Walking in circles...

poma91 Posts: 181 Member
Hello everyone!

So I started using MFP in February and so far I've lost 20 lbs. However for the last 2-3 months I've been losing and gaining the same 3-4 lbs. It is getting really frustrating. If I don't lose anything for a week or so of hard work then I get really demotivated and fall off the wagon for a couple of days then back on and this has been going on for too long time. Sometimes I am even like WTH is wrong with me, why am I self-sabotaging?huh:

I am looking some new friends that are willing to kick my butt back in shape. Critique and advice are very welcome. :bigsmile:


  • SandiW02
    SandiW02 Posts: 223 Member
    take a good look at your diet and exercise program. you may need to change something. I recently realized tolling back on my exercise helped me loose more weight. the reason is because I was burning too many calories compared to what I was taking in so my body was 'being thrown off' according to my trainer. weird I know - I also found introducing different/new foods into my diet also helped.

    we all walk in circles sometimes - feel free to add me if you like
  • prgirl39
    prgirl39 Posts: 108
    That is the same question I posted a while back. Great advice. I need to check that as well. Good luck.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I have been having the same problem for the last few months... And now I'm pretty down today, as I stepped on the scale and the weight I had lost since coming back here (10 pounds) has all been gained back :sad:

    I just can't seem to find the right combination....
  • poma91
    poma91 Posts: 181 Member
    take a good look at your diet and exercise program. you may need to change something. I recently realized tolling back on my exercise helped me loose more weight. the reason is because I was burning too many calories compared to what I was taking in so my body was 'being thrown off' according to my trainer. weird I know - I also found introducing different/new foods into my diet also helped.

    we all walk in circles sometimes - feel free to add me if you like

    Great advice thanks.

    Yes I've also noticed that if I slack a bit a couple of days and then be strict then I'm losing. But I am a couch potato at heart so once I let myself slack it is extremely hard to go back on track and then I am never sure if this slacking would have the desired effect.
  • texaschickie
    texaschickie Posts: 8 Member
    I know how you feel! I had a cosmetic surgery in January, and have not been able to get back to my pre-surgery weight since! It is frustrating! My diet hasn't changed much, and a couple months ago I started running again, but my weight stays the same . . . 6 extra pounds (on a good day, on a bad day 8 or 10 extra pounds!) I just can't get below that and maintain it. It's not that I don't know what to do (For me it's Lay Off the CARBS) it's just that I don't do it . . . I have 5 healthy kids, and when they want frozen yogurt, I eat it too . . . when they want fast food, I eat it too . . . UGH! My husband and I recommitted to eating healthy this week and we've done very well so far. With leaving on vacation today, it's going to be tough, but if we stick together hopefully we can prop each other up. So, I think the best advice is to have an accountability partner. Someone you are close to that will commit to joining your healthy lifestyle.
  • lawpsided
    lawpsided Posts: 4
    Congratulations on your progress so far! We all hit plateaus when we cut, so don't be down on yourself for that. In fact, it often means that you have made some real improvements, and your body is adjusting properly! I've found that by making the smallest of changes in my routine that I'm able to get back on track. You may need to lower your weekly calorie intake by ~500. As you lose weight, your BMR also declines, meaning that your body requires less calories now than it did when you were 20 lbs heavier. For me, integrating "intermittent fasting" and 10 minutes of jump rope into my weight lifting routine really got the fat to start melting off, without even lowering my calories when I hit my last plateau.

    I'd really recommend reading Brad Pilon's book "Eat Stop Eat." Not only is it incredibly motivating, but it's probably the best book on how to lose weight, get healthy, and put on some lean muscle. It's an easy read that can be done in a day or less. I'd be happy to let you borrow a digital copy.
  • MistyEE
    MistyEE Posts: 67
    I noticed the same thing for me, so after reading some advice on here, I was thinking that my calories were too low. So I have been experimenting (translation: I didn't change my settings, but am eating over the calories), and it was interesting the first week, I still lost. This week....I added a little too much, and I am halfway back.

    it's frustrating, I know. It looks like there were some good suggestions in the responses here, I may give them a try also.

    Feel free to add me, if you want a sounding board. :)