Justed Joined

Hello...my name is Angela and I joined 2 days ago. I'm still navigating the site and trying to become familiar with the various tools. I'm excited about creating my weight loss goals.


  • Welcome. I just joined two days ago as well. I am slowly getting the hang of navigating around as well. I also have the app on my phone so I can update any foods or exercise I do at home. :smile:
  • lsf40
    lsf40 Posts: 1
    Today is my first day, too. I'm fascinated and impressed with this app -- and I love how you get a complete nutritional break-down (not just a running tally on your calories). For instance, I'm already 10g over on my sugars...and I didn't know that I have eaten anything "sweet" yet -- it's an eye-opener on hidden sugars in foods. It's like having Weight Watchers in your pocket, but so much more comprehensive than just how many points you have left in the day. Anyway, it's really cool and I'm so glad that I downloaded the app on my phone. I don't always have my computer with me, but I do always have my phone. Wishing us all the best of luck in taking responsibility for our food intake and exercise output.
  • sas719
    sas719 Posts: 2
    Hey! I'm new as well. I've got the app as well and love it! Great tool.
    Just wanted to say hi!