Gained 4lbs since last weigh in two days ago... :-( help!

Pombear Posts: 17 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss

got a problem which i just cant get my head around.

Was doing really well working out at the gym for 60 minutes 5 days a week. Making sure i vary my exercise ... even started using swiss ball into my work outs. Having at least 2 rest days a week as well as watching what i eat.

The weight was dropping off 2 to 3 lbs a week...i was 213lbs on Monday

suddenly today i have shot up to 217lb? i also weighed in the morning? i double and tripled check put the scales are not moving.

is it water? muscle?



  • you should really only be weighing yourself once a week. your weight can fluctuate up to 4lbs throughout the day. most likely it's water. it's also possible that you're starting to build more muscle and as we all know muscle weighs more than fat. but i still doubt that you gained 4lbs of muscle in 2 days. i'm sure your body will even itself out and maybe drop some more by next monday. good luck!
  • crazybxrmom
    crazybxrmom Posts: 62 Member
    Most likely water. Your muscles retain water to repair and water weight can change daily. Where are you in your female cycle, that too can influnece your weight I gain 3 pounds overnight right before I start and keep it through the week until I am off again. Just keep doing the right thing and make sure yoiur getting all of your water in to fluch your system, and it will move.

    I weigh once a day on my drs advice, I can now predict my cycle based on weight alone and can head of some of the other unpleasant side effects such as sweet and salt cravings and bad moods. I exercise more and eat safe foods.
  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    Did you eat anything high in sodium that could have made your retain fluids? Are your shoes fitting tighter? That's an easy way to test water retention. Muscle weighs about 4x more than fat, but it is not going to appear overnight. Did you have a really good night's sleep? Sometimes, I sleep poorly and weigh myself then go back to bed for another 6 hours and my weight will drop 2 pounds. Don't fret over it, weight yourself tomorrow and see if the weight is still there.
  • TooFine4MFP
    TooFine4MFP Posts: 134 Member
    Watch the sodium. I had the same problem of weight not coming off. Also too as women we have periods where we retain water, and everytime that TOM comes, my weight goes up like 5 lbs. Then once I start, it will come down. Drink PLENTY of water and watch that sodium intake. I notice alot of people do not track sodium on their food diaries, but you can do well w/ the calories, carbs, etc. and still be high in salt. Try not to add any salt to your food and avoid high sodium foods, like processed meats and frozen products. More importantly don't be discouraged. Keep MEASURING YOURSELF. That is going to be final authority on any bodily changes. The scale doesn't always tell the whole story. And also, do not weigh yourself like crazy. I used be so obessed w/ the scale, I would weigh in the morning, after workouts, after I ate a big meal, at night, etc. Your body naturally changes during the day. You're doing great, just go back over your food diaries and see what you can tweak.
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Don't worry, it is most likely water retention. I know it's wrong to weigh everyday, but I can't help it. I note it down in my diary but officially log it on here once a week. On Sunday I'd lost a total of 0.6kg and by Monday I had shot up 0.3kg. It's now Thursday and have gone back down 0.3kg. So I know it's just my body adjusting and water weight etc. I do hope it goes down again by Sunday when I DO actually log it in.... :indifferent:

    We're all in the same boat! :smile: Just keep on doing what you're doing!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    you should really only be weighing yourself once a week. your weight can fluctuate up to 4lbs throughout the day. most likely it's water. it's also possible that you're starting to build more muscle and as we all know muscle weighs more than fat. but i still doubt that you gained 4lbs of muscle in 2 days. i'm sure your body will even itself out and maybe drop some more by next monday. good luck!

    Muscle and fat weigh the same btw a pound is a pound
  • remember.... in order to have gained a true four pounds (of fat) in two days, you would have had to eat:

    seven THOUSAND calories over your MAINTENANCE each day.

    I seriously doubt you did that.

    it's water/hormones/wonky girl stuff. :) don't worry. keep up your good work. i'll bet by next week those four pounds PLUS more are gone.
  • Don't panic! That was me last week and I was pretty upset. I've only been at this since Aug 2 and lost 8 then overnight but back 4! I had started a rigorous circuit program though AND it was a few days prior to my cycle. I'm now seeing those 4 come back off and relaxing a bit.

    Someone said only weigh yourself once a week, but I do daily. I am really curious to see how my body functions, when it gains, when it loses and love tracking that as evidence. It's easy to get lost in that though and I need to realize that this is more research than anything.

    Be patient and be proud of what you're already doing. Also be aware of how your body responds to what you're doing and use that to guide you. I be you'll see those pounds start melting again. Just done give up on yourself!
  • It's probably just water weight! Are you drinking lots of water thru the day? It's probably hormones too! Us women go thru soooo much with our hormones! Good luck to ya, and don't get discouraged, you're still doing GREAT!! You go girl...
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Well, I tried to take a look at your diary to see what you've been eating, but it's mostly blank. It's kinda hard to use this site the way you're supposed to if you're not logging your food and exercise. The few days I saw were not too good. Too much refined carbs and sugars, and not enough fresh fruits and veggies. But it's hard to tell since I could only look at a few days out of the last few weeks.

    I think if you log all your food and exercise and stick to the site guidelines, you will see better success. Good luck!
  • Thanks for the replies all. Just finished working out for 2 hours and 15 minutes. I thought I was going through an awful lot of music. Hopefully, I will see at least 1 of those lbs gone tomorrow morning. Yes, I drink tons and tons of water. Here's a question, though. Does plain seltzer water count as water? I mean, there's no sodium, no calories, no nothing in it. I did have about 3 glasses of that yesterday.
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