What foods do you want to stay away from?



  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I think one of my biggest problems is eating at night. I will always get hungry because i'm a night owl and am up until around 12-1. But my problem is what I eat. I'll eat whatever is closest and easiest and that's normally candy,chips, and chocolate. Anyone have any tips on how I can beat these midnight munchies

    There's nothing wrong with eating at night as long as you are meeting your calorie goal.

    If you overeat things like chips, candy, and chocolate.............


    Then they won't be closest and easiest to you.

    But if you don't overeat and end up eating under your TDEE, get over it. You're doing good. All things in moderation.
  • mpoquiz22
    mpoquiz22 Posts: 2
    Eat anything that you want but limit yourself to what you eat because if you deprive yourself, then you will end up just eating a bigger amount of what you originally would have. For me, I just need a bite of whatever I would be craving. Just the taste of it is enough to satisfy me.:)
  • goshnames
    goshnames Posts: 359 Member
    Ketchup! I cannot moderate my ketchup usage...I just have to stay away. I used to douse all of my food in it. Mmm, so good. Such a waste of calories that I'd rather use on more food.
  • JRSchumaker
    JRSchumaker Posts: 93 Member
    The more conscious of budgeting my calories I have become, the more particular I've gotten about what I eat. For instance, I eat 1-2 eggs and a piece of toast for breakfast almost every morning. White, low cal, "wheat," whatever kind of bread was ok months ago. Now that it's the only piece of bread I eat all day and often it's the only refined carb I eat all day, I want 100% whole grain, dense, heavy, actually-something-to-chew-on bread for my toast. The "whatever" won't do, because I'm not mindlessly eating anymore.

    I also drink better beer and only use real butter. :)

    The only food I've decided to swear off is donuts. I ate one the other day and thought it was going to murder me. It sat in my stomach like a rock and I belched it for HOURS, on top of feeling totally ill from all the sugar and crappy fat. It's so sad. We have a locally owned donut place here, and I loved getting one every now and then.
  • SStruthers13
    SStruthers13 Posts: 150 Member
    Eat healthy foods. Stay away from processed anything as much as you can. Salt is bad, hydrogenated oil is bad. Having said those nice things also be reasonable. A nice piece of chocolate cake or your junk food of choice is perfectly fine just not every day. I have chocolate milk every morning and pig out one meal a week on any food I want.

    Smaller meals more times a day is also better IMO. That way your body burns the calories instead of having extra to convert to fat.
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    If I restrict myself to certain foods, I will fail in the long run. Instead, I eat what I like in smaller portions.
  • SStruthers13
    SStruthers13 Posts: 150 Member
    Moderation is the key to success here. If you limit and deny yourself, well, bad things happen.

  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    I think one of my biggest problems is eating at night. I will always get hungry because i'm a night owl and am up until around 12-1. But my problem is what I eat. I'll eat whatever is closest and easiest and that's normally candy,chips, and chocolate. Anyone have any tips on how I can beat these midnight munchies

    If you eat anything that's closest to you... Well, put some carrots and green tea close to you!

    Seriously, I can just sit there and munch on carrots all day. Similar for raw broccoli (although broccoli generally demands some sort of dip).
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    What foods do you want to stay away from?

    poison mushrooms
    salmonella undercooked chickens
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    Hey guys :) Just wondering since I'm on a diet now, what foods should I avoid and which food should I not eat as much of?

    If you have great willpower then you can enjoy any food in moderation.

    If you don't have good willpower then I would try to stay away from certain foods that could be a trigger food.

    You could also take a favorite food that might be considered unhealthy & look up ways to make it healthier or other foods that taste similar to it.

    Personally I try to stay away from a lot of bread, pastas (I eat spaghetti squash a few times a week), & cake/pie.
  • MoreLikeMe43
    MoreLikeMe43 Posts: 21 Member
    I think one of my biggest problems is eating at night. I will always get hungry because i'm a night owl and am up until around 12-1. But my problem is what I eat. I'll eat whatever is closest and easiest and that's normally candy,chips, and chocolate. Anyone have any tips on how I can beat these midnight munchies

    This is a big one for me, too. Everyone's finally gone to bed and I finally have some uninterrupted quiet time for me...and I want to enjoy it with food. I've done okay (knock wood) by reserving some calories for the end of the day and making the snacks something like Laughing Cow Light with pretzels or crackers (counted out in the kitchen), maybe add cherry tomatoes or cucumbers...etc. Usually, a pretty little plate of something I really like is more satisfying than too much of something mindlessly eaten.
  • ryanna01
    ryanna01 Posts: 67 Member
    This is what I sometime try to do I will sometime cut up apples and munch on those but other times that just isn't what I want or I'm too lazy to go up to the kitchen ( my bedrooms in the basement )
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
  • JSkorna
    JSkorna Posts: 22
    I think one of my biggest problems is eating at night. I will always get hungry because i'm a night owl and am up until around 12-1. But my problem is what I eat. I'll eat whatever is closest and easiest and that's normally candy,chips, and chocolate. Anyone have any tips on how I can beat these midnight munchies

    Don't have them in the house.
  • ryanna01
    ryanna01 Posts: 67 Member
    I think one of my biggest problems is eating at night. I will always get hungry because i'm a night owl and am up until around 12-1. But my problem is what I eat. I'll eat whatever is closest and easiest and that's normally candy,chips, and chocolate. Anyone have any tips on how I can beat these midnight munchies

    If you eat anything that's closest to you... Well, put some carrots and green tea close to you!

    Seriously, I can just sit there and munch on carrots all day. Similar for raw broccoli (although broccoli generally demands some sort of dip).
    I just bought carrots actually so maybe I'll have to have a plate ready in case I get hungry and I can just grab them
  • naturallyme36
    naturallyme36 Posts: 155 Member
    YOLO!!!!! enjoy food and enjoy life. try to only have what you need and move on. Birthdays, family functions, celebrations and friends will always be in the picture and you cannot run from any of these things or you will be miserable. Just learn to enjoy the things around you including your company and ask yourself , will I feel proud of myself when im finished with this? and take it from there. Fit food into your life, not the other way around. Hope this makes since to you.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Eggs, fish, peas, and cottage cheese.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I have cut very few things out completely. However, I do not eat french fries, fast food in general, or sugar soda at all. They have no nutritional value, and I don't really want those things, so what's the point.

    I might have a diet coke once a week.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Oh, and I have cut tomatoes out of my diet since I was born. I hate tomatoes. Yuck!!!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    What foods do you want to stay away from?

    poison mushrooms
    salmonella undercooked chickens

    Good list