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homeschool mums with lots of kids???

Hi there, I have joined my fitness pal to really try and lose some weight. I find having 5 (lovely) children aged 12 down to 2 which I homeschool, a real challenge because there seems to be no time for exercise PLUS living on one income means I struggle to buy the foods I know work for me (mostly proteins). I would love to have some friends on this website in similar circumstances (ie rushing from homeschooling out to kids activities and in again!!!) who also find losing weight really difficult. If I eat any starch at all I easily put on a kg a week. Its worse when I am pregnant, and then it takes forever to come off. I did my first food diary though and was totally shocked at how little food I should actually be eating!!! In the past I have done low carb or low fat diets which have worked for me, but as soon as I deviate to any normal eating it all goes on again. I am forty next year and would love to be a FABULOUS forty!!! Thanks for reading this!! Sophy.


  • I am a stay at home mom to a three yr old, I can not imagine the chaos of 5
  • kiraleilani
    kiraleilani Posts: 124 Member
    Hi! I'm a homeschooling mom to three little boys! We love every minute of it!

    Tracking my food on MFP really helps me not to mindlessly snack off the leftover kid's plates. I don't have any time to myself, so I usually try a 10 minute youtube workout video (POPpilates!) with my kids right alongside me :)

    I have a friend who has five (soon to be 6!) kids at home and she homeschools too! I'll link her to this message :)
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    All of my children are grown. But, I will still leave you with some advice. Have PE for your children for an hour a day. It will be good for all of you. I imagine you will need help with the youngest, if there are other mothers near you perhaps you could all get together for some physical activity and you can take turns watching the very young children. Things like pushing kids on a swing can burn a fair amount of calories. Or having races things like that. I don't know where you would go for more structured ideas, but whatever gets you all moving has to be good. If nothing else you could go on family walks everyday.
  • greenmm1980
    greenmm1980 Posts: 86 Member
    I am a single mom and homeschool 2 boys and work full time. My kiddos keep me accountable to exercise by putting me on a guilt trip about having a PE class, lol. Feel free to add me.
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    I am the homeschool mom to 5 soon to be 6 above!!! lol You say your oldest is 12 and your youngest is 12. Sounds like some are old enough to give MaMa some time to workout. On those hard days though let them workout beside you. I am still working out during pregnancy. I usually don't do anymore than 30 minutes although when I walk my dog it is usually a 40 minute walk. Before I got pregnant I was doing Jillian Michaels workouts. I would try to get up early to workout. On many occassions that just didn't workout!! My youngest at the time was 2 1/2-3yrs. and instead of no workout at least a few of my kids were working out next to me. Sure my workout got slowed down, but I figured it was better than no workout right? Others suggested gym time or a walk. I am exhausted early with being pregnant, so I typically try to get up early for 6 or 6:30am to go on the treadmill or a walk. I'm not sure what time your kids get up for, or even if they are up how feasible it is to get a little of something in. My oldest is 14, and I'm able to leave the kids alone for a walk. If I go on the treadmill my kids know it is Mommy-time although it has taken some time for them to get used to that. Plus there are those hard days for them!!

    As far as healthy eating try to take it one day at a time!! I absolutely have a hard time with chocolate. I usually am good about staying under my calories. You don't have to go organic etc to be able to eat healthier. Usually my lunch consists of eggs, and toast. My breakfast is typically Kashi cereal and dinner is a casserole or some chicken dish..etc I'm not sure what sort of foods you are referring to. My chocolate is usually ice-cream I have a tough time with. You can do this!! I will send you a request!! We HSing Maas need to stick together!! We know what it is like for sure!! Some days are easier than others. Maybe your workout time is better before bed or a rest time in the afternoon with the kids. I enjoy the set time before most of the gang is up!!! I'm sure you are doing great!! Excellent Job Logging!!!
  • Cloud9Momma
    Cloud9Momma Posts: 11 Member
    I also homeschool 5 kids ranging from 12 to 1. We either all go to the park and the 3 older kids ride bikes while I push the 2 little ones ride in the stroller. I give them a while to play afterwards. Also I will leave the babies napping while I walk with the 6kids and 8I year old kids and the 12 year old stays home and calls if they wake up. We just walk back and forth close to home. I will sometimes walk after dinner. Tapes are hard because everyone seems to need something just as I get going. Including them like I detailed works best for me. Add me as a friend if you like. I don't say a lot but I log in daily and give the support I can.
  • MzPix
    MzPix Posts: 177 Member
    My kids are all grown adults now, but I homeschooled and I was homeschooled myself as well.
    I just wanted to give you support in your endeavor to homeschool!
  • rileymama
    rileymama Posts: 196 Member
    Pregnant with my 6th and my oldest is 7. I am a stay at home mom and homeschool ....I always tried to get up before the kids and workout, but this pregnancy has me exhausted and it doesn't really work out. I can usually fit it in sometime in the morning after they are fed and playing, but definitely not the P90X stuff I was doing :P (bc of time as well as pregnancy). I try to get in a walk at night and on weekends too..so I can go w/o the little ones who find a walk to be a bug finding adventure :) Good luck!
  • I am a homeschool mom of 2 but I also am working on my masters degree and run an after school program. I am constantly on the go and immersed in the stress of teaching and learning. I feel like I live on protein bars and shakes during the school year. i know they are not the best but I figure they are a better alternative than junk or nothing. Sometimes when I am really ahead of the game I make my own.
    I love to exercise and make it a time for it in my life most every day.
    I really believe in making myself a priority time and budget wise.I have learned (the hard way) that me and my family is happier when I take care of myself.
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    I homeschool my 9 year old and love it. Good for you for choosing to educated your children :drinker: Feel free to add :flowerforyou:
    MRSHHJONES Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! I'm a home school Mom, too! I have one son who is 14 years old. I joined MFP in March and am really enjoying the friendship and encouragement of others, and I believe you will, too!!! :)
  • akp4Him
    akp4Him Posts: 227
    I am a homeschooling mom of 7, 20 years old down to 8 years old. This year I only have 5 that I am homeschooling since my older two have graduated. I remember how hard it was to find time to take care of myself. But you MUST!!! You will be a better mom (calmer, happier, healthier), if you will make time for yourself!! Your 12 year old is old enough to watch a few kids while you go for a walk, do a video workout, plan healthy meals...etc. I love what one person suggested...incorporate PE into your homeschooling schedule. Have them do the video with you! Have them walk with you! I usually walk twice around my neighborhood. I usually take one child with me. It is a great opportunity for one on one time. You can do this!!! I lost 90 pounds while homeschooling 7 kids! I will send you a friend request. Ask me anything!!
  • completebeginnings
    completebeginnings Posts: 34 Member
    Me. 4 kids ages 10,8,6,4. I work out in the morning before they get up. My dh and I trade off but sometimes both go at once and have cereal and milk out for the kids to get started in the morning with out us. My 10 yo is very responsible and babysits regularly. She took the Red Cross CPR and baby sitting course and the instructor said she was more responsible and clear headed then the 14 and 15 year olds in the class. I feel comfortable leaving them for a bit. I eat lower carb, but I have found I do better when I dont put myself on a diet. I am also a homebirth midwife so I have to fit in work with the kids, school and exercising. Add me as a friend.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I'm a homeschool mom to 8 kids. My oldest just graduated so I have 7 at home (ages, 14, 13, 11, 10, 8, 5, 2). We do a PE hour and the kids have activities outside our regular school (wrestling, guitar classes, ect) When they are at those I have an hour or so to myself to workout. Feel free to friend me.