strangers is of no importance. And believe me the cashiers don't give a rat's patoot what you buy, so long as they ring it up correctly.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    That sounds like bullying to me. Stand up for yourself and if they don't respect your wishes perhaps avoid contact with them all together.

    I'm just going to assume you're kidding and say "good one". Good one!
  • That sounds like bullying to me. Stand up for yourself and if they don't respect your wishes perhaps avoid contact with them all together.

    I'm just going to assume you're kidding and say "good one". Good one!

    LOL thanks, but no I'm not kidding. Bullying in the workplace is a sad reality.
  • pHatWeenie
    pHatWeenie Posts: 23
    Yeah sure do. Im working on gaining trust in the people that are telling me things that I dont want to hear. I keep my diary closed for no other reason than being scared of being judged, I dont think I eat bad all the time. Now I have trusted a close friend on here to help me gain that confidence. So now its about breaking barriers like getting tougher taking on board what they saying because everything has a positive in it.

    Those that offer and eat the sweet in front of you ... turn it around, you are testing your own will power. Even if you have one and not go halves with the person that is still something. Small achievements make a greater win. Anything you do can be turned into a positive wether you learning from it as in keep away or go with it.

    Hope that helps xo
  • ShaJustSha
    ShaJustSha Posts: 10
    I live in a house with a Type 2 diabetic who REFUSES to do what he knows he needs to do to be healthier. He still eats bacon every day. He still eats processed foods every day. He spent over $2000 last year to do hypnosis to attempt to "reprogram" himself, but the only concessions he has made are that he no longer drinks soda pop, and he no longer brings any pastries home. I have tried to get him to start walking with me every night, but he won't so I have quit asking

    This journey is a HIGHLY personal one and only an individual who is walking the path WITH YOU has any room to offer ANY opinion on how you're progressing towards whatever end result you're seeking. Tell 'em all to STFU! :)

    JMHO and .02
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    People are judgey.

    We all put our mouths in motion before our brain is in gear.
  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    Stop worrying about what other people think or say. Let your shrinking waist do the talking for you.

    This^^ some people is just jealous and want to make you fail.
  • lyttmab
    lyttmab Posts: 87 Member
    im confused about something.....

    the food choices youre making. are they commenting because youre eating garbage, and really trying to help?
    or are they seeing that youre making good choices and are trying to one-up you by acting like they know more about health than you do.

    I agree, I'm confused as well! Maybe you should eat somewhere else . . . and ignore the negative comments from some of the others on here. Some did not read your post carefully enough . . . why people come on here and judge, I will never know. I thought this site was to help! not up one on a fellow MFP member. I will never understand the need to make oneself feel better by belittling someone else . . .
  • lyttmab
    lyttmab Posts: 87 Member
    (when your at work) sounds like an excuse and if your diary is OPEN and your chosen "friends" comment-they are trying to help you.

    if you don't like it-make your diary private.

    sorry if that's negative to you-but I am not here to blow smoke up people's *kitten*!

    I'm sorry, did I miss something? I didn't read where she asked for someone to blow smoke up her *kitten* . . .
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    As a personal trainer I totally understand! Because people know my profession they're constantly scrutinizing my food choices. And because of my profession I feel like a lot of people hold me to a higher standard than they would someone not in the fitness field. I eat relatively healthy because I choose to and because I struggle with my weight. Unlike a lot of my colleagues, I cannot eat whatever I want and look thin and healthy. If i go too crazy with my eating I will gain weight just like the majority of the population. The worst part is that other people in this profession are very vocal about what they think is the "right" food and diet, and they will give you unsolicited advice. I'm constantly hearing "oh, you're eating that?!? Do you know what they put int that?!?! _____ is a much healthier choice." And this is when I'm eating something that isn't even considered "bad" for you.

    What I've come to the conculsion with is that for me, I have to enjoy my food. Eating is one of the many joys in my life. If I don't like my food then I won't eat it, so if I have to make a choice between super healthy and bland/bitter/yucky and healthy but can be done better and delicious then I'm going to go with that.

    I tell my clients all the time, I'm realistic. Unless you're a bodybuilder or you have food allergies, you're not going to be perfect 100% of the time. And if you deprive yourself of the things that you really want it can make life miserable. Moderation and an overall healthy diet and exercise regimen is all you need.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member

    Today at lunch a lady at work looked at my food and said "I wish I could eat that." Was she saying I was fat and could eat whatever I wanted or was she saying that i was eating fattening food? I'm almost afraid to buy food at the store now. I just know the cashier is judging me when they ring my my items. I use the self checkout station as much as possible and I eat my food in my room where my wife can't see half the time. At work I try to sneak it back into my cubicle where no one knows what I have.

    I was eating breakfast on the way to work but then I would be at a stoplight and the guy in the car beside me looked at me like he was judging my breakfast. He probably thought I was a fatty because I was eating in the car. That's what I was thinking.

    I just hate being judged. It's giving me a nervous breakdown.

    Your neuroses is giving you a nervous breakdown. Speak to a professional.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    1. People are jealous.
    2. People think they know better because they've spent more time reading about weight-loss than actually trying to lose weight.
    3. You're just making all of this up in your head.

    Those are the 3 most likely options, as I see it.
  • ceffort
    ceffort Posts: 1
    I am sorry, if they are concerned about you, then only they might try to tell you, if they are not they will enjoy them-self by seeing that you are eating more calories and you will be gaining weight, don't think negatively , tell them you are treating yourself for your achievement.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Time to cull your friend's list. On here and IRL.