Hi, I'm brand new, but excited about this site.

I'm a 66 year old retired grandpa. Just finished my first day on this site. Like it a lot! I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I've been battling alcohol and pill addictions for many years. I've been "clean" for 5 months now, and finally feel healthy enough to embark on a fitness program. This MyFitnessPal site looks terrific as a motivator. I've put on 25 or so pounds the last 10 years and want to get my weight down from 168 lbs to 145-150, my "old" weight where I felt great. Addictions strip you of your self-esteem, and getting back to a healthy weight would be a great image boost I believe. If you can relate to my situtation, hope you'll add me as a "friend" (I live alone now and would appreciate the support).

Tim Covington, WA south of Seattle


  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Your honest is refreshing. The things you've battled have made you stronger. I am sure you can do this. This site is a great learning curve. Ask for help when you need it. Wishing you all the best.
  • bueny
    bueny Posts: 5
    Thanks, Shell. This site is a great motivator. Best wishes. Tim