this stuff is so confusing ... i am ready to give up!

lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
I am so confused about cals.. where to put them... I have been at this for a year and a half and still haven't hit my goal. It took me 1 full year to lose 20 lbs... yes i have lost 25 lbs to date and have been really close to my goal BUT i still don't look like i thought i would by now..... Since i was so close to my goal, so many others kept telling me to start lifting to lose that last bit of Body fat, since i really didn't care about losing more weight.... So just over 3 months ago i started lifting, i bought CLX ( chalean extreme), thinking i would finally get the results i wanted.... Well i am into my 3rd month and no visible changes... so some have said, maybe your not eating enough, then others say i am too close to maintenance and eat less... what the heck does one do? how do i know what i am doing is going to be the right decision? I figured by now i would see some nice changes, and if i pick the wrong way to go " again" i will just freak out! why, is this so hard..... how does one know if they are eating too much or not enough for not getting results?


  • VanessaG02
    VanessaG02 Posts: 50 Member
    First off.... Please Don't Give Up!!! Keep Strong! This journey is not easy but you have already come so far! I am by no means an expert but I have discussed a few things with a Nutritionist and they said that it is not about the number of calories you take in but the kinds of calories you take in. Have you taken a look at your food diary to see the kinds of food that your are eating. Also a lot of people get to a point where the scale doesn't change and they don't see a difference in the mirror but if you measured yourself, the changes are there. Have you taken measurements (inches and body fat) and tracked that? Have you tried consulting with a Nutritionist or Personal Trainer to get some information? I hope this helps!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    yes i take my measurements weekly and as for body fat, i find i can never hit the same place twice it seems... I always get different numbers.... i also do monthly pictures as well to visually see changes.
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    I think the only way to know what is going to work for you is to change things up for at least a couple of weeks one way or the other. If what you are doing new works, great, and if it's not working after a few weeks, try something different. Takes a lot of patience, but I don't know any other way to figure it out. Don't freak out if a change doesn't work, just change it up again and keep on keepin' on. As the lady above said, do NOT give up!
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    I think the only way to know what is going to work for you is to change things up for at least a couple of weeks one way or the other. If what you are doing new works, great, and if it's not working after a few weeks, try something different. Takes a lot of patience, but I don't know any other way to figure it out. Don't freak out if a change doesn't work, just change it up again and keep on keepin' on. As the lady above said, do NOT give up!

    I am doing as described above, changing my routine to see if I can get better results. Try it. If it doesn't work try again. It's not meant to be easy otherwise we all wouldn't have to work so hard. Keep at it, you are doing it for yourself, yeah I'll say it too - don't give up.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    use one of theses instead of a scale

  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    If you're lifting and still not seeing results, you probably need to eat more. Carbs and protein especially. If you want the definition you need to feed those muscles. Your diary is private so I can't see what your macros are set at, but for me, on a 2k cal daily goal I have the goal of 205g carbs and 128g protein-- that's MINIMUM.
  • newsharonkay
    newsharonkay Posts: 37 Member
    My doctor told me that the body needs change, We are made to adapt and our metabloism does just that. He told me to start weight lifting like you are doing along with my cardio but we have to mix it up. I hired a personal trainer who keeps my routines different every week. We also have to change up our diet. You said your not interested in losing weight but if you like eat only chicken and salad for a couple weeks that changes the way your body reacts to calories and exercise. So I guess what I am trying to saying is keep changing foods , cardio and weight lifting and I believe you will start to see the changes you want. :flowerforyou:
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I am not very knowledgeable about this at least not enough to be giving you advice, as it would be akin to the blind leading the blind...but all is not lost, I highly recommend joining the "Eat, Train, Progress." group it was started and maintained by some very well educated people that are very helpful to say the least and the members of the group tend to contribute only if they have a solid understanding of the subject matter, so broscience as it were is kept to a minimum.

    Don't give up or feel to disheartened you have come such a long way, maybe you just need a bit more direction that's all, no biggie.

    Check the group out I'm sure it will help you tremendously.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I know how you feel. I throw myself into something 100% and then give up after a few weeks if it doesn't work. I also get confused as advice I get is either eat more or eat less. At the moment I'm fed up with it and not tracking- but not goingbmadveither. I domestnhealthily but probably too much to lose weight. I hope you find what works for you. I'd love to hear more about your deficits etc
  • pinkpatron
    pinkpatron Posts: 154
    Are you working out during the week? How long? What foods are you eating? I don't understand how you haven't lost anymore than 25lbs in a year, are you eating processed foods all the time?

    Maybe you have a thyroid problem?
  • christylindquist
    christylindquist Posts: 32 Member
    I was frustrated too because I lost weight without exercise then when I started exercising I gained weight. I was at 1700 calories and tried to do CLX5 days a week. My Dr. was a real jerk and made me feel terrible about my choices and wanted me to weight a lot less than I did at my last appt. So I cut my calories down to 1500 and started eating fish. I thought it would be really hard but it was an easy transition. Weight loss is slow but I feel better! I only weigh once a week and if the number doesn't go down I figue it's muscle because I feel better. Try lifting heavier weights in CLX? Don't give up! You can do this.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    use one of theses instead of a scale


    i'm not using a scale, i am going by measurements... I am not looking into losing weight, only body fat! my measurements haven't changed since OCT!

    i changed up my exercise routine in nov and dec ( did slim in 6) and i lost a few lbs but no inches or body fat... So i started a new program ( clx) in spring and it's 4 months long. I am in the 3rd month now and again no inches... i take pics every 30 days and no changes in the pics.....

    I have always had to keep changing things up right from day 1 every few months and i have never been at a set amount of cals for a real long time... i stall often and i always have to change up exercise or my cal intake...

    i know my thyroid play a big part in things and that makes things so much more frustrating.... i put on shorts yesterday and they were snug, even though all measurements are the same, it was strange....
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    I am so confused about cals.. where to put them... I have been at this for a year and a half and still haven't hit my goal. It took me 1 full year to lose 20 lbs... yes i have lost 25 lbs to date and have been really close to my goal BUT i still don't look like i thought i would by now..... Since i was so close to my goal, so many others kept telling me to start lifting to lose that last bit of Body fat, since i really didn't care about losing more weight.... So just over 3 months ago i started lifting, i bought CLX ( chalean extreme), thinking i would finally get the results i wanted.... Well i am into my 3rd month and no visible changes... so some have said, maybe your not eating enough, then others say i am too close to maintenance and eat less... what the heck does one do? how do i know what i am doing is going to be the right decision? I figured by now i would see some nice changes, and if i pick the wrong way to go " again" i will just freak out! why, is this so hard..... how does one know if they are eating too much or not enough for not getting results?

    How do you know if you're eating too much or to little? Bodyweight * 10.are you eating below this number? Then you're not eating enough, the exception is highly obese.

    This is not hard at all, you're making it hard. Burn more calories than you consume, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less, that's the end of it.

    You said you have no visible changes and lost 20lbs in a year... Well if you're like 3ft tall 110lbs you won't see much changes... you mentioned NOTHING about your size...

    yes i have changes since losing 20 lbs but NOTHING since starting lifting. That is my point!!!! I started lifting to reach my final goal and lower my body fat, but i am in my 3rd month with no real viable changes yet since starting lifting... so that is wher ei was confused on whether i was eating too much or not enough.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    Are you working out during the week? How long? What foods are you eating? I don't understand how you haven't lost anymore than 25lbs in a year, are you eating processed foods all the time?

    Maybe you have a thyroid problem?

    yes i have a thyroid problem, it is under control but it still has been a HUGE battle! I work out 5-6 days a week 30-45 min. I am lifting 3 days, endurance 1 day, hiit one to two days. i log everything, i don't buy processed foods except granola bar, which i don't eat daily... just once in a while.... see that is how one gets frustrated and want to quit. it has been super hard to lose my 20 lbs and the next person can lose that in three months!!!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    well to me it is... i have never lifted weights besides the little bit in 30 day shred. I have never lifted anything more then 5 lbs. i know to some if you are not in a gym, work with a trainer or do strong lifts 5x5 or new rules then it's not lifting. I think that even thought it's only 3 days a week, 30-45 min it's still a form of lifting. I am a lot stronger and i can lift 20lbs now compared to 3-5 lbs before. . how it clx not lifting? you lift heavy enough till you fail?6-8 reps?

    plus i also would like to say that i came on here and posted on the " support" forum for support... so i would like positive things said and help build my self esteem up, not make me upset about decisions i have made, things i do for exercise etc... i need someone to lift my spirits, i don't like that i have to seem to defend myself on what exercises i am doing, etc... I do dvd's that is what i do.. i can't get to a gym and have no gym near me... so i try to do what i can at home with what i have.... i think it's better then nothing? don't you?

    my whole thing that has made me bummed is not figuring out calories... i have tried up and down, it works for a bit then not.. i have never stayed in one place for long and now that i am lifting, yes i said it lifting i didn't know if i was eating enough, or too much and that is why i really haven't seen many changes b/c i have seen some that have done this program who have had amazing results.... even being as close to goal as i am... so it started to make me think, am i doing something wrong or am i just ment to be the way i am?
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    First of all, I wonder what exactly it is that you're trying to look like... perhaps you are already amazing just as you are.

    Secondly, my heart goes out to you with the thyroid issues. I have had problems with that too, but right now, I'm on a good dosage of meds and everything seems to be under control. However, my weight is still a struggle to manage, because I get so many highs and lows, and I'm sure my desk job isn't helping me at all.

    Also, to the person that says CLX is not lifting, please explain what the difference is, because I'm pretty sure it is. I had good results on it, but I never finished the lean month. I didn't lose weight, but my shape changed and I felt stronger and my hormones seemed to be stable for awhile... I would get back into it if I could commit to finishing it, but right now I'm just not very dedicated, and maintaining is fine for now.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    thank you :)

    what i am trying to achieve is body fat loss. I am a ta good weight now and don't want to lose more. i am around 23-24 % body fat and would like to be around 20. My biggest area of concern is of course my lower belly. so many told me to start lifting some weights to lose the body fat since i was near goal.... and it would change my body composition. so i was all for that.

    yes the thyroid issue sucks. I also am at a good dose but still have some symptoms. Last time my blood work was really good but it had always been a struggle with highs and low's. I am freezing all the time unless it is 85 or warmer... even then i still wear a light sweater most times...

    i am in week 2 of the lean phase and then i will do lean for life after. then change it up again and do 30ds again and then i plan of re doing clx. Once done that all over then i will try a completely new program, combat or pump i think.... I try and i try and it is so slow that i get discouraged in what i am doing.... i never know if it's my thyroid, not enough cals, too many cals or what... it's so hard to figure it out....i am always all over the place and who knows if that is making it harder too?