late night snacking :-(

New to MFP, and my problem is that late at night I love to eat. I try to eat healthy like cantaloupe, watermelon or a fiber one 90 calorie bar, but then after I eat I go to sleep. What can I do to stop eating so late? Late as in 11 or 12.


  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    New to MFP, and my problem is that late at night I love to eat. I try to eat healthy like cantaloupe, watermelon or a fiber one 90 calorie bar, but then after I eat I go to sleep. What can I do to stop eating so late? Late as in 11 or 12.

    Meal timing isnt an issue. Going to sleep immediately after eating isn't an issue either. Just stay within your calorie goals and you'll lose.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    You can eat until whatever time you'd like as long as it fits your calorie goals. If it's causing issues with your sleep then maybe try having a slightly larger evening meal or increase your snack so you'll be full longer.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    such misinformation.
  • ajbloomu
    ajbloomu Posts: 16
    Sugar Free Jello and fat free yogurt and fruit are my answer. I have lost over 60 pounds and when I want to eat at night those are my standbys. I always stay in my calorie range and it has worked great. Snacking at night is not a sin, just stick to something good for you and you will be ok.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Can you go to bed earlier?
    Brush your teeth, that stops me from eating because I usually can't be bothered brushing again.
  • Chelseynicole88
    Chelseynicole88 Posts: 2 Member
    Rice cakes (70 calories each) are filling... with some chamomile tea. Any type of vegetable is quite filling because of the fiber content and of course low calorie as well...I've found that this helps with those late night cravings :) I'm not sure if you've heard this before but I've heard digestion slows down while you are sleeping so..this helps me not eat anything unhealthy before bed, thinking that it will be sitting in my stomach all night until morning haha . Hope this helps
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Plan for snacking. As long as you've got the calories, there shouldn't be any problem. Both groups here are correct, mostly. Yes, digestion does slow down when you sleep. However, the amount it slows is fairly inconsequential. Unless you are a highly trained athelete trying to tweak to peak performance, the small change in metabolic rate caused by eating late will have no meaningful impact on your weight loss. I eat all througout the day, often 30 minutes or less before bed, and have seen no decline in my loss because of it. For some people, eating late can cause difficulty sleeping. Other than that, it shouldn't mattter as long as you have budgeted for it.
  • dena789
    dena789 Posts: 164 Member
    Plan to have a certain number of calories to use daily for your evening snacks. I'm an evening muncher too and I need to be sure to have room within my daily totals for something in the evening. Also, I know for myself, evening eating is more habit than hunger. Sometimes I can be good with a cup of flavoured tea sweetened with Truvia. But, if I'm really craving something in particular, I've learned that I need to eat a bit of it. If I try to substitute other things, I can eat a lot of stuff (calories) that doesn't satisfy me. A hundred calories of chocolate when that is what I'm craving is better than five hundred calories of misc stuff trying to stop the craving.