Feeling panic

Hello. I am new here, even though I joined over a year ago (ignore after signed up). I have over 200 lbs to lose and every time I try to do something, I start to panic......about taking so long to get weight off, about what I won't be able to eat, about never getting weight off, etc. I want to be healthy AND happy! Any suggestions?


  • stagingfirstplace
    stagingfirstplace Posts: 49 Member
    I think everybodies been there! It's a very challenging situation but it can be changed! You CAN change it! Feel free to add me and please have a read of my most recent blog about mental trickery and also try these few steps to changing your mindset:

    Write a list of the things that you want to do (your goals). Then write a list of the steps you need to take to achieve them. Then on a seperate page write down your goals with I CAN! in front of every goal and stick these three pages on a wall/door/fridge or anywhere you can see them often.

    Good luck achieving your goals i KNOW you CAN do it !!!! :flowerforyou:
  • HI! Think about it in small bits! before you know it...you will be like omg that month went byyy.....you will be wishing for more time to reach the small goal you set for yourself lol. The way I do it....I started with 240lbs to lose....so I split it into 2 years. Then I took that 2 years and Though 24 Months....Then I sed...I have 10lbs to lose...24 times. Im not at about 175lbs to lose. I come to points where I back track and stop losing weight...but as long as I get back on...soon the weight starts back dropping away...before I know it....ill be at the weight. ...don't know if this helps but if you need some support im here!
  • Moviegal77
    Moviegal77 Posts: 65 Member
    Take it one day at a time. Try not to look at the end result (just yet) make small goals, I do 10 lbs increments and believe me when you lose that 1st 10 lbs you're going to be so happy. I also keep telling myself that I didn't put the weight on overnight and the weight will not come off overnight.
    Best of luck.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member

    BREATHE! and STOP IT! I mean the panic, not the breathing. Alas, it's not that easy is it (I suffer from social anxiety disorder, so I know a bit about panic, but we can get through this)?

    Ok, here's my advice... Lets talk about your concerns, I see 3:

    1) Taking so long to get the weight off
    2) What you won't be able to eat
    3) About never getting weight off

    Let me address them one at a time,

    #1 - Remember this, you didn't gain 200lbs in a month and you can't lose it in a month. That's OK! I have 173lbs to go. I know exactly how you feel, now, you wanna hear the ~really~ ****ty part? I'm 36... and I've went from 340 to less than 190 multiple times... because I'm an idiot and didn't maintain the lifestyle that let me lose the weight (hoping the app tracking things helps me maintain accountability and keep it off this time.) It will take you time to get all the weight off and get down to your correct weight. That's OK! The long goal isn't the only goal. Every single pound you lose will make moving easier. Every single pound you lose will make your clothing fit better. Every single time you exercise and build some muscle more calories will be burnt. If you're having trouble panicking because the long goal is daunting to you then make a short term goal, try to lose 50 lbs first. That won't take nearly as long! You won't believe the difference in how you'll feel once you're fifty lbs lighter either. Trust me, I've been moaning all week to my S.O. about it ^_^.

    #2 - Let me tell you this now. Starting now, you will be restricted from eating... absolutely nothing. No really. You'll be able to eat every single one of your favorite foods. Does this make you upset? Nah. I like pizza, had a p'zone for dinner tonight. Was sooo tasty. I budgeted for it in my calories, did a little extra exercise, and everything is good. I'm still well under my calorie goals for the week. There is literally nothing you absolutely can never have again, you might eat a bit less of it, but it's all still there for you. Not only that, but if you try some varieties of foods and healthy options you've never tried before you might find that some foods you just lose interest in because you've found something you like better. That's great, but if not, moderation will make life easier and allow you to enjoy all the foods you enjoy now.

    3# - There is no need to stress this if you start right now. Tomorrows (for me at least) tend to never come and I got advice from a good friend who has been losing weight like mad who said, "If you think about it, go do it NOW. Don't put it off." Log your food, log your exercise, and then review it and if it's not satisfactory try again tomorrow. You *can* do this.

    Lastly there is your goal-- You want to be healthy and happy, you're taking the first step towards that goal RIGHT NOW and you should be proud of yourself! Even small changes or looking at yourself with change in mind is never an easy step, but you've already done that! Take it slow, be calm, and in no time you'll be reaching your other goals.

    There are a ton of great people here who will gladly support you! Hang in there... and DONT PANIC! :bigsmile:
  • crblbrown
    crblbrown Posts: 9
    Thank you both so much....thinking in positive terms and working in small chunks instead of looking at the whole thing are not my norm, but makes sense. My daughter has me looking in a mirror when I first wake up and when I go to bed and say " I love you and you are worth it!" Very different for me and very difficult, but will hopefully get easier.
  • ploppersdf1
    ploppersdf1 Posts: 89 Member
    Hello, i would say that the biggest thing is to take baby steps.. it is really scary going into something head on you know. to cut out every last ounce of sugar in your diet is a HUGE step and shouldn't be a goal for someone just starting out. i have been going at this for two weeks and i have found that keeping my diet the same, just cutting back a little on portions, and exercising more, i have lost four lbs. (don't look at my meter i still haven't gotten to the end of this week yet when i log my progress) I still eat the same junky foods but i am keeping track of what i am putting into my body. As time goes on I cut out things. like this week i cut out soda, and replaced it with fruit juice and water because that's where most of my calories were coming from. the week after next i am going to take out the next item that has the highest empty calories. and then do it again in two weeks. It may not be as healthy as taking out them all at one time, but it's easier for me to take one thing away at a time and say "you know what, i really don't need this" and let myself get adjusted to that item being missing, than it is to get rid of everything. Also you should replace that item with a healthier option. like veggie chips instead of lays, or juice instead of soda. and then when you are ready to take the juice replace it with vitamin water, then just plain water. it may take you longer but if you take those baby steps you will more likely stick to the change. any smoker would tell you how hard cold turkey is. i wish you the best of luck, and i would love to hear how you are doing with your goal. i hope you update us!
  • micwrites
    micwrites Posts: 123 Member
    Take deep breaths. Start small. You are here!! That is a huge first step. I agree with what the others said. I'm doing this in 10-pound increments, too. Your daughter sounds like a gem. Believe her! You are worth it. So, tomorrow ... drink some water. Take a small walk. And feel good knowing you are on your way. You can do this!!
  • crblbrown
    crblbrown Posts: 9
    Thanks, Shadus. You have very profound words of wisdom! I, too, have lost only to gain back...more.... I am older, and would like to enjoy my "golden years" . :laugh:
  • iquiltoo
    iquiltoo Posts: 246 Member
    All of what Shadus said!

    I had 160 to lose. I have lost 18. First I focused on 10, because like, single digits are sorta pathetic! Then I went after 15, and now I am looking at 20 before I see the surgeon next week (whole different issue). And the exercise thing DOES get easier. I started in a class through our health services. I could only do 16 minutes of very pathetic cardio (1.24 mph for .15 miles on the treadmill, and about 750 metres on the row machine, or level 1 for maybe .5 of a mile on the stationary bike!) I am up to 15 minutes on all three machines, going about 2.2 mph on the treadmill for .6 of a mile (an increase of 4X!), over 2200 m on the row machine, and level 6 for 1.8 miles on the bike. And walking - I couldn't walk around the grocery store without dying by the end. Now, I can do all this at the gym, AND go to the grocery store before I am a little sore (bad knee). All this since February. Now I am adding the elliptical, but that is WAY harder and I can only do 5 minutes, but when I started two weeks ago, I could only stand it for about 2 minutes, and kept going too slow so the machine kept pausing! I don't like doing any of it, but I get up every other day and get to the gym because if I don't, I may not be around as long as I should be.

    Anyway, don't wait until you're in your 50's like me - I do regret very much not smartening up years ago as now I have health problems that may never go away (diabetes, bad knee, fallen arches). YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • crblbrown
    crblbrown Posts: 9
    Unfortunately, iquiltoo, I am already there. I am also in my 50s, have bone on bone in both knees and high blood pressure. I am determined, though, to reverse this and enjoy my "old age." My daughter is finding me workouts I can do from a chair. I WILL do this! :wink:
  • losingit413
    losingit413 Posts: 12 Member
    Check out this blog http://www.300poundsdown.com/, her story is amazing. She started exercising 30 seconds at a time and worked up from there.

    I started exercise with walking slowly then move up to walking faster. Recently I started doing Insanity, which is really hard but I haven't died yet. I do modify some to the exercises because I can't do all of them exactly like they do.

    When I first started MFP I wanted to cut out the refined sugar in my diet. I knew there was no way I could cut it all out at once so I started with Slurpees. When I was used to not having those I cut out my capucinnos etc until I had cut out most of the junk.

    I also made sure to have healthy snacks available. I eat at least two healthy snacks in between meals. I helps keep my blood sugar regulated which helps to keep my mood stable. When I was cutting out sugar I was having drops in blood sugar and would get really crabby. I found that if I ate small healthy snacks my mood was much better.

    I just keep reminding myself I am not on a diet. I am making changes to the way I eat and excerise for a healthy body and mind.
  • Hello. I am new here, even though I joined over a year ago (ignore after signed up). I have over 200 lbs to lose and every time I try to do something, I start to panic......about taking so long to get weight off, about what I won't be able to eat, about never getting weight off, etc. I want to be healthy AND happy! Any suggestions?

    BREATH. I totally get the panic. Its going to be ok. First off, you dont have to go on a diet. Its actually ABOUT eating, Not NOT eating lol! So the site tells you how many calories you can have right? OK. Then its time to plan your meals, make those calories COUNT. Make them taste GOOD. Think fresh, think lean, think EASY. I think I did a lot of grilled chicken salad at first. There are a lot of easy, quick and healthy recipes on line for just about EVERY comfort food on earth so explore the possibilities. Can you have processed fatty sweet junk? yea. but it will come out of your calories for the day so be sparing. I like to save my "treats" for special occasions, and initially I cut them out just so I could detox my body. Im a strong believer sugar can cause sugar CRAVINGS- so just watch yourself and see what happens.

    NEXT, the weight WILL come off. I promise. Take heart. I started at 282 and needed to lose roughly 132lbs to be at my former weight. My ACTUAL goal is just to be 180. If I can lose 100 lbs I will be so grateful. I can say that I am half way to my goal right now because I followed this app and I made my meals count. Once I lost 20 lbs I started walking. I couldnt walk initially because my back problems were so bad Id be down for days in pain and Im a mom so I couldnt afford to be out. But as the weight came off I got moving. Now I work out AT LEAST 3 times a week and I even ran outdoors for the forst time in about 20 years.

    Set small goals. Dont give up. Ask for help. Be honest. I SO TOTALLY KNOW that if I can do it, and I never thought I could, YOU CAN TOO!!! Bless you and feel free to add me if you want a cheerleader on your side ;)
  • I had some of the same anxiety but needed to get healthy for medical reasons. We have HyVee grocery stores where I live and they all have a dietician. Mine is AMAZING! She gave me a tour of the store to point out items that I would like(and substitutions for those recommendations if I am being too picky). We have been doing cooking segments too that have helped immensely. I would recommend you find someone similar -> I don't need my cholesterol medications anymore and I thought that I would need them for life! You can do it!!!!!

    BREATHE! and STOP IT! I mean the panic, not the breathing. Alas, it's not that easy is it (I suffer from social anxiety disorder, so I know a bit about panic, but we can get through this)?

    Ok, here's my advice... Lets talk about your concerns, I see 3:

    1) Taking so long to get the weight off
    2) What you won't be able to eat
    3) About never getting weight off

    Let me address them one at a time,

    #1 - Remember this, you didn't gain 200lbs in a month and you can't lose it in a month. That's OK! I have 173lbs to go. I know exactly how you feel, now, you wanna hear the ~really~ ****ty part? I'm 36... and I've went from 340 to less than 190 multiple times... because I'm an idiot and didn't maintain the lifestyle that let me lose the weight (hoping the app tracking things helps me maintain accountability and keep it off this time.) It will take you time to get all the weight off and get down to your correct weight. That's OK! The long goal isn't the only goal. Every single pound you lose will make moving easier. Every single pound you lose will make your clothing fit better. Every single time you exercise and build some muscle more calories will be burnt. If you're having trouble panicking because the long goal is daunting to you then make a short term goal, try to lose 50 lbs first. That won't take nearly as long! You won't believe the difference in how you'll feel once you're fifty lbs lighter either. Trust me, I've been moaning all week to my S.O. about it ^_^.

    #2 - Let me tell you this now. Starting now, you will be restricted from eating... absolutely nothing. No really. You'll be able to eat every single one of your favorite foods. Does this make you upset? Nah. I like pizza, had a p'zone for dinner tonight. Was sooo tasty. I budgeted for it in my calories, did a little extra exercise, and everything is good. I'm still well under my calorie goals for the week. There is literally nothing you absolutely can never have again, you might eat a bit less of it, but it's all still there for you. Not only that, but if you try some varieties of foods and healthy options you've never tried before you might find that some foods you just lose interest in because you've found something you like better. That's great, but if not, moderation will make life easier and allow you to enjoy all the foods you enjoy now.

    3# - There is no need to stress this if you start right now. Tomorrows (for me at least) tend to never come and I got advice from a good friend who has been losing weight like mad who said, "If you think about it, go do it NOW. Don't put it off." Log your food, log your exercise, and then review it and if it's not satisfactory try again tomorrow. You *can* do this.

    Lastly there is your goal-- You want to be healthy and happy, you're taking the first step towards that goal RIGHT NOW and you should be proud of yourself! Even small changes or looking at yourself with change in mind is never an easy step, but you've already done that! Take it slow, be calm, and in no time you'll be reaching your other goals.

    There are a ton of great people here who will gladly support you! Hang in there... and DONT PANIC! :bigsmile:

    Its comments like this that make me LOVE this site. I get teary eyed when I see how NOT alone I am on this path. There is so much wisdom and beauty from our experiences. I can honestly say that being obese and losing the weight has been the most spiritual and enlightening thing to ever happen to me. I didnt know that underneath all of my "fat" was a beautiful PERSON and HEART. I was burdened by my weight and I feel free again. I have choices and I chose to stick around here and meet people and help and be helped by them. Hugs to everyone on MFP <3
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member

    BREATHE! and STOP IT! I mean the panic, not the breathing. Alas, it's not that easy is it (I suffer from social anxiety disorder, so I know a bit about panic, but we can get through this)?

    Ok, here's my advice... Lets talk about your concerns, I see 3:

    1) Taking so long to get the weight off
    2) What you won't be able to eat
    3) About never getting weight off

    Let me address them one at a time,

    #1 - Remember this, you didn't gain 200lbs in a month and you can't lose it in a month. That's OK! I have 173lbs to go. I know exactly how you feel, now, you wanna hear the ~really~ ****ty part? I'm 36... and I've went from 340 to less than 190 multiple times... because I'm an idiot and didn't maintain the lifestyle that let me lose the weight (hoping the app tracking things helps me maintain accountability and keep it off this time.) It will take you time to get all the weight off and get down to your correct weight. That's OK! The long goal isn't the only goal. Every single pound you lose will make moving easier. Every single pound you lose will make your clothing fit better. Every single time you exercise and build some muscle more calories will be burnt. If you're having trouble panicking because the long goal is daunting to you then make a short term goal, try to lose 50 lbs first. That won't take nearly as long! You won't believe the difference in how you'll feel once you're fifty lbs lighter either. Trust me, I've been moaning all week to my S.O. about it ^_^.

    #2 - Let me tell you this now. Starting now, you will be restricted from eating... absolutely nothing. No really. You'll be able to eat every single one of your favorite foods. Does this make you upset? Nah. I like pizza, had a p'zone for dinner tonight. Was sooo tasty. I budgeted for it in my calories, did a little extra exercise, and everything is good. I'm still well under my calorie goals for the week. There is literally nothing you absolutely can never have again, you might eat a bit less of it, but it's all still there for you. Not only that, but if you try some varieties of foods and healthy options you've never tried before you might find that some foods you just lose interest in because you've found something you like better. That's great, but if not, moderation will make life easier and allow you to enjoy all the foods you enjoy now.

    3# - There is no need to stress this if you start right now. Tomorrows (for me at least) tend to never come and I got advice from a good friend who has been losing weight like mad who said, "If you think about it, go do it NOW. Don't put it off." Log your food, log your exercise, and then review it and if it's not satisfactory try again tomorrow. You *can* do this.

    Lastly there is your goal-- You want to be healthy and happy, you're taking the first step towards that goal RIGHT NOW and you should be proud of yourself! Even small changes or looking at yourself with change in mind is never an easy step, but you've already done that! Take it slow, be calm, and in no time you'll be reaching your other goals.

    There are a ton of great people here who will gladly support you! Hang in there... and DONT PANIC! :bigsmile:

    YES YES YES. You can do this!!!!
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    Whatever you do, do NOT succumb to the 1200 or less a day diet plus 8 hours of exercise. Many will justify it with healthy diets or being short, but there are people here that are 5'2 and maintain above 2000 calories! Just start right, trust me, I have made many mistakes that are now affecting my health. MFP is an amazing tool when used appropriately, but can also be very damaging when used wrong.
  • crblbrown
    crblbrown Posts: 9
    Funny you should mention that about the 1200 calories. I was at my doctor this week and she told me to limit to 1200 calories and very low carbs. I think her goal is to get a certain amount of weight off quickly. My daughter, who is highly into nutrition and fitness is going to help me plan my program today.
  • erikkmcvay
    erikkmcvay Posts: 238 Member
    I think the movie 'Hungry for Change' helped me with this in one line: Do not tell yourself 'I can't have that' because then you will crave it but rather say "I don't want that" and you will not.

    I found this to be a key element to losing the 45 pounds I've lost! It's simple: I don't want that.

    Try it, it might help!

    Also, don't be afraid to reward yourself (just not with cheetos etc) by doing a little extra cardio (a 1 mile walk for example) when you want a little extra -- don't abuse it though! (I know someone who always says he better walk another 3 miles because he ate a bunch of home made bread but then he doesn't make the walk -- he's not losing weight either. Go figure.

    Just be honest, and committed.
  • 1fitchick00
    1fitchick00 Posts: 155
    Try not to panic take things slowly, Try changing one thing at a time. I initially just got rid of pop from my diet. And after about a month of that I got rid of sugary drinks. I actually didn't lose any weight from doing either of these things but I knew that I was making a huge change in my health. Eventually I was able to slowly change my entire eating habits over to whole grain carbs, organic fruits and vegetables, Shakeology, and lean meats. It has made a huge change in my life and now I am able to exercise regularly and feel good about the changes I have made. I do not regret taking it so slowly, because I know that I never would have stuck to a complete overhaul of my diet, that just wouldn't have worked for me. If you want any more ideas feel free to pm me. I would love to help!!
  • erikkmcvay
    erikkmcvay Posts: 238 Member

    BREATHE! and STOP IT! I mean the panic, not the breathing. Alas, it's not that easy is it (I suffer from social anxiety disorder, so I know a bit about panic, but we can get through this)?

    Ok, here's my advice... Lets talk about your concerns, I see 3:

    1) Taking so long to get the weight off
    2) What you won't be able to eat
    3) About never getting weight off

    Let me address them one at a time,

    #1 - Remember this, you didn't gain 200lbs in a month and you can't lose it in a month. That's OK! I have 173lbs to go. I know exactly how you feel, now, you wanna hear the ~really~ ****ty part? I'm 36... and I've went from 340 to less than 190 multiple times... because I'm an idiot and didn't maintain the lifestyle that let me lose the weight (hoping the app tracking things helps me maintain accountability and keep it off this time.) It will take you time to get all the weight off and get down to your correct weight. That's OK! The long goal isn't the only goal. Every single pound you lose will make moving easier. Every single pound you lose will make your clothing fit better. Every single time you exercise and build some muscle more calories will be burnt. If you're having trouble panicking because the long goal is daunting to you then make a short term goal, try to lose 50 lbs first. That won't take nearly as long! You won't believe the difference in how you'll feel once you're fifty lbs lighter either. Trust me, I've been moaning all week to my S.O. about it ^_^.

    #2 - Let me tell you this now. Starting now, you will be restricted from eating... absolutely nothing. No really. You'll be able to eat every single one of your favorite foods. Does this make you upset? Nah. I like pizza, had a p'zone for dinner tonight. Was sooo tasty. I budgeted for it in my calories, did a little extra exercise, and everything is good. I'm still well under my calorie goals for the week. There is literally nothing you absolutely can never have again, you might eat a bit less of it, but it's all still there for you. Not only that, but if you try some varieties of foods and healthy options you've never tried before you might find that some foods you just lose interest in because you've found something you like better. That's great, but if not, moderation will make life easier and allow you to enjoy all the foods you enjoy now.

    3# - There is no need to stress this if you start right now. Tomorrows (for me at least) tend to never come and I got advice from a good friend who has been losing weight like mad who said, "If you think about it, go do it NOW. Don't put it off." Log your food, log your exercise, and then review it and if it's not satisfactory try again tomorrow. You *can* do this.

    Lastly there is your goal-- You want to be healthy and happy, you're taking the first step towards that goal RIGHT NOW and you should be proud of yourself! Even small changes or looking at yourself with change in mind is never an easy step, but you've already done that! Take it slow, be calm, and in no time you'll be reaching your other goals.

    There are a ton of great people here who will gladly support you! Hang in there... and DONT PANIC! :bigsmile:

    Ya what he said! Great post!