Eating Healthy a bit too much

Hi Guys,

So I tend to eat a lot because I get hungry a lot, but I don't eat junk food. When I'm hungry I opt for greek yogurt, apples with peanut butter etc. However, I see that I always exceed my calorie target? I'm a bit lost of what to do. How can I control my hunger and yet be within my calorie target? My goal is to reach 45kg (1kg to go) and toning (lots of this to go).

Please help !



  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    Exercise more.

    You may also just have your calorie limit set way too low. Search for 'in place of a roadmap' on the forums and follow what it says about TDEE. It looks like you are close to maintenance (with only 1 kg to close?) so you should be eating pretty close to TDEE.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Well your goal is to lose 1kg? So then you should really be able to eat quite a few lbs since you really should just take a 10% cut from your maintenance calories and lift some weights.

    You could even opt to just eat at maintenance and lift weights - no cut at all - that will give your body more calories with which to build muscle. At 45kg there's really no need to lose any weight at all. Besides the fact that there's no such thing as toning. You either need to lose the fat off the existing muscle or build some more muscle. Building any appreciable muscle mass will require a caloric surplus each day.

    But anyway, the way to feel more satisfied is to eat more protein - chicken and steak have HUGE amounts. Aim for 1g per pound of lean body mass each day. If you aim for at least 80g of protein each day, and combine it with high fiber carbs and adequate fat, you should feel fine.

    Set your macros for 30% protein, 40% carbs, 30% fat and see how you do.
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    Get chia seeds, and eat them 20 minutes before you eat with water. They suppress hunger and keep you full for longer. Cook with cinnamon!! Cinnamon curbs hunger as well. And be sure to eat lost of calorie dense foods, like brown rice, or proteins because they will keep you fuller for longer. If you are hungry tho eat like some cucumber since they are mostly water and so they also fill you up.

    But other than that, workout more so you can eat those 'extra' calories.
  • mad4beinhere
    mad4beinhere Posts: 63 Member
    I agree with the above ^^^ I would say your not eating enough protein, hence the hungry feeling.
    You can't build muscle without it.