The Blood Sugar Solution - anyone tried it?

I saw a show on PBS yesterday about The Blood Sugar Solution. It seemed to make sense and I am going to get the book out of the library to try it.

Has anyone tried it and if so,
1. how difficult was it to implement?
2. any tips on implementing it?
3. did you lose weight?
4. did any of your "numbers" improve like blood glucose, A1C, cholesterol...



  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Sounds like a case of the amazing Zippos magic tonic for all ailments
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    Considering I can't even get any real information on their website without buying something or giving them my details, I would stay away from it. It doesn't even give you a real idea on what the plan is. How can anybody really research if it's even right for them? Oh, because it's all about selling a product.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    My numbers got better just by losing weight. Blood sugar, cholesterol, pressure.. trig... you name it.

    Why not try just using this website/app to do that first, then check up with your doc regularly... instead of focusing on a brand/product to do it.
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    Ignore the people judging for now, was this some product you saw on the show or was it a particular diet/workout?
  • Fisherdh13
    Fisherdh13 Posts: 37 Member
    I had a friend who recommended it to me. She was following it and had lowered her cholesterol. I had also seen another presentation (another author) on similar ideas on PBS. By that time I had already lost about 30 pounds all by myself. It was also about that time that I found this site. I got the Hyman's ebook and have unsubscribed to all the rest.

    It is a point of view. I haven't found any one point of view that I agree with and plan to emulate. If you haven't read anything like this, go ahead and get it, but understand that it is a reference book, and probably not a plan. I saw my friend recently and her weight had not changed. Glad her test results are better but she is still overweight. But the only way to lose weight (in very broad terms) is to eat less. Use this site to balance how you do that. Its very helpful.
  • raleighgoodwins
    raleighgoodwins Posts: 68 Member
    The "diet" seemed to really be more of an eating plan and much of it seems to be a combination of things I have read elsewhere. I did go to the site and it did seem like it was hard to get any information. I guess they do want you to buy the products. But I found that the book is available from my public library so I put myself on the waiting list for it and will check it out when it comes available.

    The basic take-aways from the PBS show I saw were
    1. eliminate high fructose corn syrup from your diet
    2. take a multivitamin, vitamin D supplement and fish oil tablet every day
    3. Eliminate foods that have artificial flavors and colors
    4. Use the Healthy Plate method of eating so that 1/2 of your plate is green vegetables, 1/4 is lean protein, and 1/4 is the starch which should be a whole grain (brown rice instead of white kind of thing). You can have as much of the greens as you want but only one serving of the others
    5. Try to eat organic if possible; eliminate eating processed foods

    I'm not sure if the book has any more insight but once I get it from the library I'll find out.

    I have been using diet and exercise and the MFP site to track and I've found that very helpful. But I have Type 2 Diabetes and have for 10 years and developed it before I was even over weight (apparently I have all the risk factors except obesity) and so was interested in whether anyone had success in getting off or reducing their diabetes medication using this eating regiment.
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    It sounds like a good idea from what you are saying because I follow all steps that you listed and have lost 95 pounds on 10 months. Could be a good educational read and free if you borrow it.

    Let us know how you get on with the book

    This is a good reason that their website should offer more information because it sounds like a diet plan but from what you are saying, it isn't. That had to be a cause of lost sales.
  • Cambriac
    Cambriac Posts: 27 Member
    I've been following the plan since April of 2012. I'm not diabetic but was easily pre-diabetic, very over weight, high blood pressure and a number of other small issues. My doctor has been very supportive of my eating plan and monitors me every six months. She has taken me off of all blood pressure meds and is so amazed on my progress so far. So far to date I've lost 50 pounds. In the beginning my weight loss was rather steady. In the last few months with a change in my work schedule I've more or less stayed in the 155 to 158 range (working 12 hr days 5 days a week, I have not taken the time I need to exercise). I do have a goal of 105, my height is just under 5' with a small frame.

    When you read the book, just read it with an open mind to get the message for the eating plan. Yeah there is a lot of "buy my stuff" in the book. I never order from the website, too expensive. It's clean eating of organic low glycemic whole foods and nothing processed. I'm in Southern Ohio and finding fresh organic is not always easy, so making the best choices of what is available is what I've had to do.

    As with everyone, find what works for you and do it! As for me this has been the easiest eating plan for me.
  • mrmagee3
    mrmagee3 Posts: 518 Member
    The "diet" seemed to really be more of an eating plan and much of it seems to be a combination of things I have read elsewhere. I did go to the site and it did seem like it was hard to get any information. I guess they do want you to buy the products. But I found that the book is available from my public library so I put myself on the waiting list for it and will check it out when it comes available.

    The basic take-aways from the PBS show I saw were
    1. eliminate high fructose corn syrup from your diet
    2. take a multivitamin, vitamin D supplement and fish oil tablet every day
    3. Eliminate foods that have artificial flavors and colors
    4. Use the Healthy Plate method of eating so that 1/2 of your plate is green vegetables, 1/4 is lean protein, and 1/4 is the starch which should be a whole grain (brown rice instead of white kind of thing). You can have as much of the greens as you want but only one serving of the others
    5. Try to eat organic if possible; eliminate eating processed foods

    I'm not sure if the book has any more insight but once I get it from the library I'll find out.

    I have been using diet and exercise and the MFP site to track and I've found that very helpful. But I have Type 2 Diabetes and have for 10 years and developed it before I was even over weight (apparently I have all the risk factors except obesity) and so was interested in whether anyone had success in getting off or reducing their diabetes medication using this eating regiment.

    I'm not familiar with this particular diet -- however, the rules that you have listed seem like a reasonable recommendation for a T2 diabetic coming from a standard american diet to lower their blood glucose levels.

    As a T2 diabetic myself, I found that eating a ketogenic diet (that is, high fat, moderate protein, low carb -- about 70/25/5) has been the most effective for me to maintain a healthy blood glucose level. Glucose spikes during digestion of carbohydrates (starches, sugars, etc.) and to a far lesser extent, protein. Keeping the one low and the other moderate makes sense for me. But going from a diet high in processed carbs to restricting it to primarily starch or whole grain seems like a good start.
  • I followed it for about 10 weeks. I was getting too close to pre-diabetic so tried it. The program also has you decaffeinate, no alcohol, no gluten and no dairy. That's the hard part! Then you can add the gluten and dairy back in after 6 weeks - I think the idea is to see if you also have any food allergies that might be contributing to your health problems. I added back gluten but stayed off the dairy as I noticed I didn't feel as well when I added it back in.

    As for numbers... my fasting glucose went down (105 to 85). And my AC1 was back in normal range. My cholesterol numbers improved dramatically dropped 60 points! My doctor was amazed. Then recently, I saw Forks Over Knives and decided to go a bit farther and cut meat out of my diet as well as the dairy. I've added back alcohol once a week. Dropping about a pound a week.

    Best part - the recipes are the best I've seen - lot's of spices. I got the original book and the cookbook. Don't bother with website or supplements. I think he over emphasizes supplements - guessing that's where he makes his money! But the ideas presented in the book are very sound (IMHO).
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    I suggest you look at the review of his book on Amazon before you decide anything:

    Make sure you read the review that mentions the cost and supplements involved.

    As for me, I started this year with blood pressure in prehypertension range, blood glucose in prediabetic range, and extremely high cholesterol level. Several months of calorie deficit and 5-6 days a week of exercise put my BP and glucose in normal range, and reduced my cholesterol by 80 points. My diet is nothing special, I don't completely shun fast food, I simply eat a little bit less of everything.
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    I am reading the book right now (just got it from the library after a long wait). I think the info regarding "diabesity" and the connection between blood sugar, insulin, diabetes AS WELL AS other health problems to be intriguing. If nothing else, this book will help you understand how these are all connected and why it is a problem. The focus is not only on reducing blood glucose, but states that excess insulin is what causes the problems even before your blood glucose is high. I had gestational diabetes with my last two pregnancies and when I went back for the 2 hour glucose test when baby was 6 months old my fasting BG was a little high but my one and two hour numbers were ok. I was told to continue to lose weight (I am slightly overweight) and follow the gestational diabetes diet. Come back in a year. This book has made me more aware of the dangers of being pre-diabetic and not waiting until even more damage has been done to make a change. He says that doctors should be testing insulin levels, not just blood sugar levels.

    I haven't read the book cover to cover yet but have skipped around to see what the program is like. The book has different quizzes to assess various things--inflammation, diabesity, vitamin deficiencies, etc. The basic program is 6 weeks long. The premise of the "diet" portion is to eliminate gluten and dairy for the first six weeks, along with no sugar, no artificial sweetener, etc (I can't recite the whole book from memory yet :) ). He gives suggestions on what types of oils to eat and how many fruits, veggies, proteins, etc to eat. There are also sections on reducing stress, exercise, supplements. After the 6 weeks are up (for the basic plan--people with more severe health problems would follow the more intense plan) you can choose to continue to eliminate dairy and gluten or add them back in, watching for signs of intolerance that are listed in the book.

    As for the don't have to buy the ones from the online store. I was a little irritated that in the book it says to refer to the website for a list of supplements that are good brands (there were several other times the website was mentioned for more info as well), but when I went online last night did not find any of that info. That being said, I already take most of the supplements separately and they are not that expensive. The book lists dosages so you can take the list to the store and find what you need.
  • wowlisawow2
    wowlisawow2 Posts: 3 Member
    I've been following this program, the Basic version, for over a year now. I long ago lost the 25-30 pounds I needed to lose and have kept it off for many months now. This program was perfect for me but I am not saying it is perfect for everyone. I did buy many of the supplements that the quizzes showed I was lacking but I got most of them at Costco or online and paid a fraction of what Dr. Hyman charges for them. I used to have high cholesterol and my fasting glucose numbers were inching upward every year. My personal doctor was not concerned but I became concerned because I could see I was headed toward diabetes. I was already exercising a lot but that was not doing enough for me. I was eating too much and too many wrong things even though my diet was not that bad compared to most people. Now my blood work shows marked improvement and all my numbers are normalizing. I have had my statin cut to the lowest dose. My fasting glucose is below 100 now. I no longer drink coffee, except on rare occasions. I do not eat dairy, nor gluten, nor sugar, nor processed food. I no longer have cravings. I had tried just about every eating plan out there and was not able to do it just on willpower. The Blood Sugar Solution made it possible to finally lose the 30 pounds I needed to and to tame the hungry's I have battled all my life. Don't write if off just because Dr. Hyman pushes his supplements. Can't blame a guy for trying to make a buck!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    The "diet" seemed to really be more of an eating plan and much of it seems to be a combination of things I have read elsewhere. I did go to the site and it did seem like it was hard to get any information. I guess they do want you to buy the products. But I found that the book is available from my public library so I put myself on the waiting list for it and will check it out when it comes available.

    The basic take-aways from the PBS show I saw were
    1. eliminate high fructose corn syrup from your diet
    2. take a multivitamin, vitamin D supplement and fish oil tablet every day
    3. Eliminate foods that have artificial flavors and colors
    4. Use the Healthy Plate method of eating so that 1/2 of your plate is green vegetables, 1/4 is lean protein, and 1/4 is the starch which should be a whole grain (brown rice instead of white kind of thing). You can have as much of the greens as you want but only one serving of the others
    5. Try to eat organic if possible; eliminate eating processed foods

    I'm not sure if the book has any more insight but once I get it from the library I'll find out.

    I have been using diet and exercise and the MFP site to track and I've found that very helpful. But I have Type 2 Diabetes and have for 10 years and developed it before I was even over weight (apparently I have all the risk factors except obesity) and so was interested in whether anyone had success in getting off or reducing their diabetes medication using this eating regiment.

    Sounds like a fad to me

    1) Are you allowed to eat things containing sucrose on this diet?
    3) Lol
    4) Why no white grains? Consider the higher anti nutrient content of whole grains
    5)Lololol, organic and no processed foods
  • lilcassers
    lilcassers Posts: 163
    I absolutely agree with this. This is how everyone should eat. Always avoid artificial junk, shop the perimeter of the grocery store, avoid white breads, soda, crystal lights, etc. Eat every 3 hours to keep your sugar up. Anything that is made in a factory (artificial stuff) us not good for you because your body cannot process it. This is how I have been eating for about a year and my waist went down 2 inches and my periods are more normal now!!

    email me and we can chat more :)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I absolutely agree with this. This is how everyone should eat. Always avoid artificial junk, shop the perimeter of the grocery store, avoid white breads, soda, crystal lights, etc. Eat every 3 hours to keep your sugar up. Anything that is made in a factory (artificial stuff) us not good for you because your body cannot process it. This is how I have been eating for about a year and my waist went down 2 inches and my periods are more normal now!!

    email me and we can chat more :)

    Question - "Anything that is made in a factory (artificial stuff) us not good for you because your body cannot process it."

    Assuming you actually beleive in that statement, how do you justify selling Shakeolgy, an uber processed product?
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    It looks like snake oil to me.

    I lowered my blood sugar drastically in the last month alone just by fasting two or three days a week. I will still eat about 300 calories of vegetables on those days. But the results are in and they're good.