Starting over... again

I have trying to lose weight since last november (Why I decided to start losing around the holidays I will never know) and have yoyo'ed badly. I started out at 215. My lowest in the past seven months was 193 but I was denying myself certain foods and ended up going on a month long binge. I gained back 7 lbs and lost all modivation. I know this journey isnt suppose to be easy but I didnt realize it would be this hard. My birthday was 2 days ago and I promised myself I would jump back on the bandwagon and get back down to 193 and then work my way to my goal weight of 140-150. I think my main problum is my love for food.
I need some more friends to help me achive my goal. Please. It would help me so much seeing as I have no support here at home.


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • JeremiahStone
    JeremiahStone Posts: 682 Member
    Loving food should never be a problem. Its just being able to control that food that can be the problem. :) Feel free to add!
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
    We all **** up evry once in awhile. No its not easy changing habits for the better but its worth it. For the record, I don't deny myself any foods except sodas. I want a cookie Ill eat it. I've been successful that way. I was 200+ pounds once. You sound like you are having trouble fully committing to losing weight. But you have to remember that its not going to fall off overnight, but if you really want to lose it, you will. You will do anything to lose it. Thats commitment. You will push through those lazy days that you dont want to excersise, you will excersise your willpower to resist a tasty treat, practice portion control, and even forgive yourself when you do mess up. Its a long bumpy road full of trial and error. But like I said I'd you want it bad enough, you'll get there. It sounds like with you, you're denying yourself foods you love.. bad or not, that's one of the biggest sabatogers of weightloss. Dont deny yourself a cookie or a bag of chips BUT remember to practice portion control. Very very important. As for your family members not supporting you, well with my situation everyone I know eats like crap, so I learned to not let it effect me. You should learn that to. Decide in yourself that you are going to lose this weight no matter what. For you. Noone else. With or without anyones support. You deserve it. Since I've been on your friends list for awhile, I can offer you my cell number and you can just txt anytime you have questions about anything, because like I said I've been there.. im always happy to give out tips and advice about weightloss! You can do this if you want it bad enough.. and you sound like yyou're about ready to blast that fat to hell. Lol. Anywy ill support you howevr I can. Good luck!
  • pita91
    pita91 Posts: 6 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. I am just recently restarted MFP and I'm eating right. I am trying to learn that just because I slip up from time to time does not mean I need to give up, it just means I need to work harder. :) I would love to be your friend for support and I log every day.
  • Habiteer
    Habiteer Posts: 190 Member
    I was thinking this morning of how much I loved to eat at these two Chinese buffet restaurants in my city. Chinese food has always been my favorite, but I know it wasn't good to eat there multiple times a week. Haven't had any Chinese food for at least two months haha, but I feel fine with that now. Less pangs of hunger for foods filled with fat and sugar, more of a taste for my own healthy slow cooked meals. Eating unhealthy is an addiction, but so is being healthy as well =) good luck with your transition.

    Add me if you want!
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    Feel free to add me I LOVE FOOD. This has been a many step process for me.

    My first step was to be a "qualitarian".

    I found the word long after I decided to be one. I LOVE FOOD - I love the different flavors, different textures, different after tastes, different colors, different ways of preparing it. I am never hungry, but always ready to eat. I never feel full and I must clean my plate.

    Now if I crave chocolate I don't grab the first Hershey's Bar I can get my hands on, I wait and grab a nice bar of quality 73% cacao or more chocolate bar and if it has healthy almonds or craisins in all the better for me.

    And I chew, I take a bite, put down the fork and chew and enjoy my meal. I also don't eat on the run - can't enjoy my food that way.

    It's a slow process, but it does not have to be painful. Plan for things and it will happen.
  • lisaashall
    lisaashall Posts: 2 Member
    never give up trying, you lost it before you can do it again I'm sure of it, stay positive if you want anything bad enough it will happen, good things come to those who wait. Please add me I also need support.x
  • ChrisC_77
    ChrisC_77 Posts: 271 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me. I am a healthy weight, and fairly fit. But I want to take that to the next level. I was doing very well eating healthy and exercising more and lifting weights. Then , I had a week off work while the kids where off school and completely stopped going to the gym. Which is at my work mind you! Then a bit more slipped away. Eating healthy over all still, but eating more junk than I would like. So I too could use a fresh start...again. lol
  • jackieg218
    jackieg218 Posts: 96 Member
    Feel free to add me, I have not found this as a painful experience, but rather an adventure in cooking and planning. I am a TOTAL control freak and believe it or not, I get a ton of pleasure out of logging... So beyond the 57 lbs I lost, I had a blast doing it! I still have about 10 more lbs to go, even though I hit goal) I want a buffer zone of a few lbs because I am quitting smoking soon. I don't think I will ever stop logging though, I kinda need to see the breakdown of what I am eating.

    Only thing is.... I won't trash someone else about HOW they walk this journey, and I expect the same. We all have our own plans and ideas of how to do this... And it's not up to me to decide if YOUR way is right or wrong... Know what I mean?
  • Andreitzi
    Andreitzi Posts: 9
    I made myself go on here, make an account, and do really good with exercising and eating for a week maybe two weeks tops... but I just stop, a month goes by and I come back, see the three days, five days, week, and other reminders of not being able to complete my goals... I would rather see a, "Welcome Back Andrea, Its always good to know you have not keeled over, here's a few tips on how to avoid that..."

    That would be awesome... lol

    Dont know if I added any friends here... it might help if I had some
  • murdledoe
    murdledoe Posts: 98 Member
    I think probably a good portion of us have yo-yoed and you are seeking help in the right place. If you stick with the MFP program and stick with the number's you should be successful. Remember that once in a while you may have an off day. You are welcome to add me as a friend.
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    I'm in the same boat....coming back to this after months of flying by the seat of my pants and telling myself I need to be less dependant on MFP as I get closer to my goal weight. Now I'm crawling back 5 kg heavier!

    Would love some motivation buddies so feel free to add :)
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    I made myself go on here, make an account, and do really good with exercising and eating for a week maybe two weeks tops... but I just stop, a month goes by and I come back, see the three days, five days, week, and other reminders of not being able to complete my goals... I would rather see a, "Welcome Back Andrea, Its always good to know you have not keeled over, here's a few tips on how to avoid that..."

    That would be awesome... lol

    Dont know if I added any friends here... it might help if I had some

    I used to do this ALL THE TIME until I discovered the community on here and started adding friends. I was really successful after that! Feel free to have a look at my transformation, if I can do it you can! It definitely helps to have some like-minded friends to keep you accountable and encourage your progress. In my experience, the people around you IRL aren't always so helpful and get tired of hearing about it, so it's nice to be able to come on MFP and go nuts :)
  • AylaishlyBecca
    Hey girlie.....I know its difficult...believe me. I have restarted and stopped a million times. I have finally realized something. Its called LIVING....and life is always ENFLUX....always changing. I think of myself as a CAVEWOMAN. In the winter I am bound to bulk up a little, hey its cold outside, and winter food is so darn YUMMY!! So its summer, and you realize as you are hacking away at your ankle with a razor, (well hacking isnt a great word but hey), you REALIZE that dammit you need to do something cuz you cant BREATHE when ya bend over...(ok thats just me)... So thats why we are all on here, this site. Its a great coping mechasim,but it cant put food in your mouth, or kick your butt to go out walking. (Maybe that is a special feature MFP needs to look at getting) By all means forgive yourself, then have a talk with yourself! All the trigger foods, the sweets, the saltys, the mooshy foods you love, find healthy foods to ADDRESS those triggers. Buy the healthy bag and get a box of ziplocks and portion out, (I have been known to count every darn chip of something) Then put the ziplock bags back into the healthy bag of whatever. You are less likely to pig out on the whole bag when you have sat and counted (NOT EAT WHEN COUNTING really important) .....So lets start k? Oh REALLY IMPORTANT......LOVE yourself, take TIME for yourself, and FORGIVE yourself. Its doing the best she can really..... Becca