I am loosing inches BUT NOT WEIGHT, need help!

I am 5 '7 178 Lbs started at 183 about 4 1/2 weeks ago so since I have lost about 5 lbs. I have not moved the scale since. I have been measuring my waist, arms, and hips. According to the tape measure I have lost a total of 3.5 inches from my waist since 5-27-2013 which is good, although my weight is the same 178. I do my usual 30 min cardio work outs during the week. I just had 2 babies back to back, last one born January 2013. I am still nursing and heard you should automatically loose 500 calories in a day nursing full time, if this is the case I am on a 1,200-1,500 calories intake diet daily I should start loosing weight right? I just am not understanding how I am loosing these inches and not loosing actual weight on the scale. If you can give some pointers on maybe something different I can try it would be very much appreciated.

P.S. M diary is open, thanks.


  • annakdavis
    annakdavis Posts: 28 Member
    My scale didn't move for a while. I went down a full pant size, and not a pound on the scale. It was frustrating but I kept at it....and Whoosh. The weight melted off. If you are eatting less than your body burns, there will be a change in the scale.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Who cares what the scale says if you're losing inches?? That means you're getting smaller and doing something right! No one else knows what the scale says, but others will notice a slimmer you, in new smaller clothing! :drinker:

    And like annakdavis said ^ - I also lost inches without losing anything on the scale - over a six month period I didn't lose a single pound, but was out buying new clothes because I had dropped a full size.

    The scale lies - it shows water weight, hormones can mess with daily weight, too much sodium, etc - the tape measure doesn't lie, and shows steady progress. Hang in there, the scale may catch up with the inches and show you a loss before long. Take photos, record measurements, and weigh yourself every so often. All three give you a better view of progress.

    Edited to add: hasn't happened to me, but I have read posts here from members who DO show a loss on the scale, but that their clothes still fit the same. Which would you rather have - visible inches lost or a lower scale number while still looking the same? :tongue:
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    Who cares what the scale says if you're losing inches?? That means you're getting smaller and doing something right! No one else knows what the scale says, but others will notice a slimmer you, in new smaller clothing! :drinker:

    And like annakdavis said ^ - I also lost inches without losing anything on the scale - over a six month period I didn't lose a single pound, but was out buying new clothes because I had dropped a full size.

    The scale lies - it shows water weight, hormones can mess with daily weight, too much sodium, etc - the tape measure doesn't lie, and shows steady progress. Hang in there, the scale may catch up with the inches and show you a loss before long. Take photos, record measurements, and weigh yourself every so often. All three give you a better view of progress.

    This. Right on.
  • Matt82007
    Matt82007 Posts: 23 Member
    If you're losing inches, I wouldn't worry about the weight. If I could maintain my weight while gaining 20 lbs of muscle, I'd be ecstatic. Not that you should take this to imply you've packed on an unusual amount of muscle.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Don't pay attention to the scale if you are losing inches. It means you are working hard, slimming and building muscle. The weight will come off - it WILL promise.. until then just keep at it.
  • Pamela_in_Progress
    Pamela_in_Progress Posts: 197 Member
    Looks like we were in the same boat. I'm 5' 7" and started at 175 lbs. The first 5 weeks I was eating healthier, exercising 6 days a week and the scale didn't budge but I noticed that I was losing inches. I was bummed about the scale, but realized that as long as the inches were going down then I was on the right track. After reading some posts about the necessity of eating back some or all of calories burned from exercise I decided to give it a try and that week I managed to lose 2.2 lbs. I'm still continuing to eat back calories and have lost 10 1/4" although weight loss is still only 5.3 lbs but still gradually coming off. Hope this helps!
  • Thank you for the concern on my supply. I did not speak to a doctor on this as I just finished nursing my now 20 month old. I been on the low calorie diet now for 4 1/2 weeks and I still express through pumping while at work a total of 30 oz's a day. The real concern I guess you can say is I don't get what I am doing wrong. One would think working out and eating right would make you loose but in my case its not.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I'm not sure what the problem is. You're getting smaller. Weight is a relative measurement of overall health.
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    Inches lost is so much better than pounds lost....I'm right where you are too....just keep at it....eventually the scale catches up. Just make sure you are at a deficit, but also eating enough. Drink lots of water, keep your sodium low, weigh and measure your food and after a time the scale will move.

    Keep up the great work!
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Who cares what the scale says if you're losing inches?? That means you're getting smaller and doing something right! No one else knows what the scale says, but others will notice a slimmer you, in new smaller clothing! :drinker:

    And like annakdavis said ^ - I also lost inches without losing anything on the scale - over a six month period I didn't lose a single pound, but was out buying new clothes because I had dropped a full size.

    The scale lies - it shows water weight, hormones can mess with daily weight, too much sodium, etc - the tape measure doesn't lie, and shows steady progress. Hang in there, the scale may catch up with the inches and show you a loss before long. Take photos, record measurements, and weigh yourself every so often. All three give you a better view of progress.

    Edited to add: hasn't happened to me, but I have read posts here from members who DO show a loss on the scale, but that their clothes still fit the same. Which would you rather have - visible inches lost or a lower scale number while still looking the same? :tongue:

  • jendemi
    jendemi Posts: 115
    I was on a weight loss challange at work and ended up gainging 3 pounds. I am not worried though, i went down 2 pant sizes and I feel much stronger. So just as others have said you are building muscle (which burns fat) and you are toning up. I try so hard not to let myself focus on a number. I get to worried about that and need to look at me. Look at how I look in clothes and how much better I feel about myself. Keep it up girl you are doing great!
  • cw822
    cw822 Posts: 107
    why are you complaining if you're LOSING inches, but not pounds??!
  • jendemi
    jendemi Posts: 115
    Who cares what the scale says if you're losing inches?? That means you're getting smaller and doing something right! No one else knows what the scale says, but others will notice a slimmer you, in new smaller clothing! :drinker:

    And like annakdavis said ^ - I also lost inches without losing anything on the scale - over a six month period I didn't lose a single pound, but was out buying new clothes because I had dropped a full size.

    The scale lies - it shows water weight, hormones can mess with daily weight, too much sodium, etc - the tape measure doesn't lie, and shows steady progress. Hang in there, the scale may catch up with the inches and show you a loss before long. Take photos, record measurements, and weigh yourself every so often. All three give you a better view of progress.

    Edited to add: hasn't happened to me, but I have read posts here from members who DO show a loss on the scale, but that their clothes still fit the same. Which would you rather have - visible inches lost or a lower scale number while still looking the same? :tongue:

    No truer words spoken.. Thank you!
  • RebeccaHite
    RebeccaHite Posts: 187 Member
    Normal :yawn: no help needed are you seriously complaining about inches lost and not weight? Is your Idea to be light or in shape~
  • melkay74
    melkay74 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Jennifera714! Hang in there! I'm also loosing inches but not weight. I just recently posted struggling but not giving up. To date I've lost a little over 40lbs but have yet to hit the 50 mark. It has been months. I've gone down several sizes and I'm a lot leaner but I feel stuck in terms of dropping numbers on the scale. I've maintain my weight loss now for a little over a year. Needless to say I'm going to keep at it until I have another break thru! Stay encouraged and all the best to you:smile: !!!
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    I agree with those that say the inches is def more important than the scale.

    That being said, you need to make sure you are eating ENOUGH food, not just for breastfeeding but also for your organs and your body to function. I did a low cal diet, worked out a ton and ruined my metabolism because I wasn't fueling it properly. I would figure out your BMR and TDEE and eat TDEE - 20%. Seems to have worked for most people on here who have lost weight and kept it off.
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    My scale didn't move for a while. I went down a full pant size, and not a pound on the scale. It was frustrating but I kept at it....and Whoosh. The weight melted off. If you are eatting less than your body burns, there will be a change in the scale.

    I agree with this. In my past and current weight loss efforts, I noticed that nothing happens for a while then after about a month and a half a pile of weight comes off. My opinion is...our bodies are crazy lol.
  • are you stretching? you may be gaining muscle ....
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    If you are loosing inches & your pants are fitting loser, then don't fret about it.
  • jasimpson
    jasimpson Posts: 7 Member
    Nothing is wrong.....you are still nursing! Your body is still in protective mode which means because your hormones are still trying to support a young one along with yourself it is retaining a bit of fluid for your own good. You are losing body fat which is showing in your waist size.....relax! All is good and when you are finished producing milk the scale will change.