Walk Away the Pounds

Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone uses any of the Leslie Sanson "Walk Away the Pounds" DVDs. I go to Aqua Fit 4 times per week and I was going to add in some of the walking videos (I have the 2 mile express). I wasn't sure how to enter it into fitness though. Would it be considered walking or low-impact aerobics?

Also, if anyone else does these videos, could you recommend which ones you enjoy? I'd like to be able to mix it up a bit.




  • jcoulomb
    jcoulomb Posts: 3 Member
    I consider it low impact aerobics. But I think the 2 mile express is one of her least intense. I have about 7 of her DVDs. I don't use that one so much anymore. I like her three mile weight loss and walk your belly flat ones the best. I live in a cold climate with two small kids. Snow on the ground six months out of the year. Her DVDs got me up and moving, no excuses, even in the dead of winter. my girls can be there in the room with me even joining in a bit. I actually like her for that reason and she got me started on my road to fitness. They got me to a point where I then started to do kickboxing DVDs and then more of Jillian Michael's more intense workouts. But I go back and tag on an extra mile or two after doing the more intense stuff. I often also do her workouts with hand weights. I like to mix and match. I am easily bored, but I have lost 16 pounds and dropped three sizes since Feb. 1st. I credit her DVDs for starting it all. I also have arthritis in my knees and her workouts never make me hurt.
  • jennsmithers
    Congratulations on the 16 pounds! I have difficulty with my right knee due to an injury, so I too need something to start off with. I'm doing aqua aerobics and I LOVE it! I started going about 2 years ago, but would stop going when work got busy or I had to travel for work but now I am making it a point to go 4 times per week every week no excuses. I also live in a colder area - Northern BC. So I think having the walking tapes will help. I managed to find the 3 mile weight loss online that someone had posted. I couldn't find any of her videos at Walmart here. A friend gave me her 2 mile express so I'm going to use that and the online one I found on the days I'm not doing aqua aerobics. I think it is more low impact aerobics than walking too. I'm not really concerned on counting calories, but I wanted something that was somewhat close to what it would really be.

    Anyway, thanks for responding. I'll also try and check out the walk away your belly fat. That is the area on my body that is the most frustrating. I can deal with my junk in the trunk and thighs, but having a big stomach makes it hard to fit into jeans and I just hate it!
  • newbury0621
    I walk about an hour every night on my treadmill at 14 degree incline at a pace of 3.0mph. Believe me when i say that it works! After the first 20 minutes you can feel the burn and the 15 pounds i have lost in the past 3 weeks have proven it! Its easy on your joints as well!!! I have ran many times in the past and it has given me plenty of shin splints...i dont miss those. Good luck to you!
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I count leslie Sansone workouts as low impact aerobics minus the warm up and the cool down time.
  • MomsTaxi23
    MomsTaxi23 Posts: 19 Member
    I was just looking for the same information I just did her regular 2 mile walk. I couldn't find it either I put it under general aerobics. I wish there was some way the correct counts can be added to the database.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I made my own one for each one I do. I do about 6-7 miles though of it (5mile but only the 2nd mile 6 times in a row) or I just do till whenever I can't do it any more.

    I made my own entry. Simple.