Need some ideas

Just wondered if you have some advice for me on what is a good breakfast, lunch, supper, snackst.
I started to track with myfitnesspal and finding out that what I eat is the reason I am not able to lose weight. This morning I had 2 cups of coffee and probably 3 tsp French Vanilla creamer, cup of raisin bran with 4 oz skim milk, and 1 pc of toast with peanutbutter. I am at 580 calories, 86 carbs, 20 fat, 22 protein, 754 sodium, and 44 sugar for the day already. So, I am over on my sugar just from my breakfast.
I have introduced water into my diet finally. Trying to get used to drinking more. I used to never drink water at all. I drink atleast 40 oz now. I am not a big eater, but just eat the wrong things.


  • adamdlc
    adamdlc Posts: 34
    For breakfast the other day had --- Coffie with skim milk , Oatmeal 2cups cooked with berries honey and cinnimon. Lunch i had a Tandori naan bread with 6oz chicken, Onions,spinich, tomato, and cottage cheese. Dinner is usually protein and salad, For snacks i have apples,banannas, Chiobani greek yogart, nature vally bars, stuff like that. I drink Lots of water and green tea, Easy to drink your calorie intake so go for things with zero cal.Cheers hope that helped a bit. If you check out my food blog i eat pretty well
  • lulubarrick
    Thanks....I will have to check out your food blog. Not sure how to get to it though. I am new to this site.
  • JankaLee
    JankaLee Posts: 35 Member
    For breakfast the other day had --- Coffie with skim milk , Oatmeal 2cups cooked with berries honey and cinnimon. Lunch i had a Tandori naan bread with 6oz chicken, Onions,spinich, tomato, and cottage cheese. Dinner is usually protein and salad, For snacks i have apples,banannas, Chiobani greek yogart, nature vally bars, stuff like that. I drink Lots of water and green tea, Easy to drink your calorie intake so go for things with zero cal.Cheers hope that helped a bit. If you check out my food blog i eat pretty well

    Your lunch sounds awesome!
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    • Fiber One celeral w/ skim milk
    • Egg sandwich/wrap using whole grain english muffins/wraps/bread
    • Smoothies using frozen fruit, greek yogurt & skim milk

    • Veggie burgers
    • Lean Cuisines
    • Salads

    • Fish... salmon, tuna steaks, halibut, tilapia
    • Veggies ...
    • Brown Rice
    • Spaghetti (whole grain of course)
    • Chicken Breasts
    •Turkey Breasts
    • Shrimp

    • Greek yogurt
    • Apples ( i keep my fruit bowl stocked with all kinds of fruit just for snack purposes)
    • Cheese sticks
  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 821 Member
    Rasin bran has a "high" sugar count because of the raisins - they are natural sugar though and contain a bunch of fiber. I would be tempted to skip the toast and just eat the peanutbutter. I would try and buy just bran flakes and add berries to it instead. I would perhaps add some yogurt to your cerial to boost your protien but I pretty much have bran with berries and a piece of toast every morning for breaky.

    I think its fine as long as you eat a good deal of veggies throughout the rest of the day and keep an eye on your sugar thats not from fruit and keep an eye on your carbs. Ie wrap full of veggies for lunch,
  • _thirtytwo
    _thirtytwo Posts: 25 Member
    If you have a Trader Joe's close by it has really changed how I eat - I opt for simple high protein and fiber meals, something like yogurt or oatmeal for breakfast, a sandwich or salad for lunch, and then I throw in something from Trader Joe's frozen foods section for dinner. Unlike most packaged stuff a lot of TJ options are organic and free of most chemical add-ins, I've found it helps to have a warm healthy full dinner and with my schedule it just works so much easier for me when I know I can just pop something in the oven an hour or so beforehand.