Kicking Weight Loss Up a Notch??

So I've finally summed up the courage to be apart of my pole dance studios 8 Week Weight Loss Challenge - everyone puts in $25 and the person with the highest % lost wins the pot! Not that I wouldn't love to win, but I'm more focused about just consistently losing weight (I have been on a downward trajectory with my weight, but its super slow with lots of plateaus).
What I typically do is keep to my calorie limit and do pole dance 3-4 times a week with occasionally long fast walks.

So here is my Weight-Loss Challenge plan:
1. As always, keep to my 1640 calories a day (this is what MFP has me for 2lbs/week loss) - I will be extra diligent about my macros especially protein which I'm always low on
2. Pole Dance class twice a week (wish I could do more, but I can't afford it) - 1 hr 15 min each - this is mostly strength training and conditioning with about 15 - 30 min of intense cardio.
3. Flexibility Dvd 4x week - 60 min of active stretching with about 20 min of it warm-up of body weight exercises (mountain climbers, leg lifts, crunches, etc.)

Now I feel like I need to add in more cardio - maybe jogging 3x a week. I would love to hear what others do to kick their weight loss up a notch!

P.S. While I definitely want to intensify my workouts and diet these 8 weeks I don't want to go so crazy that I cant maintain the pace after the 8 weeks if I wanted to and felt like it was working for me.


  • IronKitty
    IronKitty Posts: 121 Member
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    I lift 5 days a week for 1hr high intensity.. LOVE MIKE MENTZER theories. (the sadist)

    2 30min core days and 3 days of stairclimber 30min at 70steps per min.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    Usually I'm always for lifting but that's not the right thing for a weight loss challenge. Do that once your done :D will help you with your pole dancing as well :)

    Yes integrating some more cardio might be an idea. Do some hiit workouts right after getting up. And then go for a run 5 min later.

    Also protein is a good idea. Watch the processed foods you eat and that you get enough water in.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Edited to add: if you have dodgy knees or your running form is not great, then ignore the following!

    Hill sprints. Hands down a great exercise.....

    Make sure you're fully warmed up (go for a light jog first). Pick two telegraph poles/lamp posts/ whatever on the hill that are between 20-40 yards apart. jog up to the first marker and then Sprint (not jog quickly - Sprint! Knees up, arms pumping) from the first marker to the second. Fully explosive, maximum effort. Walk back down to before the first marker with your arms interlaced behind your head (this allows the maximum amount of air into you lungs, so you can recover quickly). When you get back to the first marker, turn around and repeat. Do 5-6 reps.

    If you're truly doing maximum effort on the sprints, 5-6 will be enough, trust me. Chuck these in 2 times a week. Eventually, you'll work up to doing about 10 sprints. When you get to this level, there are other things you can do to kick it up a notch.....
  • rainsable
    rainsable Posts: 7
    What about adding swimming? It's a great all rounder which burns decent calories and is fun so doesn't feel like exercise.
  • IronKitty
    IronKitty Posts: 121 Member
    Usually I'm always for lifting but that's not the right thing for a weight loss challenge. Do that once your done :D will help you with your pole dancing as well :)

    Yes integrating some more cardio might be an idea. Do some hiit workouts right after getting up. And then go for a run 5 min later.

    Also protein is a good idea. Watch the processed foods you eat and that you get enough water in.

    I'm sure lifting will help with my pole dance practice, but you're right its not going to be great with the weight loss. I'll check out the hiit workouts and am going to start running, but it will be more like fast jogging!

    Protein is really tricky for me to get enough of so I think I'll pick up some protein powder!
  • IronKitty
    IronKitty Posts: 121 Member
    Edited to add: if you have dodgy knees or your running form is not great, then ignore the following!

    Hill sprints. Hands down a great exercise.....

    Make sure you're fully warmed up (go for a light jog first). Pick two telegraph poles/lamp posts/ whatever on the hill that are between 20-40 yards apart. jog up to the first marker and then Sprint (not jog quickly - Sprint! Knees up, arms pumping) from the first marker to the second. Fully explosive, maximum effort. Walk back down to before the first marker with your arms interlaced behind your head (this allows the maximum amount of air into you lungs, so you can recover quickly). When you get back to the first marker, turn around and repeat. Do 5-6 reps.

    If you're truly doing maximum effort on the sprints, 5-6 will be enough, trust me. Chuck these in 2 times a week. Eventually, you'll work up to doing about 10 sprints. When you get to this level, there are other things you can do to kick it up a notch.....

    Sounds intense, but twice a week seems doable - just have to find a hill nearby!!!