Contemplating trying Insanity...advice please

I have just heard about the Insanity program yesterday and looked at the nutrition guide. It sounds very reasonable and healthy. My question is, before I shell out the money, do you think that Insanity is healthy for someone with about 50 lbs to lose or will it be too hard on my body at this stage? Could their nutrition guide be combined with something like Jillian Michaels 30 day shred instead and still see good results? It seems like you have to put in about an hour a day with insanity, I don't see how I could fit that in. In your opinion, is this program worth the money or just another gimmick? Thank you for any advice or success stories you can share!


  • emc916
    emc916 Posts: 77
    I used to have before and afters from my Insanity journey. Definitely not a gimmick. You will find that out three minutes into the warmup if not less.

    I never followed the nutrition guide that came with the program. I just kept track on MFP and lost the weight staying under limits and eating back the workout calories (it got to the point I was burning 600-700 with the MAX workouts).

    I lost 15lbs. My fiance lost 20ish lbs. I think it would be tough if I was overweight by 50, but not impossible. A lot of the moves put stress on the joints. Jumping lunges anyone. But you can change the moves up to make it a bit easier. Or go through it at a slower pace.

    30 day shred with a proper diet will also work to reach your goals.
  • katiej080810
    Thanks for the advice! I may try 30 day shred first and see if I can take off any of this excess weight before buying Insanity. It is expensive!
  • emc916
    emc916 Posts: 77
    Very expensive. Luckily for me I had a friend that gave up on the workout and let me use the DVDs.

    Good luck!
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    I just started this week. I have good cardio strength and this program is hard! If you jump into it, really listen to him when he says go at your own pace!
    I haven't looked at their nutrition guide. I have been doing pretty good with that so far.
    Check out used copies on Amazon. I got mine there and for more than half the new price. Works just fine!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Insanity is worth the money and not at all gimmicky. My husband has dropped about 10-11 pounds since he started (he's at 158 now, which is kinda slim on his 5'11" body but I think that means a bigger person would see much bigger results.)

    That said I'm not sure how hard it would be for a larger person. I know I did it once when I was getting close to 170 and I puked them crawled away swearing never again. ...your results may vary.