Feeling panic



  • RichardDickCobb
    RichardDickCobb Posts: 13 Member
    I have good advice related to a consistent/long term method of weight loss. I recently was taken off of injections of Insulin and oral Diabetic medicine! Had been taking Diabetes medicines for over thirty-years. Be my friend?
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Tell yourself you'll only go for 5 minutes.
    If you still feel like that, tell yourself only 5 more minutes
    and so forth.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    It sounds like you maybe a) don't like change very much in any aspect of your life or b) have monumental expectations for when you get to goal.

    a) make small changes a little at a time if it's the first one.

    b) just know that you will be the same person afterwards that you are now, your core beleifs and morality and character will remain unchanged.

    Your ego may get a little high for a little while but that usually levels off real fast. Your self-esteem will improve for the long run, and if you are having a hard time understanding that you deserve it now, just go forward with the understanding that when you get to the end goal you will be in a better position to judge yourself and that when you do you will realize that you do indeed deserve to look and feel a whole lot better than you do now.