Just not seeing it...

aaubrey Posts: 168 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I had about 28 lbs to lose, I have lost 6. I hate to sound like an ingrate, but I can't see or feel a difference. I mean I look exactly the same. When I have told people at work I lost that much, they are like huh...can't tell. Just frustrated I guess. Other people tell me you can really start to tell when you hit the 10 lb mark. Hopefully I will find out in a couple of weeks:smile: . Just griping I guess. I wanted to put on my dress uniform pants (that I have to wear to tommorow) and try them on tonight and have them suddenly ridiculously big on me. Not really so much. Oh well. Just in a funk tonight I guess.

The good news is my husband and son will finally be home this weekend and I am going to make a concerted effort not to fall off the wagon. :tongue:


  • aaubrey
    aaubrey Posts: 168 Member
    I had about 28 lbs to lose, I have lost 6. I hate to sound like an ingrate, but I can't see or feel a difference. I mean I look exactly the same. When I have told people at work I lost that much, they are like huh...can't tell. Just frustrated I guess. Other people tell me you can really start to tell when you hit the 10 lb mark. Hopefully I will find out in a couple of weeks:smile: . Just griping I guess. I wanted to put on my dress uniform pants (that I have to wear to tommorow) and try them on tonight and have them suddenly ridiculously big on me. Not really so much. Oh well. Just in a funk tonight I guess.

    The good news is my husband and son will finally be home this weekend and I am going to make a concerted effort not to fall off the wagon. :tongue:
  • It's hard to tell when you're dressed in dark blue. Chin up, I bet your husband will notice your hard work!
  • Quenofcrazzy
    Quenofcrazzy Posts: 358
    I am not losing or seeing any difference either and it just makes me want to go eat the whole box of Lucky Charms. I have been going to the gym and watching what I eat for almost a month..and my weight goes down one or two pounds to bounce right back up the next day (or week). I am interested in my measurements at the end of this week to see if thats where I have lost..but if not..that box of Lucky Charms and I have a date!!

    Anyways..hang in there. Eventually something has to move..I hope.:frown:
  • I had the exact same thoughts three years ago. Then I started taking body measurements on a weekly basis and that's where I usually saw most of my results, if not physically.

    We didn't gain all this weight in one month and we're sure not going to lose it that way either. Keep your head up and don't lose sight of your mission.
  • Jewlz
    Jewlz Posts: 135
    it wasn't until i lost 20 pounds that i noticed a difference. these things take time. it is all part of the journey. just do this becuase you want to. stay positive and don't feel discouraged. you have just began. this is a life change so don't give in to the lucky charms. they got you here in the first place:smile:
  • aaubrey
    aaubrey Posts: 168 Member
    I do love lucky charms...I have been losing 2 lbs a week so like I said I cant complain, but it sucks that I cant tell. I do feel a lot better about myself (most the time) for getting back into my PT. And you are right, David no woman looks attractive in that uniform no matter how skinny!
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,646 Member
    I read that people will not notice until after you have lost 10lbs and than really notice at 20. don't worry about what others think, stick with it please! and you will start to see a change very soon! At 13 lbs I feel like a completely different person (good that is)!
  • twbd
    twbd Posts: 3
    I take the action and leave the results up to nature, etc. Releases me from the outcome and I can focus on this moment.
    In your corner.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I had about 28 lbs to lose, I have lost 6. I hate to sound like an ingrate, but I can't see or feel a difference. I mean I look exactly the same. When I have told people at work I lost that much, they are like huh...can't tell. Just frustrated I guess. Other people tell me you can really start to tell when you hit the 10 lb mark. Hopefully I will find out in a couple of weeks:smile: . Just griping I guess. I wanted to put on my dress uniform pants (that I have to wear to tommorow) and try them on tonight and have them suddenly ridiculously big on me. Not really so much. Oh well. Just in a funk tonight I guess.

    The good news is my husband and son will finally be home this weekend and I am going to make a concerted effort not to fall off the wagon. :tongue:

    Its hard to tell that someone loses weight when you see them all the time-- Dont get discouraged-
  • magdalune
    magdalune Posts: 80 Member
    Yeah, I've lost ten pounds, and I really don't see or feel any difference, in how I look in the mirror or how I feel in clothes. So I'm just hoping the fifteen or twenty pound mark will make that difference.
  • Lowrider
    Lowrider Posts: 16 Member
    Number one - if someone tells you they cannot tell you lost 6 lb, ditch their opinion! If you told me you lost six lbs, I would say "Girl, you look fantastic, keep it up!" Don't let anyone undermine your achievements.
    Number two - Find your own pride...feel great in your accomplishment and remember what it took to do it! For those who don't try to get healthy, they never know the struggle it is.
    Number three - You have absolutely adorable children who need you fit, healthy and above all happy. Every pound gets you closer to a long and active life with your family.
    Number four - Take those Lucky Charms directly to the garbage can where they belong. Pick yourself up some Whole Grain Cherrios instead.
    Number five - Watch your body image. If you have had a couple of extra pounds on, you may still see the old you. You'll get there, those clothes will look terrific. A little trick I use is loose the salt shaker for a couple of days before a big event and although it is just water weight, my clothes seem to look better. Cheers!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    No one noticed my weight loss until I had lost 38 pounds! And then it was just one lady. It wasn't until 5 pounds more that someone else noticed!

    I think (like someone else on here has said before) that some people might notice but aren't sure how to say something. It could be embarrassing for them to broach the subject.
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    I take the action and leave the results up to nature, etc. Releases me from the outcome and I can focus on this moment.
    In your corner.

    I love this phrase!! Kinda like plan all you want but don't plan the outcome! Love it.. thanks, putting in memory bank.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    people have only VERY recently begun to tell a difference with me. take a photo of yourself now, nude or nearly nude, and then another every month. you will see it the changes over time.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I had the exact same thoughts three years ago. Then I started taking body measurements on a weekly basis and that's where I usually saw most of my results, if not physically.

    We didn't gain all this weight in one month and we're sure not going to lose it that way either. Keep your head up and don't lose sight of your mission.

    I like what you said about it taking a bit of time to gain so it will take a bit of time to lose. I never thought of it that way...you're so right.
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