Running Peeves

BenKnowsFitness Posts: 451 Member
I have running peeves. Please share yours too.:grumble:

Runners that do an about face when running. Uhh, why not look behind you first. And double peeve if you do this on a circular track, just keep going and you'll get to the same place.

People with mean dogs. Leave KuJoe at home. Last thing I need is a big scare during my 10th mile.

Cars that hug the edge of the road. Really, what if I stumble left (U.S). Just move over a few inches please.

Group runners that spread across the entire track such that opposite direction runners are faced with a game of chicken (or high speed red rover)

Whew, I feel much better now.:happy:


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    How about the cycling groups (and I'm a cyclist too) that seem to think it's ok to ride 3 abreast an the shared paths (there's a reason for the lane markings) My response is to take up as much of my lane as I can......

    Or......runners who spit during a race without making sure there's not another runner in their line of fire.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member's about *Pet* Peeves...I was a little excited, thinking it was going to be about Peeves the Poltergeist caught running....[big sigh of disappointment and embarrassment] :embarassed:
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I have running peeves. Please share yours too.:grumble:

    Runners that do an about face when running. Uhh, why not look behind you first. And double peeve if you do this on a circular track, just keep going and you'll get to the same place.

    People with mean dogs. Leave KuJoe at home. Last thing I need is a big scare during my 10th mile.

    Cars that hug the edge of the road. Really, what if I stumble left (U.S). Just move over a few inches please.

    Group runners that spread across the entire track such that opposite direction runners are faced with a game of chicken (or high speed red rover)

    Whew, I feel much better now.:happy:

    I agree with all of your points.
  • Cars parked on the pavement in such a way that I have to veer into the road to get past. There's one in particular up my road that likes to park in such a way that if you want to squeeze past it on the pavement, you have to dive into the bushes.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    How about the cycling groups (and I'm a cyclist too) that seem to think it's ok to ride 3 abreast an the shared paths (there's a reason for the lane markings) My response is to take up as much of my lane as I can......

    Or......runners who spit during a race without making sure there's not another runner in their line of fire.

    So very true and annoying as hell, especially the last one.
  • suv_hater
    suv_hater Posts: 374 Member
    Runners that wear white running shoes. Ew.
    Runners that wear cotton t-shirts. Might want to invest in a wicking fabric, you drenched monster.
    Runners that overtake you and think they're the stuff, but they only ran one lap around the park before passing out on the grass and you're on lap 17.
    Family runners on the weekend. Wife, huge stroller, and husband taking up the entire lane as you squeeze by and have the nerve to say "Good Morning!" to you. Hi but really shut up.
    Runners that run so slow that they would be better off power walking. Sorry, but your form looks like it hurts.
    Runners that play their music through their phone speaker (no headphones). Hearing "Call Me Maybe" against my will really hurts my pace.
    Walkers that think they're in your way and move exactly in your path. Then you try to run around them and they jump out of the way all scared.
  • BenKnowsFitness
    BenKnowsFitness Posts: 451 Member
    How about the cycling groups (and I'm a cyclist too) that seem to think it's ok to ride 3 abreast an the shared paths (there's a reason for the lane markings) My response is to take up as much of my lane as I can......

    Or......runners who spit during a race without making sure there's not another runner in their line of fire.

    I forgot about the cycling groups. The ones in my area are very considerate. BUT, there are always a few...uhh, let's just drive around blind curves at Lance Armstrong speed. Probably no toddlers around that bend...
  • BenKnowsFitness
    BenKnowsFitness Posts: 451 Member
    Runners that wear white running shoes. Ew.
    Runners that wear cotton t-shirts. Might want to invest in a wicking fabric, you drenched monster.
    Runners that overtake you and think they're the stuff, but they only ran one lap around the park before passing out on the grass and you're on lap 17.
    Family runners on the weekend. Wife, huge stroller, and husband taking up the entire lane as you squeeze by and have the nerve to say "Good Morning!" to you. Hi but really shut up.
    Runners that run so slow that they would be better off power walking. Sorry, but your form looks like it hurts.
    Runners that play their music through their phone speaker (no headphones). Hearing "Call Me Maybe" against my will really hurts my pace.
    Walkers that think they're in your way and move exactly in your path. Then you try to run around them and they jump out of the way all scared.

    Seriously, you are a funny man. Do yourself a favor and try some open mic nights. Drenched monster...he.he.he
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    Runners with overly friendly off leash dogs. One of my three is NOT friendly, and i don't enjoy wrestling 185+lbs of canine because you decided you dont need a leash.

    People who stop RIGHT in front of you. Im running sprints-ill just put my shoulders down and tackle your dumb @$$.

    Distance runners who scoff at sprinters. I have NO desire to run for an hour. Im here to get in some explosive sprints and leave-not make the circle 100 times.

    Dog fans. No, you may not pet my dogs. And no, i will not change my mind if you try to stop me every time we pass each other.
  • People who let their dogs approach me on retractable leashes. No, I do not want to pet your dog, I'm out here to exercise. Also, please don't make me run off the trail so your dog can stay on it.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Runners that do an about face when running. Uhh, why not look behind you first. And double peeve if you do this on a circular track, just keep going and you'll get to the same place.

    A few weeks ago, a guy overtook me, turned around to check me out, and ran slap bang into a metal sign :laugh:

    My peeves are groups of people at bus stops, people who stop in front of you, groups of youths with staffies, guys who feel the need to comment on your running (normally overweight smokers), other runners checking out your running shoes and broken paving stones.
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    - van/car drivers who beep their horns and scare the life out of me...I'm usually zoned out when running.

    - running past a pub (lots of them in Gateshead) and through the inevitable cloud of ciggie smoke generated by the social lepers. (Not that I'm one of those fascist ex-smokers or anything!:laugh: )

    - the smell of the takeaways (lots of these in Gateshead too...I run in such a healthy place!) :sick:

    - car drivers who don't bother indicating...beep at me all you want, how was I supposed to know that you wanted to turn into the side street?!
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Runners who run in the road, but don't even attempt to stay close to the shoulder! No problem with running on the road because as I understand it it's easier on the knees, but at least try not to run right in the middle of the gorram road! Happens a lot here, same with people on bicycles riding with traffic as if they were in a car...
  • purpleroxmysocks
    purpleroxmysocks Posts: 137 Member
    Runners that wear white running shoes. Ew.
    Runners that wear cotton t-shirts. Might want to invest in a wicking fabric, you drenched monster.
    Runners that overtake you and think they're the stuff, but they only ran one lap around the park before passing out on the grass and you're on lap 17.
    Family runners on the weekend. Wife, huge stroller, and husband taking up the entire lane as you squeeze by and have the nerve to say "Good Morning!" to you. Hi but really shut up.
    Runners that run so slow that they would be better off power walking. Sorry, but your form looks like it hurts.
    Runners that play their music through their phone speaker (no headphones). Hearing "Call Me Maybe" against my will really hurts my pace.
    Walkers that think they're in your way and move exactly in your path. Then you try to run around them and they jump out of the way all scared.

    i agree with all of these. Especially the last one!
  • The few shady spots on the trail I like are usually clogged by people with dogs chatting with other people with dogs, so you have to run way around and back into the sun. I look forward to those shady spots dammit.

    People who let their dogs off leash and those dogs want to chase you or jump up on you. I dropped an f bomb at 2 old ladies after 2 warnings to call their dog away from me.

    Mostly, I find people out on the trails or running the roads to be quite nice & respectful. I believe without any doubt that if I ever fell, a dozen runners would come to my aid. I would do the same.

    What's wrong with white running shoes? Not sure if I've seen any, but I wonder what's the problem?
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    People who run with jogging strollers. Or better yet run RACES with them. GTF out of my way.