Stoked on myfitnesspal

hello all,

just joined monday, and i'm already hooked. The I-phone app makes it so easy to track your calorie intake and daily exercise. Just wanted to say thank you to the creators of myfitnesspal for helping me reach my goals.

I currently weigh 214 pounds. my goal is to get down to 170. I know this will take lots of hard work and dedication on my part, but i am willing to put in the effort to get myself to follow a healthy lifestyle. if anyone wants to add me as a friend, we can keep an eye on each other and help each other reach our goals.

Best of luck to all of those who have taken the first steps to a better you! Congratulations on making your life changing decision!


  • lovza_flirt
    lovza_flirt Posts: 14 Member
    I know how you feel. I love this site. I joined 2 1/2 months ago and I love it. I wasn' sold on the calorie counting at first but I know so many people who have lost weight be sensible. I've lost 20lbs just making better choices and staying within my calorie limits. Even when I know i'm going to be over, I still feel the need to log in and keep track. It makes me see how I can improve the choices I make and it actually keeps me movitated. Especially in going to the gym.
  • Noah137
    Noah137 Posts: 7 Member
  • fun_mom
    fun_mom Posts: 54
    Welcome! I found MFP about a month ago and I'm totally addicted and already down almost 10 pounds. I credit hard work on my part of course but certainly credit also goes to the tools and support of MFP. You'll get there! Good luck. If you need motivation friend me!!!