Hungier in the evenings...

I have noticed about myself that it is harder in the evening to stick to my diet. I do so well during the day, but around supper time I get soooo hungry and I stay hungry. I don't feel like I can get full.. Is there anyway to feel full and stay that way????


  • ucms
    ucms Posts: 28 Member
    OMG, I was just thinking the same thing as I scarffed down a SECOND dinner roll...I'm trying to stay out of the kitchen for the rest of the evening!!! I'm a liitle over on my calories for the day now...but I was just soooo hungry!!!
  • sandradee82
    sandradee82 Posts: 21 Member
    I tried the drinking water thing and it didnt work that well... Im trying to tell myself that im not really that hungry and to just leave t he kitchen.. i will walk in and just open the fridge door and stand there and stare thinkin that if i look at the food somehow itll help... crazy yea i know!!! I just dont know what to do... this is only in the evenings...
  • losingnow
    I am the exact same way! I get sooo hungry in the evenings. I stopped at one helping today but could have easily had second or thirds. I think I will have a little frozen yogurt just to take away some of the hunger pains!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I'm usually the same. Trying to wean myself off of evening snacks. I've done it before, it is possible, it's just not comfortable during the process......First off, I usually plan for a dessert around 7:30 - fruit mostly. If I'm still grazing after that I grab a stick of gum though and get busy doing something else to take my mind off of it. If it's still unreasonable after 30 minutes, I'll grab a teaspoon of PB. That usually quiets me down. I think it's the act of eating that I miss, not so much the food, so with the PB, I'll be chewing for hours....LOL Also, my brain knows protein helps with hunger and so that helps a lot. If after another 30 minutes, I'm still hungry, I make up a serving of veggies. By that time, it's usually time to take the dogs for a walk and then get ready for bed.

    I guess it's like breaking any addictive habits. Either find something to help you break it or go cold turkey...
  • theatremack
    Ladies, I hear you!! I feel like eating the entire fridge every night. I've started saving more calories for the end of the day so that I can snack. I'm sure that isn't the correct to do it, but if I eat all the right stuff all day and don't have the calories at night I always overeat for the day!! I wish there was a switch for this!!
  • FoamyRiver
    FoamyRiver Posts: 276 Member
    How much protein are you eating at lunch or for an afternoon snack (if you have one)? I'm not a vegetarian but I could totally give up meat/poultry and just eat carbs. But I found that I get hungry sooner if I have a lot of carbs at lunch. I've been trying to eat more lean protein for lunch and fewer carbs. I find that I'm not starving when I get home from work and I haven't been snacking while I fix supper--which has always been a downfall of mine.

    I also try to keep celery and carrots easily accessible for when I am hungry but don't want to binge.
  • lovelypen50
    lovelypen50 Posts: 192 Member
    I know, I know, I too am starving in the evenings, and I can just eat, and eat and eat., I did try something a little different, I had dinner for breakfast this morning and breakfast for dinner. Seems okay, I probably need to go to bed right now before that monster rears its head.
  • jenniferjames
    I know how everyone is feeling. My husband lost 50 pounds and every night he eats dry cereal. Leave about 150 calories for your night snack and try dry cereal or 100 calorie popcorn. My biggest problem is alway around 3pm all I want to do is eat then. Good luck everyone
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Could you be mistaking your hunger for boredom or thirst? Before I get that snack, I drink a big glass of water and try to occupy myself by doing something other then think about food, maybe a walk, a book, a may just work for you. And if you still decide to have that snack, make yourself accountable for it, make sure you sit down to eat, and not just pop something in your mouth, and try to make it healthy, then make yourself do a little exercise to compensate for it, this alone may stop you from eating :laugh:
  • dale49
    dale49 Posts: 37
    This is my struggle too. I stay on track all day long and thne around aobut 8 o'colck I start thinking aobut treats. Arghhhh!!!
    I spoke to my Weight Watchers leader about it today and she suggested a couple of things: eat more filling foods (lots of fibre) through the day which makes you feel full and less genuinely hungry. Also, she suggest doing something new in the evening to break the cycle of TV and a snack ....or two.....or three. :bigsmile: So, even though it's dark I just took a walk 6 times around the block and now I'm going to put some photos in an album. Then, if I'm still craving I'll just go to bed.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Try drinking half a protein shake before you start to cook dinner this will fill you up and you will fill fuul after dinner too , and when you start cooking put a piece of yummy sugar free gum in your mouth to avoid tasting the meal before its done.
  • Kiki_009
    Kiki_009 Posts: 18 Member
    I have the same problem. I try to snack on foods that are high fiber or high in protein and low in cals. Plain air popped popcorn with chili powder is one of my faves. I can eat SO much for very few calories. Edamame also does the trick. It takes a while to eat if you buy them already in the pods and they are high in protein, so they are satisfying.
  • sandradee82
    sandradee82 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks everyone for your suggestions... Last night was a little easier.. I just have to ask myself what do I want more... The fatty foods or the high school jeans... I do believe it is all out of habit, I'm used to sitting in the living room and snacking with the family but I believe if I just do something different all together that will be my best bet....