Pizza and Wine

NanaMAT3 Posts: 43 Member
Had pizza and wine last nite with friends -- ugh feeling it this morning -- just feel crappy overall -- haven't had anything like pizza in a good clip so am thinking it's just that my body is say whoa what the hell ..... lol .... I've had my coffee and had to mix up a batch of waffles to freeze so just had my waffle with strawberries -- hopefully that perks me up some -- with this being father's day we'll have the whole gang over for bbq and swimming -- just gonna have to watch what I'm putting in my mouth -- we are having steaks so there's my protein portion -- just not sure what everyone is bringing for sides -- should be fun no matter what !!! Hope everyone is having a great day. Not gonna dwell on last nite's partakings -- onward and upward !!!!


  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    There is not a week that goes by that I don't enjoy a couple slices of pizza and some wine.
  • 8dozendiets
    Pizza and wine - the breakfast of champions
  • JankaLee
    JankaLee Posts: 35 Member
    There is not a week that goes by that I don't enjoy a couple slices of pizza and some wine.

  • dnunny70
    dnunny70 Posts: 411 Member
    I have a great wine in the cabinet that pairs nicely with pizza ad wings! Did you enjoy your time with friends? Yesterday is over...focus on today and enjoy the BBQ.
  • NanaMAT3
    NanaMAT3 Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks everyone !! Yes, I enjoyed my time with them very much. And today is a new day, although is Father's Day and they'll all be here for bbq this afternoon -- got my steaks already thawing, everyone brings own meat -- am gonna make a skinny broccoli salad -- we'll see what everyone else brings, but am gonna have a grand day in the pool with family and friends and enjoying eating not only good tasting food but good for you as well ..... some fruit and a veggie tray I think are in order ..... just not gonna make my famous potato salad -- they'll be a few who won't be happy but ...... maybe next weekend !!!! lol
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    I had pizza last night. It was crappy pizza though. I am still looking for a decent pizza place here in LA. The quest continues so I guess I still eat pizza often.