Not sure I would consider myself new..

I'm Jess!! I have done endless diets since about the age of 14.. I am now 23. In the past weight watchers has worked for me. I like mixing MFP and WW together. I do WW at home, on my own. I'm too poor to afford the online tools or the meetings, but I have enough apps on my phone that it works. And I just love MFP. It's easy to use and the community here is awesome! A little bit about me.. Back in my freshmen year of HS I was in the 160 range.. and it really just went up from there.. In 2009 when I met my other half, I was about 220 and comfortable. And then the weight gain just kept on rising. Back in Jan 2011 I tried to kick myself in gear. I lost a whopping 15 pounds and then lost track and gained that 15 back PLUS some. So back in March of this year, I stepped on the scale. When it read "301.4" I realized enough was enough and if I ever wanted to do the things I want to do in the future, it was time to kick my butt into gear!! So even though I "fell off" the wagon between the end of april and the month of May. I only gained back 3 of the 19 pounds I had lost. My goal weight is still an "overweight" number but a number that I felt comfortable in! So currently my goal weight is 160. Which is a little over 120 pounds from where I am right now. Damn that's scary, but do-able!!

Anyways, just wanted to drop by and say hello! :)


  • raymondstott
    Life's full of ups and downs, just take each day as it comes. Good luck with your goal. :smile:
  • Habiteer
    Habiteer Posts: 190 Member
    yep, definitely doable. will take some work though, but one day at a time like the man says, best wishes!
  • delicat3flow3r
    Thank you!
  • ThaiKaren
    ThaiKaren Posts: 341 Member
    Of course you can do it, just give yourself small targets and before you know it you will be where you want to be. Remember eat less and exercise more, wish it was that simple ;-) Very good luck and let me know how you are doing :-)